Darth vader did not deserve to be saved?

Published 2024-07-07
Most of Star wars is about Anakin Skywalker and his journey becoming Darth Vader. And him redeeming himself from becoming Darth Vader, but did he Deserve to be saving. Or were the deeds that Anakin Skywalker, did to evil to come back from. Compare his deeds to This. Some other popular movie villains, such as Davy, Jones and syndrome. And discuss why Darth Vader was saved and not them.

All Comments (21)
  • @lacolem1
    He didn’t deserve to live afterwards, but he earned his redemption
  • @camendiv
    The story is ultimately more about who Luke is as a character. He believed it could be done, so he risked everything on the chance the Vader would make the right decision in the end. The expanded universe does have moments where Luke actually does consider some people irredeemable. He vaporized them.
  • You lost me with your incredibles take. Syndrome is evil. He wasn’t hunting criminals, he was hunting people like a cat playing with its prey. He would take super heroes to the island and study them beforehand to deliberately kill them. What you’re describing as criminal, Mr incredible, doesn’t deserve death. As for Darth Vader, I agree that he is probably one of the most evil characters in history. He casually murders and justifies those murders based purely on his own personal beliefs. However, I think the idea of his redemption is rooted in religious belief that no matter how far you go into darkness you can always turn back to good. If Vader couldn’t turn to good then Luke would have failed on his quest to liberate the galaxy from the evil empire. Though I think redeeming him completely, and erasing all his misdeeds for one good deed is jarring. It does give a lot of hope in the forgiveness of God (or in Star Wars’ case the force I guess).
  • It you remember in Revenge of the Sith! Padme says to Obi Wan there is good in him, I can feel it! Even Luke saw good in Vader! The title Return of The Jedi refers to a Anakin returning as a Jedi! If he had not saved Luke, Luke would have been dead! The love of his son bought him back! Just because you’re redeemed, that doesn’t absolve you from your bad deeds!
  • I don't think you get it. Yes, Anakin was willingly and consciously committing vile acts in episode 3. But he did all of that for the power he desired to save Padme. Once she was dead, the emperor pretty much had him stuck in that suit. The suit is made to be weak to electricity and painful to wear. The emperor could kill him with the flick of a switch if he wanted, just like Watto had that chip that could blow up Anakin's head. Anakin was once again a slave
  • @orcaman178
    You are correct, Vader did not deserve to be redeemed at all. However that's the beauty of mercy. Luke was the one person who believed his father could change, he gave him the chance over and over, and Vader recognized that. It was because some one believed in him that he realized he didn't have to be bad, Luke granted him a peace he did not deserve. Thats whats so powerful about Luke, he gave Vader a second chance, which is something we all need. And there was a character who was irridemable, Sideous, who could NEVER be redeemed. All of this being said your version of ROTJ sounds really cool and is more realistic.
  • @Davo21K
    And to add to that, he did all that to save his wife. I know that you had to save your wife, but killing other innocents won't help it. What he did got to be the most selfish act we ever seen.
  • Of course he deserved to be saved: Disney would have nothing to destroy if he wasn't
  • @KristianTBV
    That's not how it works man. That's why Luke is said to be the greatest Jedi of all time, the true embodiment of the light side of the force by forgiving his father and offering him a second chance. Forgiveness is NOT about whether or not you deserve it.
  • @diggityslice9023
    Being good means forgiving those even when they don't deserve it
  • @DrD00M3
    I do like the idea of Vader dying a villain as long he still saves his son because I think it's in character for him to do that maybe force Luke to kill him after Vader saves since he refuses to be a good guy
  • @dreadrath
    The vast vast majority of villains in fictions don't deserve redemption. The idea of redemption is fine for minor offenders, but there's a point where it just becomes absurd. Still, since Vader died in the act of doing the right thing, its a fair trade off, he recognized his wrongs and then croaked, no pointless trials, no silly life in prison sentences, death is the only suitable end of a redemption story with regards to someone who's done that many horrible things. Now if it were a serial cooky thief seeking redemption, I say they can live after their redemption..... unless it was my cookies they stole of course, I'd show no mercy.
  • @MegaJetty1
    I do agree that he made his choices, but some of Vader's decisions were the result of the emperor grooming him since childhood. Remember, while he trained as a Jedi, he was also befriending the Emperor since he was a kid. Anakin didn't realize the depth of his manipulation until late in life, post-RotS and continued doing evil because he felt he had nothing left except service to his master until he found Luke. Luke was his redemption in his eyes. And as for why Vader was redeemed, George Lucas had issues with his own father, hence the rivalry between Luke and Vader is a parallel of that, and Lucas managed to make peace with his father and he implemented that into the story.
  • @milkman3309
    I think Vader's redemption was perfect, he was manipulated into being a Sith, used by Palpatine to cause havoc and fear across the galaxy, not to mention that Palpatine made the suit worse for Vader. He lost Padme, he got burnt alive by Obi-Wan who he saw as a father-figure in a sort of way, and after the fight with Obi-Wan on the death star, Yoda felt Vader's emotions, how Anakin was trapped and only became sadder when his former Master died. The only thing he wanted to do was save Padme, but when she died, he got hopeless, he blamed Obi-Wan and fought him. He lost his "brother", friend, lover, wife, life, in the matter of hours. He blamed himself for his mothers death after leaving her on Tatooine. He didn't know how to process his emotions and Palpatine took advantage of that, and used it against him.
  • I didn’t think he deserved his redemption. He killed younglings. Saving your own son from the emperor doesn’t make up for the terror he caused. Great character weather it’s Anikin or Darth Vader. First 6 movies are great for the most part especially 3,4, and 5
  • @AOT_HxH95
    I think Vader's worst thing he did was Project Blackwing, Imperial Bioweapons Project I71A. The zombie virus from Death Troopers. Upon seeing this video's thumbnail, I thought it was about Vader being the mastermind in that.
  • I judge a villain this way. How much heart they have. One who does not have any sort of love or compassion is one that is beyond redemption. No matter what their actions, if they still have a spark of those two things in their heart they are not irredeemable. Palpatine however had no real love or compassion and only cared for himself.