A bridge near a Minnesota dam is at the risk of collapse

Published 2024-07-02

All Comments (21)
  • @vicO1323
    County engineer knew about the problems of the dam in 1972.
  • @dsveo
    This is what happens when you "kick the can down the road".
  • @mickeysmiths
    Where is this? What is a Minesota dam? I haven't heard of that type..
  • Why would you set a bridge pier on top of sandstone in the first place??? and not go into the sandstone 10 ft. to reinforce it so it doesn't wash away.... Left a problem for someone else to deal with is what they did... " FIRE " and Sue the Contractors that did the work.
  • one way to get it fixed , neglect it till something like this happens ,then get federal money to replace it at a fraction of the maintenance costs ,
  • @mnmike6884
    Improperly designed bridge footings. What engineering firm put together those design plans? Who approved the build design?
  • Have they thought about trying to save this bridge by putting boulders around the pilings until a fix could be drawn up to prevent it from total wash out followed by collapse?
  • @stoveguy2133
    So, dam is staying? Dam is going? Dam will be rebuilt? Why
  • Who's going to pay for the house, and the store that got washed away. Did you guys just happen to wake up one morning and find out that the river had jammed up the dam? You should have had some equipment standing by to clear out the dam, not just stand there and watch the river tear someone's life apart.
  • The dam didn't fail. The water literally went around it. Given the amount of water encountered, the dam held up surprisingly well.
  • @jamesmahan284
    Have you considered making a sleeve for the pilings? maybe place an earthquake device on the surface of the bridge to check on future mvmt.
  • 18 billion dollar tax surplus last year in Minnesota.. they blew it all right away too..
  • @jimbeam2705
    Well gee, why wasn't the pilings driven or drilled into the bedrock to begin with????? I've worked on bridge jobs and all of them had pilies driven or drilled into solid ground. Who authorized this should pay for a new bridge.
  • There are no solutions, only tradeoffs - Thomas Sowell They cut corners and got 40 years out of the bridge. Maybe if they spent twice as much it would have lasted 100. Maybe if they spent more on (expensive ) maintenance it would have lasted 80. We'll never know.
  • @GMCShazamataz
    So before the dam even overtopped and debris was seen to be building up, nobody thought to take an excavator and clear the debris as it built up? This whole disaster could have been mitigated with quick thinking and swift action. But now a home and business has been lost, and a vital bridge connection is compromised. Piering and pouring a pile cap to support the bridge pier is now the fastest and best option while there is no traffic.
  • fix the new dam so debris goes through it so as not hold water back.