NOW FAITH IS | Bette Stevens

Published 2023-05-26
A study on Faith by Bette Stevens.
So important in the end times.

All Comments (4)
  • @Huia87
    Helpful to me at this time... god revealed to me in dreams that my rightful inheritance from my late father was stolen by treacharous "family" members in dreams about 18 months ago. I have since been guided in the steps to get it back and showed in recurring prophetic dreams that I will win the legal battle to do so. It is very scary without faith because my "family" are very toxic and not christian at all. They either hate me or don't care. Also, god has given me warnings about one cousin in hawkes bay who plans to brutally murder me if I go near him. He is a dangerous psychopath who almost murdered a local man in December 2019... so I am being guided how to have him put in jail to help the local community. Without faith my situation appears hopeless and terrifying but with it I am calm and confident. Your point about faith including faith around timing is helpful also, thanks.