Which is Best : 40k or 30k

Published 2023-04-22

All Comments (17)
  • @KiyokaMakibi
    Oh my goodness! Template and scatter dice! I miss those. I felt they added a fun element. Even though I don’t play 40k I have read some rules and army data sheets, and found little variation between armies. Maybe it’d just be a nightmare to have them too different but it’d be so much fun, for example, like mind control actually doing what it says. (I’m looking at you genestealer cults!)
  • @kalzhae
    for the whole duration of 9th I would have agreed with your conclusion. but sadly with 10th as it is right now I think 30k is outright superior. the variety of faction in 40k isn't a deciding factor for me when it's so unbalanced that even 30k inherent balance issues seems fine in comparison. Especially with things like liber panoptica and liber antiquia being a thing. I also think 40k is trying way too hard to be easier to play, which should be a good thing, but end up creating rules that seems ... unrealistic. And the fact that for some faction in 40k picking some fun unit during list building is like actively hindering yourself. and it's not a fun experience. At least in 30k sub-optimal but fun unit don't make you feel bad playing them.
  • @jjmurph876
    Both have there merits but will admit some heresy mechanics are alot better especially the reactions
  • @40kalltheway6
    Only dabbled when it was first announced and you could get away from everyone talking about it. Someone in my games group is really getting into it so that might get me going again, this all sounds really good
  • The new Solar Auxilia army box is drawing me towards 30k. Want especially interested before
  • @lazysponge
    i think as a heresy player this is a very fair Videocomment although we are comming to different conclusion imho heresy is the better games but hey different opinions are cool why not. Great video
  • @aguy607
    Heresy is far superior. If u want a dumbed down synergy based competitive soup u prefer 40k If u want what makes warhammer special and customisable lore based army building and fun even with sub optimal units u play heresy
  • @paramite67
    I find 30k way better for hobby, more customisation, units that you have to build yourself etc...
  • @redgreen09
    sounds like fun one day get set see what do in nest vid and del wth UUUGGG 1oth edd
  • @aguy607
    Nah that’s false. 40k was it’s most unbalanced in 9th. I don’t call nuking everything balanced wtaf. Balance in terms of win rates and constant rule changes at a competitive level maybe but unit wise absolutely not. Heresy is far more balanced regardless of legion etc u can perform with much more sun optimal units or get bonuses from building a lore based list. In 40k u have OP units just being taken and souped together for syngeries to maximise damage and re rolls constantly that is not balance at all. Win rate balance yes, in game unit balance far from it I think that distinction needs to be made.
  • @starrius
    been playing both i have to say 40k is definately a better system for me, i find there are more issues with 30k to my mind than in 40k
  • I've never really been a fan of the HH lore. It always felt that a footnote to modern 40K to explain Chaos being added to the game (RT didn't have Chaos until about a year after release). Then there is the fact that HH uses the 7th edition system, which after playing 8th and 9th, I would not want to go back to. For me, 40K wins.
  • @BillWD
    40k better to play but 30k horus heresy story is everything, not much better story than that in the 40k lore. As well s my 40k armies I have a Traitorous marine army for 30k, using 30k armour but I have painted them in a tainted way where I could use them for 40k too, just by adding a couple of units such as possessed.
  • @Nipponson86
    Well, there is a one downside of 30k - its more expensive than 40k. I know I know, plastic models can be cheaper for 30k, but the FW one -which you will need anyway - are really expensive.