A single SC1 Hydralisk can beat one SC2 Battlecruiser

Published 2024-05-15
There is a mod called "sc evo complete" that allows players to play with Broodwar units against StarCraft 2 units! PiG plays vs Winter in these StarCraft 1 Zerg vs StarCraft 2 Terran games

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All Comments (21)
  • Well, removing the bad pathfinding and control group limitations really buffed up SC1 units.
  • @reinux
    I just looked more carefully at the art and realized how much work went into this mod. Insane.
  • @bjovers1
    Blows my mind that stormgate etc are being owned by sc1 in sc2 format. Its what we needed
  • Its funny how the BW-era BCs could one shot scourge but the SC2 versions are hapless prey for them.
  • In this mod BW Hydras are strong as hell, they reduced them to 1 supply as they should be but left the super fast attack speed AND gave them bonus damage to armored, their DPS is now VERY high to things that people may think are their counters (from an SC2 perspective). In fact they pretty much own anything in the air.
  • The transliteration of SC1's "Small, medium, and large" size tags with their "concussive, explosive, and normal" damage types doesn't perfectly transfer into SC2. specifically, the way that sc1 damage was calculated would result in tipping points of damage at certain upgrades (like the explosive damage of the hydra hitting a whole integer breakpoint at +2 against all small units) and having played with the mod for the last few days, I don't think those specific interactions are preserved. Also curious about psi-storm's damage difference and if the sc1 storm still does more damage. That said, this mod is still a ton of fun and I hope it becomes a popular game mode.
  • @Anon_Fox
    I feel most of the sc2 races after some games benefit mostly from early timings until the BW can build up. The longer the game goes tho for BW the more OP they can become
  • @masztaarc
    The crossover mod is the best thing to have happen to this game in ages. It's so much fun to watch.
  • @meomeo-yc8vk
    Report sc2: our technology has gone back more than 100 years
  • @tokudayo
    I had a few tens of hours in SC1 as a kid. Seeing this brings back blurry nostalgic memories
  • @GruppeSechs
    Maaan, BW drone sounds are so unique. Why did they have to undo everything in SC2? It's like they intentionally went out of their way to make it as unrecognizable as possible.
  • @mickcraftgaming
    I've always said that SC1 Zerg would be ridiculously OP if you took away the 12 unit selection limit and so far this mod seems to confirm my beliefs 😂😂
  • @AC3handle
    Queens with their web ability alone can help take down BCs and other stuff. Their long range spawn broodlings is a garunteed tank killer. And dropping parasites on enemy units, especially without any restoration, is practically cheat mode
  • @tkay42
    I loooove to see all the pros playing this Mod ❤
  • SC2 BC is as ill prepared for scourge attacks as SC1 carrier is. SC1 BC is perfect for scourge,becasue they can one shot them easily. The SC1 BC vs SC2 BC are entirely different to the point that they only have the same name and general shape in common
  • @RavagHer
    so basically sc1 is just a superior game in terms of balance and units not sucking ass
  • @reinux
    I have to say, I like the SC1 sounds.