Mojang changed Pistons... I fixed them

Published 2024-05-17

All Comments (21)
  • @axolottadamage
    I never thought the actual sound was an issue I just thought they were a bit too loud. The new sound just doesn’t sound powerful enough imo. Thank you Mumbo for fixing this, now that I am deaf I cannot complain ‼‼️
  • I love how the sound isn't actually as loud as it sounds, so it's perfectly silent ten steps away form the machine but it blows your speakers out when he takes one step forward
  • @cutiemolly.
    They should make the pistons waxable. If you don't wax the piston it has the OG sound, if you wax the piston it turns into a "silenced" variant of the piston which has the new sound. I think that would be a good solution! ^w^
  • @huiba1
    The beautiful thing about Minecraft is that within 2 minutes of the sound even being revealed, there have probably been 100 resource packs released that restore the old sounds
  • @Cole965
    Mumbo has learned that Loud = Funny and we should all be very afraid now
  • @juch3l601
    Mumbo: Listen to the sound Also Mumbo: Speaks 5x louder then the actual sound over the sound
  • @ruberine2086
    Personally, I think having the option of either sound is nice for different purposes, allowing pistons to be waxed (or the same mechanic via a different item) would be a nice way to go about it. Normal pistons make the old sound, waxed ones have lubricant and now make the new sound.
  • Loud piston sounds were a design choice that was set in stone over a decade ago. We all used to complain about not being able to make anything "covert" with pistons, but that was the point. The sound is meant to warn unsuspecting players that something BIG is happening nearby. But all of that could be fixed if we just had a resource-intensive option. The standard piston could still be viable in the early game, but the new, muffled, piston can be a quality of life upgrade in the late game.
  • @catboygremlin
    I have desperately wanted mojang to just ADD A REDSTONE BLOCK VOLUME SLIDER pistons, droppers, dispensers, etc on their own slider. Please, my misophonia has been begging for this for ages.
  • Even as a handicapped user with noise sensitivity issues, I think this unobtrusive sound setting should be part of accessibility settings as a toggle for the softer sound option. The balanced solution is not to push a complete sound design change on users where it is not necessary. This is akin to Mojang forcing everybody to use a high contrast resource pack to help accommodate those who require that support. Mojang needs to go back and give this strategy a rethink.
  • A potential solution to the issue could be making wool actually block sounds instead of just blocking sculk sensors from hearing them. This way, you could design quiet redstone contraptions by blocking the sound of the pistons, or dispensers, or whatever makes it too noisy, but still be able to make the noisier, more mechanical builds by just not changing anything.
  • Mumbo: turns on resource pack Minecraft: the sound of being inside a shed during a hurricane
  • "It's nothing special." There are four lodestones in that design, Mumbo. Edit: yes, I later saw there are 4 lodestones there; you can stop telling me! :)
  • @merry_64
    I feel like a "grease"or "oil" option could be really interesting. If you are looking for a loud, clunky sound for a redstone build, you would keep the pistons as normal. But if you were wanting to add sound effects, oiling the piston with maybe a bottle of honey, honeycomb or a totally new item to make it sound softer could be really cool!
  • @koelee
    Disguising piston sounds is such a cool usage of the new sound! Best solution I could think of to have the best of both worlds would be to add "silent piston" items to the game that function the same way, but have more of a "wooly" sound to them, or no sound at all. Otherwise, I don't think the change is necessary, since majority of players prefer the mechanical sound anyway and can use just a resource pack for the niche cases where they want to mute the sound of pistons.
  • I think it is a decent idea, if they made a "silenced" piston that had this sound. It could be made by combining a piston or sticky piston with honeycomb (wax/grease) that would make it the new quieter sound. This could be done in a crafting table, or after the piston is placed by clicking on it. So, normal pistons keep the old sound, and silenced/greased pistons have the new sound.
  • @KurzhaarBard
    Docm77 made a really good description of it sounding like someone "slapping 2 wet fish together"
  • @superspider64
    You managed to not only make me hate the lack of piston sound but simultaneously be interested in its potential within a minute. fascinating
  • @Chip10591
    They could just add a muffled piston recipe if they really want to take the loudness of pistons down a notch, just add wool to a piston in a crafting table, boom both sides are happy. Muffled pistons make the new sound, regular makes the old, and wool is not hard to come by. Very easy to automate as well.
  • There should be waxed pistons that make the quite sound and regular pistons can still sound cool and mechanical which leaves room for creativity and design whilst still keeping that nostalgic piston sound we all love!