10 Differences between Catholics and Protestants

Published 2023-03-02
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In this video, Taylor Marshall compares and contrasts the teachings of the Catholic and Protestant religions. Topics covered include the history of the two faiths, the different sacraments, and the role of faith in daily life.

If you're looking for information about Catholics and Protestants, this is the video for you! Taylor Marshall provides an in-depth look at the differences between the two religions, shedding light on their history and teachings. This video is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about Catholicism and Protestantism.

Dr. Taylor Marshall's book: Ant!christ and Apocalypse: www.amazon.com/dp/099965862X

Dr. Taylor Marshall's book: Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within: amzn.to/35fGp6k

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0:00 - Start
0:22 - Simpson's Heaven
1:34 - 1 Blessed Virgin MARY
3:16 - 2 Different BIBLES
4:14 - 3 Structure of CHURCH as Monarchy or Democracy
5:21 - 4 The POPE!
6:56 - 5 Holy EUCHARIST as Real or Symbolic
9:17 - Halfway Point
9:19 - 6 SAINTS, Veneration and Prayer
10:49 - 7 Scripture ALONE? or Scripture AND TRADITION
11:38 - 8 Are there 7 or 2 SACRAMENTS?
13:22 - 9 SALVATION: How are you saved?
15:51 - 10 LIFE AFTER DEATH: Heaven, Hell, (Purgatory, Limbo)
19:19 - Outro

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All Comments (21)
  • 24 Raised in a quasi Baptist household, father rejected organized religion, became an atheist in my adolescent years, knew nothing about catholicism aside from stereotypes and finally converted and was baptized at age 20. Currently growing in my Catholic faith for the past 4 years. Pray for me.
  • My husband was Lutheran. He was to become Catholic in 2022. He almost died just before he was to be confirmed as Catholic. . He said he wanted to be Catholic before he died. This year as his 1 year anniversary in the Church came he lay in the hospital again, and this time God took him home. He was only 57. Pray for the repose of his soul
  • @lewisholbrook
    I’m a lifelong Protestant and have married into a Catholic family (25+ years ago) As someone regularly exposed to both “flavors” of Christianity, I would say you’ve stated the differences perfectly. What’s more you’ve done it in a way that is not judgmental or belittling… Thank you
  • @cynthiamull129
    I am a navy sailor and have traveled 3/4 of the way around the world. I am a cradle catholic and was confirmed when I was 15. So I went to church in every country that I was in to see what all the hubbub was. So then I was able to learn more about all churches. I still was a catholic but I wanted to make sure I was following the right path. Guess what I am still a catholic and I still go to church with my mom because she is all I have left. She is 94 and I know that what I see is what I believe.
  • @dwglsmo
    I'm 67 years old. For the past 22 years, I've been an Episcopalian - the via media, if you will. From watching your videos, I'm seriously considering becoming a Catholic. I plan to attend a Latin Mass this Sunday. I will see where this leads me. Thank you, and God bless.
  • 0:00 - Start 0:22 - Simpson's Heaven 1:34 - 1 Blessed Virgin MARY 3:16 - 2 Different BIBLES 4:14 - 3 Structure of CHURCH as Monarchy or Democracy 5:21 - 4 The POPE! 6:56 - 5 Holy EUCHARIST as Real or Symbolic 9:17 - Halfway Point 9:19 - 6 SAINTS, Veneration and Prayer 10:49 - 7 Scripture ALONE? or Scripture AND TRADITION 11:38 - 8 Are there 7 or 2 SACRAMENTS? 13:22 - 9 SALVATION: How are you saved? 15:51 - 10 LIFE AFTER DEATH: Heaven, Hell, (Purgatory, Limbo) 19:19 - Outro
  • @VihanDamaris
    I'm glad to hear the way the Catholic think. As a Protestant, I don't think we were representated equally, though it's natural for some bias to creep in. We do not follow Martin Luther or anyone else based on their teachings alone. We just follow Jesus and the Bible. The real, alive Jesus. There is biblical evidence for everything we believe, and NO biblical evidence for the differences presented in Catholicism. (And I'm talking about the books we have in common. Even if you say it's coz we have different Bibles, that shouldn't matter because we have most of the Bible in common, so that wouldn't contradict the missing books.)
  • @chrisenglish4380
    As I am raised Protestant, currently living in a predominantly catholic community, I am often asked by younger people what is the difference between the two. Thank you for helping clarify the differences. God Bless🙏
  • @margocatholic
    Great video. I would add: -Catholics live by a liturgical calendar with periods/seasons of feasting and fasting -Catholics believe in 2 categories of sin: mortal and venial whereas Protestants don’t make a distinction between sins. -Attending Mass is obligatory for Catholics and Sundays and HDOs. Protestants believe attending church service is optional but encouraged. -Catholics believe in cooperating with God’s grace and mercy. Protestants tend to see it as more passive. -Catholics believe that we have a responsibility to pray for the souls who have died.
  • @haloangel2917
    I’m a Catholic and always wondered what the difference was between Protestant and Catholic. More out of curiosity and this was a great video. Thank you for explaining everything so clearly. I love these kind of videos.
  • I am Protestant but considering becoming Catholic. It’s just been on my heart since I started reading the Bible again and listening to the Catechism in a year and I think for myself this is the way my walk with Christ is taking me.
  • @vernduenas3159
    Great presentation. Life long catholic at 88. Truly believe and h a what I consider a miracle. 15 years ago I was suffering with shingles. During daily mass that I managed to get and somewhat regretted at the moment cause I was feeling awful to where I decided to go home and to bed instead of going to my evening religion class. Following communion, within two minutes I felt my strength return, pain went away, and suddenly I felt normal. My belief is that the holy Eucharist cured me. I did make my class!
  • I converted to Catholicism from Pentecostalism in 2013 and it was the best decision I ever made. One of the big things that led to my conversion was reading the early church fathers, people like Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome and Polycarp. They were only one generation after the Apostles and they were 100% Catholic! After re-reading the New Testament in light of their worldview, Conversion was a logical necessity.
  • @k-cmccann9594
    I’m an old Protestant with many Catholic friends. In fact, a close friend who has died was a Monsignor Priest of the Holy Roman church. My father was an ex-communicated Catholic who married Protestant and raised his children Protestant. While I’ve gained a general understanding of the distinctions between the two religious practices, yours was the most concise explanation that organised my thoughts on the subject. I’m thankful I watched it, and thank you for making it.
  • @halwheeler3124
    I was raised in the Baptist faith and will never regret it. I was given a solid foundation in the Bible and in morals (which I have violated many times). My “romance” with a Catholic girl sparked an interest in her faith and 3 years later I was confirmed in the Episcopal Church. I loved the liturgy. I am now an Anglo Catholic priest adhering almost completely to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. Very convinced that I’m in the right place
  • @Pkeenan1
    This is the best explanation i have heard. I was brought up Catholic split in my 20s. Finally began reading the Bible and John’s gospel & Galatians set me free.
  • @user-lv8xj7zj6b
    I was born and raised Protestant. I converted to Catholicism in my 30s.Thank you for this talk. It makes sense to me. Bless you!
  • I have always been Catholic, born and raised in Mexico, where 90% of the population is Catholic, so I really never wondered the differences, considering I only knew a few Protestants. Now I live in the US, and most of our neighbors are Protestants, so my kids come with a bunch of questions from their conversations with friends, so THANK YOU for this video! It helps me so much to understand and explain them. God bless you!
  • @Christ1
    I am a disciple, a Christ follower, and someone who is saved by faith and loves the Lord, so I do the works that he asks me to do, including loving my neighbor as myself, obeying and serving my God. I learned how to follow him closely by His in the Bible. It is a process. I think you did a beautiful job describing the Catholic church. What I care about is living a life and being with other true believers that glorifies God. I don’t think you described what the protestant church believes , its practices,or is the foundation. There are many different churches and there are very many now false churches and false religions that call themselves Christian. We need to be together as all believers, Christians- Catholic or Protestant . Each with different ways of Worshiping. We may not use the word - Sacraments, but those different practices and beliefs are part of our churches too.. Thank you so much for sharing so clearly about Catholicism. I don’t know if there is a clear video between a protestant believer and a Catholic believer but I think that would be helpful also. Thank you and God bless.