Hermann Göring - WW1 Fighter Ace

Published 2021-12-12
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How Hermann Göring rose from infantry officer to become a top fighter ace in WWI and holder of the Blue Max.

Dr. Mark Felton is a well-known British historian, the author of 22 non-fiction books, including bestsellers 'Zero Night' and 'Castle of the Eagles', both currently being developed into movies in Hollywood. In addition to writing, Mark also appears regularly in television documentaries around the world, including on The History Channel, Netflix, National Geographic, Quest, American Heroes Channel and RMC Decouverte. His books have formed the background to several TV and radio documentaries. More information about Mark can be found at: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Felton

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Credits: US National Archives; Library of Congress; Klaus M; DALIBRI; cool valley

All Comments (21)
  • I've never really heard or read much about the Red Baron's brother Lothar. With 40 kills to his credit he might be worth more than a mention, maybe the subject of a future video.
  • @gunslinger626
    It's easy to picture him as the bloated, opulent fop of his later WWII pictures. Well done sir, for the reminder that he was once a capable and courageous soldier. It's a stark warning that no one is immune to the corrupting influence of either unresolved anger or absolute power.
  • Goering at one point was an adept, capable, and brave officer. 27 years later, a bloated has been on trial for his life. If nothing else it is amazing the twists and turns life can take.
  • @kutter_ttl6786
    It would be interesting to cover his often-overlooked younger brother, Albert Göring. Unlike his more famous brother, he was a fervent Anti-Nazi and helped dissidents and jews escape throughout the war, his name no doubt saving him from the gallows. Unfortunately his name also led to him being shunned after the war and his exploits being largely unknown until decades after his death.
  • @haaasful
    Goerring cut a dapper figure in his younger days. He was also known to be daring and brave in his services as opposed to his later days when he gave up to spoil himself.
  • The first part of Goering's life was one of a romantic heroe, not only an ace (who has his picture on postal cards), but he saw himself as a modern chevalier. There are reports that he let go one of his opponent who had his gun jammed after saluting him, he wanted fair fight. Second part of his life, he was cetainly totally corrupt by power and drugs. He is a very interesting character.
  • @Sulimaaren
    Ah, the old saying "You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain" surely fits Göring.
  • @Max-lf3tx
    Historical figures are often depicted in either their best or worst light. The figure of a young Henry the 8th would surprise many.
  • @blank557
    I think this is a lesson that as much as we admire war vets, we have to be careful not to take for granted that they are not subject to human weakness just because they were brave and heroic in war.
  • @MrDlt123
    I am a pilot of 4 decades, and after only one flight in a WWI Avro Replica, I cant emphasize enough the bravery it must have taken to fly a plane made cloth and wood into aerobatic maneuvers against enemy planes. Those pilots were brave beyond belief.
  • @raedwulf61
    What an excellent video. In 2012, when I was a professor in Germany, we went to Berlin for something important. We were sitting in the lobby of a hotel on Unter der Linden when my German colleague said that this was one of Goring's favorite places to hang out. Something you normally don't hear about.
  • @trj1442
    3.2k views 12 mins after posting reflects how much we all appreciate your awesome content Dr Felton. Much love at 4.50am from downunder.
  • @rudolfabelin383
    Dear Dr Mark, as I have probably already mentioned, Hermann Göring was married to one of my father's best friend's aunt. The friend was Count Carl Gustaf von Rosen (a legendary pilot), the aunt was Carin Kantzow (born Carin Fock). They met when Hermann Göring in lousy weather flew Count Eric von Rosen (Carl Gustaf's father) home to his castle (Rockelsta) and was invited to have dinner with the family. Another interesting trivia is that the Count Eric von Rosen used the swastika to mark his belongings. It was also on the aircraft he donated to the newly formed Finnish nation.
  • Years ago, when visiting the Kelstein Haus ("Eagle's Nest") in Berchtesgaden, I heard the following story about Goering. Before leaving Karinhall for the last time, Goering had the place wired for demolition. The engineers ran the wires up to a detonator on a hill overlooking the manor. As the wires were connected and the detonator readied, up rolls the big Mercedes and Goering steps out in full dress uniform, all of his medals, his wedding sword and his fur-collared greatcoat. He gazed at Karinhall one last time, smiled ironically and said to all gathered there, "Gentlemen, this is the sort of thing one gets to do only once in a lifetime.". With that, he placed his boot on the plunger and blew Karinhall to bits.
  • @jduff59
    Reminds me of the film "The Blue Max" starring George Peppard, a beautiful-looking film about a selfish social climbing fighter pilot that had been an infantry man earlier in the war. It also featured James Mason, Jeremy Kemp and the lovely Ursula Andress. The cinematography is splendid. Thanks again to Dr. Felton - the "Ace of History".
  • @andybazz3694
    You need your own tv channel Mark. I have always studied history especially WW2 but every video I watch of yours I always learn something new , fantastic work.
  • BEST history channel on YouTube. No "Ancient Alien" nonsense. Well researched and informative. Thank you!
  • I also like the fact that, when ordered to turn all of his aircraft over to the French, he ordered his pilots to crash land their aircraft on the French field!