monuum - Cadenza for Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20

Made with Musescore 4 & Muse Sounds

コメント (11)
  • @Max-qd3rb
    if rachmaninoff wrote a cadenza for mozart
  • Tschaikowski: Yes, somehow. Apart from the harmonic development it would work. Mozart: No, that doesn't work.
  • @l_e_o_h
    that's really really good, rach style ahah but it isn't in the style of mozart and there's no point in being a super romantic virtuoso with music like that, it has nothing to do with it.
  • This sounds great! You should learn it and post an actual recording though! The midi, while greatly improved from MS3, takes the life out of this. This would sound 10x better played by a person and it doesn’t look too impossible. Your views would go way up as well!