How To Waste Your Life & Never Be Happy (A Short Story)

Published 2018-10-09
New Pursuit of Wonder book:

A short animated story about a man's search for happiness. On his journey, he looks everywhere, but learns that somethings you don't need to look so hard for.

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All Comments (21)
  • @clouttii
    Money cannot buy happiness but life’s much more miserable without money.
  • I don't need this how-to video. I'm perfectly capable of wasting my life and never being happy all on my own. But thanks anyway.
  • @Rosyblvsh
    I forgot who told me this, but it has stuck with me since a teenager, "Comparison is the root of all evil".
  • "One loses joy and happiness in the attempts to possess them." - Masanobu Fukuoka
  • @siddhu8558
    The only difference between noah and me is, at the end he got everything he wanted.
  • @aya2722
    -How to waste your life -Watching 10 min video about how to waste your life
  • @_nimrod92
    I rather be miserable but rich than miserable and poor. Having financial decisional power relinquishes suffering.
  • @andrewo.b.7638
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to live a common, decent life.
  • @fwalyfe4661
    “Comparison Is the Thief of Joy” - Theodore Roosevelt
  • Money probably can't buy happiness but I can tell you for sure that the lack of money can buy you misery
  • @Sun_Dayzzz
    This is one of those stories that people would tell their kids without knowing if the "lesson" at the end is necessarily true
  • @compass5507
    I've been married better than 25 years to the same wife. We have 5 kids. My wife has multiple health issues, which began about 17 years ago. We live in a modest house we call home. My kids love their "home," and my children who no longer live with us love coming home. It hasn't been easy being married with 5 kids. Nights were very long with little children, especially with an unhealthy wife. I spent plenty of time being a mom and a dad...that was not easy. I bathed my kids, changed diapers, cleaned children and their bedsheets loaded with vomit in the wee hours of the morning, got them ready for school, braided hair, cleaned the house, cut the yard, and cooked many meals. Then came teenagers...especially teenage daughters with a whole new set of challenges I could never have imagined. Some career aspirations were sacrificed or put on hold for the benefit of my family. We bought our kids slushies instead of milkshakes; we went to the "dollar" theater instead of fancy cinemas; our vacations were short, two-hour excursions; sometimes we just stayed home. There were times when I wondered how I could go on. Sometimes I wished for a different life with more money and career success, but no one should ever spend much time on "what might have been." But this much is absolutely certain... wife and children have given me the happiest times of my life. What could be better than that?
  • @lilantimason
    No one: Youtube at 3 am: How to waste your life & never be happy
  • @chad6684
    “Every man is happy until happiness is suddenly a goal”
  • @IRISH4486
    This was me for years. 51 now. And seeing live through different glasses. It’s never too late. If you can still recognize where you came from. I’m excited about the future. ☘️
  • @natashakwa
    I love how at every stage of Noah's life, "he wondered what he was like to be that happy." So relatable.
  • @maxd2215
    The key take away is to never compare yourself to other people's lives.
  • @nj7217
    NOAH : Not Obtaining Any Happiness.
  • @mrorganic13
    Can I just say while Alex has to continue painting and grinding the rest of his life or until he hits a solid break, now Noah has all the time in the world to find a passion and devote all of his money and time into it. When he feels like he’s overdoing it he can always take a step back and stop , money gave him that option, where as alex has to continue with his passion weather he’s burnt out or now.
  • @wavees
    Just a Korean casually walking by all these videos, this one hit me hard the most. I've been living so hard just to desire harder. Thank you for the video. This was a turning point to me of my 20's