David Drew: UFOs, Aliens, and all that . . . | Thunderbolts

Published 2024-07-14
“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” —Arthur C. Clarke

A meticulous deconstruction of the facts, fables, and speculations on the case for UFOs and Aliens. Including Faster than Light Travel, The Disclosure Project, Coincidences and Conspiracies, Lights in the Sky, Planetary Scars, Plasmas and Petroglyphs, The Thunderbolts of the Gods, First Contact, and why there are more questions than answers.

Author and independent researcher David Drew offers several possibilities on the Alien question: 1) the deep state has already made convert contact; 2) aliens act like prudent anthropologists who conceal themselves from primitive subjects; 3) a combination of the former and the latter.


Michael Armstrong
"UFO ≈ Plasma Phenomena"
Thunderbolts – July 8, 2023
   • Michael Armstrong: UFO ≈ Plasma Pheno...  

Peter Mungo Jupp
"UFO or Plasmoid?"
Thunderbolts – May 8, 2021
   • Peter Mungo Jupp: UFO or Plasmoid? | ...  

Anthony L. Peratt
"On the Origins of Icons from Antiquity"
Spring Meeting Presentation
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies
Redhill, England – May 21, 2005
   • Peratt and Petroglyphs  

David Drew aka The Soupdragon

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All Comments (21)
  • When i was 16 years old, i was sleeping (trying) with 2 more friends in a beach (very big beach in south of Portugal), the beach is so big that the stretch of sand, from the sea to where we were, a depression in the dunes, should be 250 to 300 meters away, but if we were at the beginning (where the beach begins) it would possibly be around 450 meters. The beach is called Pedras-del-Rei. I'm currently 55, so it was many years ago, the beach was slightly different, with a lot more sand. So, it must have been around 3:30 AM, we had just taken a shower (very hot weather) and by coincidence, we watched a trawler throw bales to the shore, which, in the meantime, some guys on foot were picking up near the edge of the beach. , as the currents and waves transported them to the sand. At that point we were already protected from the eyes on "our" dune, which in my opinion was lucky, because if we had been seen, we certainly wouldn't be here, in the worst case. It's relatively quick until the guys disappear from sight, leaving the beach. The beach at the time was full of plants that must have been my height (1.82m). The sky was slightly cloudy, lying parallel to the sea, we noticed that perhaps 500 meters in front of us, above some plants, was a shape, which at the time, I stupidly thought was a pterodactyl, given the shape and because the "wings" didn't move, but I removed that idea from my mind, because the animal, object, didn't move, it just limited itself to floating over the plants, I caught the attention of my friends, and we were perplexed to look and speculate what that would be it. At that moment, the object began to move gently towards us, our reaction was to cover ourselves with the blankets we had brought. We felt the object passing by us, perhaps 2 to 5 meters high, but we didn't see it, we just felt the movement of air. After a few seconds, we gathered courage and started looking for the object. It was then that we saw it clearly, passing in the opposite direction, but this time over the sea, close to the edge, at a relatively slow speed, we could observe its shape, without lights, matte gray, it was shaped like a diamond( well, not real a diamond, more like to pyramid´s joined, but quite thin), it was moving If there was no sound, it must have been between 8 and 15 meters long, and we watched until it left our field of vision. Note: i made a mistake, it was between 8 and 15 meters long...not away.
  • @billj776
    Thanks for an elegant - and entertaining - summation of the scientific "loose ends" out there. The segment on Peratt's encounter with the petroglyphs is especially compelling!
  • Never seen such a comprehensive explanation of most things concerning Ufo's, the EU and current science theories in such a short video. Well done!
  • "Have an open mind but not so open your brain falls out"
  • @headsails
    9:34 The new understanding of a common denominator between all things is consciousness and levels of it. Plasma is then seen as a spectrum of conscious manifestations and even also able to be manipulated technologically. I’m a #1 fan of Thunderbolts Project but also of Elena Danaan’s camp of understanding. So, I look to bridge these two very sympathetic realms and enhance discernment. Thanks Mr. Drew for your excellent presentation on bridging these two very similar and complimentary realms. I’ve been waiting for this and here it is. ❤️
  • @lmwlmw4468
    There is a difference between believing and knowing that they are here, and I know...!!! Great video.
  • @skiracer
    David Drew and Dufus, You doggz know how to make really interesting documentaries for us all to enjoy. Thank you!
  • @00110000
    Nice to hear TP's take on the discourse. A healthy blend of being open minded and grounded. Personally, I'm excited by all this. If nothing else, it gets people interested in space science and creates fun discussions 👍
  • Anyone remember the the December 2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly? Researching this back then is what led me to the Thunderbolts channel looking for an explanation.
  • (If I remember correctly) the russians were able to produce "UFO-phenomena" decades ago by mixing gas and plasma. They contacted some other countries and asked if they were interested in their show...the article about this was originally in NEXUS-magazine and I read swedish version of the article. I still have it somewhere.
  • Such an excellent and exciting video David. I see symbolisms all the time. It brings me peace that we survived many times before.
  • @dcorgard
    I'm glad someone covered the Hessdalen lights! They're quite an intriguing physical phenomenon. I tend to lean strongly toward the "battery" hypothesis, based on the underlying geographic make-up and the shape of the terrain.
  • I wonder when will they make a video connecting the electrical atmosphere with Feng Shui principles. I am beginning to understand why Feng Shui is not very friendly to pointy edges aimed at people or animals or plants. It seems pointy edges are a focal location of electricity surges, which, to my understanding, can cause disharmony/imbalances in the lifeforms to which they point at (for prolonged times - like to someone sitting in a desk for hours or during sleep).
  • @Hovercraftltd
    An excellent over view of this arena.... I do like the idea of low density interiors as per Wal Thornhill's proposal that gravity has polarity so that all globes are effectively massive shells providing protected interiors for life to be absolutely everywhere there is a globe of any sort. So vast is the habitat of the rocky sub surface of earth that the microbes that thrive their oblivious to the Sun outweigh all surface and ocean life and they show where interior life can develope from and at leisure. So it is surface dwellers that are the extremeophiles perhaps adapted to breed fast to survive the damaging environment, maybe so fast contact with long lived interior life is impractical but fascinating for them to observe. Likely an interior civilisation explores outside with 'droids' adapted to match the environment they are to explore sending back data and sensations in realtime and these self repairing or even breeding 'droids' are likely the aliens we might encounter? Certainly they would effect where they explore and being perfectly created for the environment they explore may accidentaly or otherwise become part of the evolutionary process..... If the civilisation that operated them ceased they would be independent life forms perhaps retaining an idea they were part of something bigger.
  • If you can look at the actions of our leaders and see influence from an advanced benevolent intelligence, you're a better man than I.
  • @mauimixer6040
    Thanks so much for the education and sharing your views on the Possibilities ! Mahalos from Maui 🤙
  • @JayDreamerZ
    I'm honored you guys used one of my thumbnails in this. Long live the thunderbolts ⚡️
  • I've liked Thunderbolts Projects vids before watching since I discovered your presentations. Says much. I don't always 100% agree. I do appreciate the candid, researched, and well thought presentations. Mahe Ohna ✌️ Favour ALL
  • @quinto190
    "The laws of physics need to be rewritten" (Tom Valone) - probably true, but as quantum physicist Hans-Peter Duerr has pointed out, nature forms habits, not laws. Laws get issued by a king and are a concept from human society, not science. Rupert Sheldrake has highlighted this as well in "The Science Delusion".