Cloud and Tifa Meet Again After Years Apart FFVII Original Game

Published 2015-11-23
The moment when Cloud and Tifa meet again after years apart. Subsequent to this scene Cloud becomes involved in AVALANCHE, based at Seventh Heaven bar, and the beginning scenes of the original game unfold.


All Comments (21)
  • @Growmetheus
    Tifa: “Are you okay?” Cloud: “goon.... ga... ga”
  • @taxo
    Tifa:"are you ok? You dont look well" Cloud:"yeah? I'm fine" she turns a second hands on his head he starts shaking a 400lbs sword like crazy
  • @kriss007G
    Its funny he remembered it was five years and it was true. Just that tifa never saw him. His most important memories stayed there.
  • "I never thought I'd find you here." Implying subtly that perhaps she has been looking for him.
  • Man it’s like discovering gold in your own home... the story is so good and I never even realized it. Back then I was more about the battle and grinding levels. I need to replay this game!
  • @billybatts8283
    You've got to remember, for Cloud the events of 5 years ago probably felt like 5 minutes ago. He literally went from his mom dead, home town destroyed, Tifa maybe dead, Zack almost dead and then killing Sepiroth to save them, him bleeding out and then Hojo gets him... Then he's locked away a tortured experiment for 5 years, then wakes to watch Zack his best friend die and stumbles from that into Midgar.... That's a horrifically nightmarish hell worse than any FF protagonist I can think of.
  • @carlycrays2831
    When I first played this game, this scene didn't freak me out too much. But after a few playthroughs and CC, it is really disturbing to think about. Had Tifa not found Cloud, he probably would have just sat in that spot.
  • @frogisis
    Back when I was a teenager I didn't really understand or appreciate Tifa, but now as an adult with like book learnin and degrees and shit it's clear what a great character she is. I wish they gave us more from her point of view, especially during the visit to the "Potemkin village" Nibelheim, but we still get a lot in terms of the terrible situation she gets put in relative to Cloud. I don't think many of us could have handled it better. And she was right to be afraid that the truth (assuming she herself wasn't the crazy one) would lead to catastrophe, in a worse way than she could have imagined—Cloud lost the single shred of personal narrative that was holding him together against his own shame and inadequacy and couldn't even bring himself to fight against starting the countdown to the end of the world. No wonder she collapses in despair and grief in the North Crater, and slept for a week after everything she was carrying came out at once. But she still didn't give up on Cloud, not only as the only other bond to the most nightmarish experience of her life and the key to her own past & the reality of her own self that she needed to reclaim, but for Cloud's sake as well, as a companion she'd grown close to for what she begins to realize is actually the first time ever, even as he seemed to grow further and further away—It's just like Barret said after she put Cloud back together: she's some kinda lady. That moment of intimacy under the Highwind feels like such a great bittersweet victory because not only does she "get the boy" in the end, but everything in her is at peace and she's able to treasure the only thing she has left, prepared in the event no one else comes back to head down with him alone into what they believe will be their deaths, with only a slim hope of it even making a difference, because they have to try for the sake of something greater than both of them. can't fuckin wait for that remake aaaaaaaaaaaa
  • @LoneTreePeak
    My favorite game of all time without a doubt still to this day. Tifa was such a gem 💎 to Cloud and such a huge part of the story. She really helped him when he was at the lowest point of the game. If it wasn't for her, Cloud might've never snapped out of his state and possibly died. Thanks for sharing.
  • @MadarakiFran
    those flashes and buzzes used to scare the crap out of me
  • @mrdarkstar3756
    Tifa is best girl. How can it be denied? she saves Clouds life twice. She shows how strong she is emotionally by taking a backseat to Aerith's advanced toward Cloud, despite having strong feelings for him herself. Tifa though worried about Cloud can only watch as Aerith changes him and becomes this new positive for Cloud after roughly 2 months not being able to find out what's wrong with him she resolved to just wanting to see him happy even if it's with another woman, that's true love. Tifa finds her strength when Cloud is truly lost, it's a beautiful story.
  • There are so many little moments in this game that I always find out the next time I watch or play. This time it was the fact that Tifa didn't realize it was Cloud right away, and when the guard just said "poor kid" and left him there, Tifa went up to this assumed stranger to help them out. Shows a lot about her personality without having to say it out loud. Also Cloud moving like a zombie and responding to Tifa's "Cloud?" with "That's right. I'm Cloud" like some type of robot is so good. I hope they do that moment justice in the remake project.
  • @abiraakram6971
    At first I never understood this scene because I was little back then but now that I have played a lot more games and gotten older this scene makes more sense. If Tifa hadn’t been there to see Cloud then who knows what could’ve happened to him. He could’ve died.
  • @NovaV000
    Playing the remake touches on Tifas feelings about this a lot more, you can tell in the first hour of the game she cares and is worried about cloud, she got him an apartment right away so she could keep him close and safe, but she didn’t want to directly tell him that, she sorta tricked cloud into staying
  • @khfan4life365
    Cloud and Tifa should adopt that dog and get married.
  • @beeebeee
    This takes me back... So much nostalgia...
  • learning about the lore before this makes it all the more a tears-in-my-eyes wtf moment