In Matthew 24, is Jesus referring to the Rapture or His Second Coming?

Published 2009-05-28
From our Series "35 Most Asked Questions Concerning Bible Prophecy" this clip answers the question: In Matthew 24, is Jesus referring to the Rapture or His Second Coming?

All Comments (21)
  • @tcfunvids
    I see your point as I see all other post tribber's points. The problem is that you and they miss the verses that show that the day when Jesus comes back, ALL HIS SAINTS are with Him. They surely cannot be on earth waiting for Him if they are WITH HIM when he returns .
  • Hello children of the one true living God, please give our heavenly Father glory, honour, praise, and worship.
  • @gregmiller9840
    Yes finally you have now got what i have been trying to help you understand. The Gospel is good news and we are not appointed to wrath. We absolutely will not see Gods wrath. Glad you decided to finally come around. God bless
  • @tcfunvids
    Also, take a look at the events of 6th seal in Rev 6:12-17. 1. A great earthquake - the sun became black and the moon became as blood. 2.The stars of heaven fall to the earth. 3. The heaven departed as a scroll and every mountain and island were moved out of their place. Then the kings and every man hide in the dens and caves wanting the mountains and the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of His wrath has come and who shall be able to stand ?
  • @gregmiller9840
    Part 2 I used to believe the seals was Gods wrath. But that can't be because the only ones hurting at the 5th seal are the saints. They have been some beheaded and are now standing before the throne crying with a loud voice to God asking how much longer until he avenges their death on the ones that killed them. So if judgement or wrath had started they would not be able to ask this. They are the only ones suffering at this time. 6th seal then we which are alive and remain.
  • @sabbo51
    Good points!  Pre-trib stand above the rest. Thanks.
  • @darrenpeetham05
    the elect can also mean those who have given their hearts to Christ that survived the tribulation period. They would inherit the elect status afterall.
  • @Complaintdesk
    I have never heard of you before John, but you are bang on on this interpretation of Matthew 24. There is another prophecy of this given in Jeremiah 30, where it is clear that this prophecy is directed at the nation of Israel and not the church. The language is even clearer in the sense that it refers to the time of "JACOB'S TROUBLE." The church is never referred to as being part of Jacob. Deuteronomy 32 is the first instance of the same prophecy. Jesus confirms all 3 in Matthew 24.
  • @neilwani1178
    The rapture is pre-trib but only Matthew 24 4-31 is in Daniel's 70th week. Matthew 24 32-51 is the pre-trib rapture.
  • @TOPGUNm777
    We have been grafted in there is only one people not two different groups
  • @SRamdhani1
    I was not speaking of the 70 weeks but of the 70th week. One week, a 7year period of which the 2nd 1/2 is called Great Tribulation (Mat.24:21,22). It's a time of great trouble (Dan.12:1). The 1st 1/2 is "...the Tribulation of those days..." (Mat.24:29). In the midst of that 7yr period is the Abomination of Desolation (Mat.24:15-18). That's the Appointed Time & The End (Dan.11:27-31). At that time the Resurrection of the just occurs according to Dan.12:1-3 & Jesus in LK.17:24-36 & Mat.24:15-28.
  • @Mike65809
    How can there be a Pre-tribulation rapture if Jesus said He would raise us up on the Last Day?
  • @gourmetmn
    Okay. So there is 3 comings of the Lord Jesus then? According to what you say. I thought there is only a SECOND coming of Christ as stated in God's word. But you believe that there is a "secret" rapture before his 2rd coming then? I'm confused. Where is that that specifically stated in the Bible? Please enlighten me. Thanks so much!
  • @paulbortolazzo
    A great multitude of blood washed saints from the nations (Rev. 7:9-17) who get the victory over the Beast and his mark (Rev. 15:2) will be caught up out of the great tribulation at the coming of the Son of Man and His angels. (Mark 13:26-27, Mat. 24:29-31)
  • @JimmyCarol100
    BTW, is not the current Pope, the 8th King of Vatican State? Pope Francis I. He is the 8th King since the Vatican became it own small state/monarchy in 1929? Will he go into perdition? PeaceB2Ya
  • @joelefave4174