Haviv Rettig Gur: The Gathering Storm | FP in Israel

Bari Weiss sits down with the journalist Haviv Rettig Gur.

Haviv is one of the smartest and most thoughtful writers on Israel and the Middle East. He and Bari discussed Israel's uncertain future, what it means for Palestinians, how the current war reflects wider battles in Islam, and why Americans must realize they are living "inside" of history.

For more “FP in Israel,” read Bari’s article here: www.thefp.com/p/bari-weiss-the-holiday-from-histor…

コメント (21)
  • @maxprize829
    This should be required listening. He is one of the most knowledgeable, insightful and reasonable voices I’ve ever heard on these issues.
  • This is an astonishing conversation. Thanks Bari and Haviv. Such clarity.
  • I religiously read the New York Times for 25 years. Interestingly I stoped reading it at about the same time Bari Weiss quit and thank God she did because she has become so much better of a journalist and a human being because she left. Another incredible interview. Thanks for introducing me to Haviv Gur. He is incredible. So much insight.
  • Bari Weiss proves again in this interview how critically important she to America and ppl everywhere- she takes her role seriously: she keeps the public informed by reporting news w/o political slant. Bari Weiss is a genuine journalist.
  • @craigb4913
    Wow, Haviv is quite insightful. And Bari does her job well: ask informed questions and let the guest answer.
  • @jalemairliha
    I jump for joy anytime there's a new post featuring Haviv Rettig Gur! There is noone who describes the worldwide history of the Jews like him! I recommend listening to his latest posts on the Shalem College page.
  • @swarming1092
    Haviv is by far and away the most profound, most insightful, most humane and important commentators in or on Israel right now. For those who don't know, usually about two or three time a week he joins Den Senor on the latter's podcast 'Call Me Back' and you can get this level of analysis multiple times a week if you want it. He also has two very, very informative recent lectures on YouTube at Jewish colleges in the US explaining the history and misunderstandings of Israel. If this got you: go watch them right away, especially the second of the two.
  • Haviv is that rare voice who knows in detail and can thoughtfully analuze the entire history of this cultural and territorial conflict. If you want to understand what is happening, and why, listen to all he has to say. Bari Weiss is a Western treasure - a real journalist for a change.
  • @martinp1544
    Thanks Bari & Haviv, As a US conservative Christian & 8 time veteran of the recent Middle East wars, I listened intently to Haviv’s thoughts & comments on the current situation. Haviv’s thoughts on Iran’s & the Ummah’s motivations to establish Islam’s supremacy is a perspective I had not thought of. I’ve seen Taliban & ISIS use Muslim women & children as human shields. I’ve heard of them using mosques & “holy sites” for military operations. FYI. MBS has been accused of being an apostate…. Read the Q, the Hadiths, The Sira of “Mo” & you find the where the hatred / Jew hatred becomes clear. The “People of the Book”. “First they come for the Saturday people. Then they come for the Sunday people.”
  • @abrahaml5641
    Wow, first time hearing this man speak. This man gets it!
  • @AdamAseraf
    Haviv is a real one. Been following him this entire conflict. His weekly appearances on Call Me Back with Dan Senor have been therapeutic and inspiring. Not to mention incredibly informative regarding the psyche of the Israeli nation.
  • @daviday87
    This is one of those conversations I wish everyone could listen to in its entirety. Such profound wisdom and deep care for the history of multiple peoples.
  • @skeltax3790
    I wish I could play this on every billboard in the world, absolutely profound interview. Thank you!
  • A brilliant analysis of the war and Israel vs. Palestine. Thank you, Bari and Haviv.
  • Thank you Bari!!! You have the most important conversations... everyone needs to hear them. Youre putting the rest of biased media to shame. Keep going!!!!!❤
  • Bari Weiss is emerging as the best journalist that we have in the world stage today. He reports and interviews are important and incredible. Thank you Bari for all of this amazing work
  • @nuqwestr
    Odessa is closer to Jerusalem than Oman on the Arabian peninsula. Some of my people walked to the homeland from what is now Ukraine.
  • Thank you Haviv and Bari for the most insightful interview I’ve heard on the conflict. Israel is a miracle that must carry on, beyond the ignorance that places it in such peril today.
  • @amyhamilton5
    I’ve watched this twice now. If you want to understand what’s happened here and understand Israelis, you must listen to all 3 parts of this series and this interview as a whole. Incredible. I cut m cried a lot listening to the first two parts in Israel; it was hard to listen to and relive some of oct 7, but also healing in some ways. Thank you for this, Bari. Thank you for giving us a voice.
  • @Allen1029
    Breathtakingly lucid conversation. We need more people to hear this in full.