The Only Yaira Review You Ever Need to Watch

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • @Animaine7030
    4:24 this is probably the best advice new writers can take to help their dialogue sound more natural. If the only place you've "heard" your dialogue is inside your mind, you got more steps to take.
  • The dialogue of the aliens towards Yaira is the worst writing I have ever seen. Felt like reading "[insert 3 paragraph angry girlfriend text message] ,you insolent brat" in every second speech bubble, all while they were completely incapable of doing any damage to her. So instead of dangerous otherworldly beings, the main antagonists just came across as extremely cringe incompetents with the vocabulary of a third-grader. If they were going to just pointlessly insult her, a one-time short speech bubble would have done it. Instead, hundreds of speech bubbles with ever the same repetitive cringe insults and "lectures", and absolutely zero actual content to make them worth reading. I don't know if I've ever read so much text in my life while learning so little (read: nothing). The graphics are ok at times but idk, I couldn't get myself to care about any character or anything that happens. Alpha Core does indeed seem like the best comic so far, but I can't say it managed to get me hooked either; but at least it had moments in it where reading it didn't feel like a chore.
  • This was hilarious! Plus very informative and the same observations keep happening over and over!
  • @RubyKing1997
    Shungite being chaotic good is pretty accurate if you ask me.
  • @fiannawolf
    Bravo! Put into words why I won't read anything the Rippaverse has on its plate. Esp after the 20:30 mark with the alignment chart. + yes, I did read Isom 1 and 2 via Internet avenues. There's no direct Sincere Good within the Isom setting. Its rather cynical besides the story issues. There isnt even a Cathartic Good Character to promote either (IE: a Spiderman) Many of the characters are completely driven by self interest or their motivations are clouded by apathy.
  • @MichaelJPartyka
    06:15 There's also an instance of Stephanya swearing in triplicate where the censoring makes it obvious what the word is. 10:23 They didn't have to be in orbit. It's clear from the book that the villains can transition back to their homeworld quite readily. (Yaira probably not so much, but the villains at least can.) 19:28 I really didn't see Yaira adopting the belief system of the Vikings. Her husband was apparently a monotheist himself -- a weirdo in that time and place -- and Yaira found herself unable to commune with his god. The closest she came to worship was looking for the member of her race who came to Earth before her. 23:03 I like this alternate story for YAIRA #1, although it reminds me a little of AVENGERS: ENDLESS WARTIME.
  • I read about 30 pages of Yaira and I don't remember what I read. What ever I don't like my brain just forgets it. It's the same with movies and TV shows. When I read ISOM I felt sick after reading. I rather read some UFO crap from L Ron Hubbard about Lord Xenu.
  • @evaleighmusic
    I enjoyed Yaira for the most part. I also very much enjoyed this video xD subbed!
  • Oh now that I see you bring up the backstory and show that panel of her at Projexus looking at her mirror image, it gave me a lightbulb moment ... doesn't the guy who hires her talk a lot about preserving youth and such? Maybe the reason she wanted to work there is to find a way to have a partner that will be able to stay with her instead of growing old. Idk if it's good writing or bad writing that it took me weeks and a random coincidence to understand it, but maybe I'm just dumb.
  • @campblor
    Great review. So far, every Rippaverse book is just a bunch of stuff that happened and reads like a first draft, especially the ISOM books. The books written by the "professionals" feel like they are phoning it in and cashing a check from a guy that doesn't know what good, like alone mediocre, writing is. IMO the Rippaverse is YouTube merch, nothing more.
  • @arttabletalk32
    This is, hands down, the funniest Rippaverse review I have seen. Good work, sir.
  • @andyradart8498
    Great review, and agree with pretty much all the points you made, especially the back story. I think there may be a way to explain elements of her current attitude but there's no connective tissue, as you allude to it feels like two different people
  • @Isidoros47
    This criticism is too harsh, like a priori making your mind on something (before reading it) and then searching for any possible flaws to justify a prejudicated opinion. Bryan talkin too much? He seems an intellectual, these people do that. Fast pacing? I like that a lot. I like the chaos caused by an enigmatic superpowered woman. I literally see nothing wrong with that. If only there was more car smashing, people screaming, running, military firepower brought to action etc. I love that. ItĀ“s gonna be later explained why itĀ“s happening. BUT i disliked the scenes with those aliens? talking to her, was it her parents or something? AND. The real issue i have with Yaira and even Alphacore to some extent: I donĀ“t like these overpowered Superman-like heroes, flying arround, projecting energy. I hate this type of heroes. It does not make sense and i consider it lazy fantasy and lazy writing. I like the somewhat Close-To-Reality types of (anti)heroes like Batman and even Spider-man, the (old, classic) Black Cat, Kingpin, Venom etc.
  • @RJ_William88
    Oh, Iā€™ll review your comic! Iā€™ll review the crap out of your comic! YOUā€™RE IN FOR IT, MISTER!
  • @jimmybludd
    Great job! No do a review with spoilers!