GPT-4o - Full Breakdown + Bonus Details

Published 2024-05-13
GPT-4o. It’s smarter, in most ways, cheaper, faster, better at coding, multi-modal in and out, and perfectly timed to steal the spotlight from Google. It’s Gpt-4 Omni. I’ve gone through all the benchmarks and release videos to give you the highlights.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Kags
    The way it joined in laughing at its own mistakes at 8:25 is absolutely stunning
  • @Richievaillant
    Apple acknowledging another company exists, is still the craziest news here.
  • @p5rsona
    never been this floored by ai...I dont know how some people not impressed by this. you have an ai that talks EXACTLY like a real human, emotions and all and can see so accurately via speechless here.
  • @ryan-tabar
    I love how much humility they put into their demos. They arn't just showing perfect case scenarious where the AI isn't making any mistakes. What they are showing is progress.
  • @galrozental3332
    The stuttering at 12:51 is so human-like
    "I, I mean you, you'll definitely stand out"
  • @BubbleTea033
    When she says "Sorry guys, I got carried away there and started talking in French." at 8:25.

    Just... just listen to how personable she sounds. GPT 4o is really something else. It's not just the clear voice. It's the laugh-talking. It's the breath. It's the accent that kind of slips out in "away there", and the choice to use more casual and conversational language like saying "talking in French", instead of "speaking French". The embarrassed tone. And then the attempt afterwards to drum up excitement to try again. It's so personable. I think that's the right word. It feels human, which is great, and terrifying all the same.
  • @oo__ee
    You may have predicted Her-like AI a month ago but Her predicted it a decade ago!
  • @harnageaa
    About the intruder part (bunny years). That wasn't him telling gpt "hey was there someone", Sure he has to instruct the gpt to tell who was in the background, but the capability, was showcasing video memory.

    It's been 1 minute and gpt still remembered there was a person there. That's the showcase.
  • @jpanet
    No exaggeration I literally leapt out of my seat in excitement when I saw this video's notification. Something about your simple, easy to understand method of breaking down complex topics in a rational way is just so entertaining. And clearly I'm not the only one
  • @vivekparmar7576
    The audio cutting in and out during the demo was most likely a feature where you can interrupt the AI in the middle of its speech. So while it is talking and it hears you speak it immediately stops talking, which is what we saw during the demo. Just a guess.
  • @nekony3563
    Integration is the next GPT-moment. Being able to talk to AI at any point in time and show it your screen, and for it to being able to respond and click/press buttons. This will be transformative by itself.
  • @DaveShap
    0:27 "more flirtatious sigh than AGI" bro I think you drastically overestimate the threshold that will satisfy most users. That was close to ScarJo levels of sensual breathiness...
  • Ilya was booked to be there but at the last moment they discovered that the chain attached to his leg in the OpenAI dungeons wouldn't stretch to the conference room!
  • @davidt0504
    Don't care about OpenAIs presentation. Been waiting for @AIExplained's breakdown.
  • This is the first time I saw an AI Demo that actually made me uncomfortable because of how real that woman sounded, holy fucking shit what the fuck will like GPT-7 be like, holy shit
  • @Gerlaffy
    The part at about 12:00 is amazing but when he turns on the camera... Wow. We're close to AGI in terms of actual believability. It's so organic and flows so humanly.
  • @goodwillhart
    I believe the "glitches" in their demo are intentional. It seems to be designed to cut out immediately if you speak. So I guess it picks up ambient sounds occasionally and thinks it should stop talking.