Villains Too Stupid To Win Ep.01 - The Smokers

Published 2019-01-11

All Comments (21)
  • @purplehaze2358
    That oil slave who said “Thank god” when someone dropped a flare into the oil is unironically my favorite character in the movie.
  • @alynch9846
    "that these degenerates can remain so filthy in a water world is genuinely impressive". Brilliant.
  • @wolf1066
    I was really impressed by how quickly one can swim down from the surface to explore the ruins of former coastal cities and how much sunlight was getting down that far, considering only the top of Mount Everest was still above sea level.
  • @astra3310
    The Smoker who looked at the explosion heading his way and went “oh thank god” is such a damn Mood
  • @msmaria5039
    Dr. Freeze and Poison Ivy in Batman and Robin. You have one villain who wants to destroy humanity to have the plants take over the world. You have another that wants to put the Earth in an eternal ice age. They are working together. Do you see the problem with that?
  • Ok. Few things. I loved the smokers and Deacon. He, and they, were absolutely over-the-top-hilarious. They really were. The only thing funnier than watching Dennis Hopper chew the scenery as the Deacon, is listening to MZ's deadpan, snarky, spot-on descriptions of the smokers and how unbelievably stupid, clumsy, and short-sighted they are. Made my day. 10/10
  • To be totally fair to the smokers, I think they realize finding Enola is their last chance. They know they're fucked if they don't get to dry land, and they have no other options, so it's basically a desperation tactic: they've just gone all-in on getting her and her tattoo knowing they're doomed otherwise.
  • @elijah8251
    Next series will be "Good guys too dumb to live."
  • @daganisoraan
    In the same world - A civilization doomed to disapear: aka Everyone else. The world is completely covered by water, yet the few survivors hate and kill the rare mutants that are actually able to breathe underwater.
  • @GreatgoatonFire
    The problem with Waterworld is that they spent all the dosh on buying and trash-ifying all the boats. They didn't have enough over for the green skin pain. Clearly the smokes are a bunch of WH 40K Orks that got reeeally lost.
  • @papa_squat
    The fact that gasoline and diesel have a shelf life of about a year before it starts seriously degrading... Either the smokers have somehow mastered stabilizing 200 year old fuel, or they've built the toughest engines humanity has ever seen.
  • @giggajames1903
    The Master from Fallout 1. He is literally plot holed to death. He is a genius that uses a mutagenic substance to create an army of mostly idiotic supersoldiers and establish a cult that worship him to bolster his numbers. Until he is presented with evidence that his mutants can't breed. Reproduction being one of the two basic attributes any living organism must have to survive along with consumption of resources. Reminder that this guy isn't just smart, he's a massive organic computer that is also attached to the machinery of an entire Vault.And above all that he is also psychic, so powerful that he can injure people just by proximity.And what does this brainy boy do when you confront him with evidence?Does he simply go back to his work, using his massive material and technological resources to eliminate this sterility issue and maybe even give his mutants a more effective means of reproduction? Of course not. He blows himself up along with a good chunk of his resources and troops. He does this during a mental breakdown due to guilt. Instead of just passing on all his knowledge, he just burns it all away, leaving the world in an even worse state and his mutants to wonder aimlessly. If he won, he would probably end up being the last living being on Earth.Until the Zetans invade and start experimenting on him.
  • @FrozEnbyWolf150
    After seeing several others suggest Voldemort, I was going to second him and suggest talking about his irrational hatred and xenophobia towards muggles that results in utter ignorance of their technology that could be used to his advantage. But then I realized, this problem applies to the wizard society as a whole. The entire wizarding world cut itself off in the late 17th century due to the International Statute of Secrecy, and as a consequence their level of technological advancement stagnated as they became completely reliant on magic. The wizards are so backwards, they don't know what a gun is, even though the first practical firearms date back to the 14th century. They don't know what makes airplanes fly, even though mundane birds and flying insects exist in their world. Their understanding of medicine is based on magic, meaning they would be completely helpless against modern diseases. They have no understanding of practical science, and seem to have regressed in this regard, so they'd be outmatched when it comes to biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons. Had either side in the conflict gotten over their elitism and willful ignorance and recruited muggles to help, or appropriated their technology, it could have quickly turned the tide of the war. Guns fire faster and kill more easily than wands, and the same goes for bombs and long range missiles. However, since this would be more an examination of the entire wizarding world, and they're not exactly an advanced sci-fi civilization for your other series, it might be more appropriate for a separate series on popular fantasy civilizations.
  • @Zaprozhan
    Maybe the previous leaders of the Smokers conserved and gathered resources, and Hopper took leadership and was running them into the "ground."
  • @Cheburashka207
    "A crime must have a logical purpose" Nope. Some people just wanna see the world burn.
  • @antcow1239
    Dennis hopper never played a role, in his every movie he was just playing himself.
  • @ammiller3911
    voldemort- if he had literally ignored harry potter and turned his massive army against the muggles strait away he would have forced the good guys to come to him. if he ignored harry potter perhaps no one would have even known harry was a horcrux and if he lost the big one he would have lived on in harry.
  • @Stormy_Coyote
    "Dry land is not a myth. I've seen it! Kevin Costner. Waterworld." -Jim Carrey The Cable Guy