What if the Whites Won the Russian Civil War? | Alt History

Published 2021-12-05
An alternate history of Russia in which the White Army win the Russian Civil War and crush the Communists!

If you want a video explaining the logic behind the scenario tell me in the comments down below!

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All Comments (21)
  • @voxbour6018
    There would be no way for Poland to ally with Whites, because both Reds and Whites directly opposed Polish Independence.
  • @Plys3n
    Honestly, I can't come up with the reason of Germany committing such a suicidal act. If they had the backing of the Uk and Italy, I might believe it, but it's just unbelievable by themselves.
  • This is the first alternate history of Russia that I've seen that isn't hypocritically pro-western and actually makes logical sense. Good job
  • @coopereddie9612
    You can restore the whites in no step back hoi4 and eventually the tsar
  • @phantom894
    Meanwhile in another universe: What if the Reds won the Russian Civil War?
  • @Cesme8008
    I like this video but the one things that I have an issue with is that Russian industrialization was not included. Russia was a largely rural nation after the civil war.And would have need to massively industrialize in order to compete with the western powers .
  • @alifaiman3578
    I'm actually jealous for those who live in this exact timeline. It's not as messy as ours 😢
  • @ME262MKI
    Ah world without communism.... What a dream
  • @Dark.Phoenix
    Germany would've probably united by 1990 under Prussian rule, like in our timeline wiht West and East Germany. Königsberg would probably stay under Russian rule because it was a Baltic state originally tho.
  • @joaopedro4609
    My English is not very good, so I used Google Translate. That video was interesting, but the setting is also extremely upbeat and fanciful. It is strange that no country reacted to Russian expansion (Crimean War) and that the White Government/Monarchy prevented the famine, with the Russian Empire being marked by mass famines and political persecution (not unlike the Soviet Union).
  • @yourlocaliino
    First time seeing this channel. Really like how you utilize maps to create a short, logical explanation as to how an alternate history may come about, rather than creating a thirty-hour verbal dissertation on why Myanmar sucks and could have been annexed in 1230 B.C by the Scottish Empire without any really solid reasoning.
  • @ivanserov1846
    Well,the video is certainly good,the plot is here,map,music-everything fits But history...well,as a man from post-soviet space,I will try to make some things here 1-Death of Lenin would surely be tragic,but it wont be like Kaiserreich scenario,mostly because it was the centralized AgitProp which ran the propaganda and news for the soldiers so the Red Army while perhaps would collapse,would do it much much later than 1920 2-A number of new allies. Definetly not Finland,hello Karelian uprising of 1921 Ukraine-Pavlo Skoropadsky regime was not by any means pro Russian and stood for Ukrainian independence,just like regimes in Belarus and especially the Baltics 3-Poland Closed within the borders of the XVI century, cut off from the Black and Baltic Seas, deprived of the land and mineral wealth of the South and Southeast, Russia could easily pass into the state of a second-rate power, unable to seriously threaten the newfound independence of Poland. Poland, as the largest and strongest of the new states, could easily secure a sphere of influence that would extend from Finland to the Caucasus Mountains— - Y. Pilsudsky Point 2 and 3 combined to the new annexations made by Russia 4-Constitutional monarchy A good half of Russian white generals supported the idea of the Republic and fought for the constitutional assembly. 5-Tsar Nicholas and grand Knyaz Mikhail Both would be dead,Nicholas shot with the first signs of Whites victory and Mikhail Alexandrovich would be abducted from the hotel and killed. 6-Resurgent Germany in 1925. In 1925. Resurgent. 7-Panslavism was mostly approved only by Russia and Yugoslavia,Czechs,Poles,Bulgarians and for some reason here-Greeks had none of that. Even if due to religion or hate for Turkey(Which would also lose more of its north east because of Russian intervention and of course-supporting Armenians,and Ataturk having harder time fighting without his only supplier-Soviet Russia) Greece was stuck between England who for all times did not wanted Russians close to Medditeranian and Russia. Also yes,Finland declared its independence with the abolition of Russian monarchy,so why is it in Russian alliance. 8-They would not neglect Russian agricultural base 1500 tractors for entire Russia by 1913,most of them are used as cargo transport that is what I call a neglect of industry. No mechanization,no fertilizers,a third of land is still in the hands of aristocracy,and neither the tsarist government,nor the provisional seemed to care,and it was one of the first reasons why peasants rebelled. 9-Preventing soviet era famines They would still face the famine of Transvolgan region neverthenless. And now would have the repetition of famines of 1840.1842.1873, 1880, 1883,1891,1905 and 1911 and what leaded to them-epidemics(thanks to no mass vaccinations which the Soviets irl enacted),no literacy programs for spreading methodics(Thanks comrade Lenin for LikBez-liquidation of illiteracy), hoarding of grain by the Kulaks(Forced confiscation of grain started in 1916 for the exact same reason) And the fundamental land problem which collectivization solved. Peasants are not farmers,peasants send to the market only part of their products while the rest feed their families. When father dies,his land is splitten between the sons. And what happens next-correct,more men,same amount of men-the amount of products to the market drops. You can counter argument me by presenting Stolypin reform-but no,the reform was one of the fuels for the peasant riots as it tried to break apart their many-centuries old communal farming and made them vulnerable to kulaks who most peasants hated. 10-Kulaks as political opposition I see that Whatifalthist content made it here. Which is very sad because its simply wrong. Lets start with definition of who were the Kulaks,no not the most hard working-such honor belonged to Serednyaks or Middle peasants. Kulaks got a lot of their wealth through banal usury,and lending their land and quipment at high interest rates or corvee works. Why Soviet government started collectivization only in 1927-the answer is simple. Bread preparation programmes for the cities and exports failed because....right,Kulaks never agreed on state-imposed prices and simply held grain until the price would rise. Plus,the collectivization allowed for massive mechanization of agriculture. Most of peasant lands were of small square,2-3 hectares. Kulaks-more but not astronomically high. Peasants did not had the money to properly buy any agricultural equipment,price is simply too high. And cant use it properly-most of the land plots are too small. Collectivization simply did what was done in the west just at a much higher speed-concentration of assets. 11-Slightly slower No,it will be a lot slower,to get the necessary rates of industrialization,Russian Empire will have to do what it did in 1900s-Export grain but starve "We wont eat enough,but will export!" -Alexander Vyshnegradsky,minister of finances. The Russian Empire ranked 5th in the world according to the index of industrial production. This is what supporters of the monarchy are mostly proud of. Production really developed. But this is due to the backwardness of the country, where the vast majority are peasants. The late development of industry gives a high growth rate in any country. One of the main factors-effect of low base. Where even slight increase of production would result in high percentage increase. And while economy progresses those percent numbers are more and more complex to achieve. Example: To double yearly production of cars from 100,we would need to add in 100,then 200,then 400,then 800 and the numbers would grow leading to lower and lower growth by percents. But there are subtleties in the development itself, which are not always mentioned by the apologists of tsarism. Yes, the resources necessary for the development of industry were extracted. Mining was one of the successes of the Russian government, but the trouble is that the resources were mainly used not for development, but for sale. Most often they were mined by foreign companies. The Swedish company "Nobel" not only extracted oil on the territory of RE, but also used its own equipment, with the help of which production increased many times, but clearly not in the interests of Russia. This was beneficial primarily to foreign capital. Investments in oil production are an illustration of the influence of foreign capital on the Russian Empire. From 1910 to 1914 . Britain invests 134.6 million rubles, and domestic investments for the same period — 9.58 million rubles (Vavilin I. Foreign capital in Russia. L.: Priboy, 1925. p. 67). It was foreign capital that monopolized the extraction of individual resources. British and French capitalists were engaged in the production of platinum, their share in the Russian Empire was 90%. Foreign capital actively participated in almost any production and extraction of resources. And RE became a sales market, a source of resources and cheap labor. Domestic industry developed poorly. Basically, equipment and machinery were bought in the West. In many spheres from engineering to chemistry estimate Russia's dependence in terms of production capacity from 70 to 100% (Rozhkov N. Russian History in comparative historical Coverage (fundamentals of social dynamics) Leningrad - Moscow, 1926-1928, vol. 12, pp. 166-167). Therefore, when they remember "prosperity", do not forget that the lion's share of everything that was mined simply went to the west, because foreign corporations owned the production. There was still development in isolation from them, and impressive, but this is clearly not the 5th place among all countries of the world. 12-Much wealthier population Where do I even begin...with 40% literacy? With 27% child mortality before 1 year? With medium life expectancy of 35 years? From child labour which took 17% of all labour force? 10.000 people-1.3 doctors Pay for 1914-most prosperous year was only from 10-25 rubles for 60 hours work week. England by comparison-41 for 52 hours.Germany:31 for 56,US:72 for 53. No centralized healthcare,and only a nascent central education system which was for most people outside of Moscow and petrograd simply too expensive. "If we recall how much of the national income comes annually to the treasury, how much is absorbed by the clergy and other social groups that are not involved in the production of material values, we cannot but come to the conclusion that the share of the main creators of the national income accounts for an even smaller share of it." -Rubakin. Russia in numbers.1912 13-Social programs Labourers of Lensk mines would like to hear that story. 13.5 Both you and Whatifalthist forgot about one little detail in 1929 which caused entire world economy to collapse and Russian would collapse too. Not only because of global integration,but because the Reds succesfully cancelled all debts of Russian Empire,and I mean all of them-national debt,civilian debts and the Enormous War Debt. 14-No purges I mean those generals already lost to Reds which didnt had many experts,while Whites got the cream of Russian officers. But I give you a credit for starting the war earlier and with aid of allies,because otherwise if things went down OTL,Russia would end up behind the Urals. 15-Intimidate Moldova Hello ww3,Romania is guaranteed by France and England 16-Chinese Republic Hello warlordism,but neverthenless-far better than Mao.