Crazy Kirk Speech - 1

Published 2009-12-12
Kirk goes on a weird rant. Something about starships and scalpels. He also calls McCoy "Mack Coy" . . .

All Comments (21)
  • @KingNefiiria
    As much as I love the impersonations, I have never actually felt like he did a bad job acting. He spoke like someone who didn't have a script, he spoke like a leader thinking of what to say on the fly. Which is about as organic an act as you could ever hope for.
  • I was inspired by this speech and I didn't even know what the hell he was talking about.
  • @ArcanePath360
    Theeeeere's.....SOMETHING on the wing, some.... THINGGG
  • @canuckleful
    This speech isn't crazy, it's brilliant. He's talking about how we need to take risks to advance.
  • I don't get why everybody hates Shatner. I LOVE William Shatner as Captain Kirk. c:
  • @gestalt3s
    Wow Such pauses Much drama Very Shatner
  • @jjgrey1488
    I've never thought Shatner was much of an actor but this speech he gives is incredible and very well delivered...
  • @sheanoel7008
    One day I will master the craft of Shatner speak. One day.
  • McCoy- "Doctors log... the captain needs pills. Lots of pills."
  • @codysmith8967
    Put to .5 speed and listen to drunk Kirk. He just appears to ramble on and on as if he actually knows what he is talking about.
  • I think this is the best monologue in Star Trek. Just sums it up - adventure, progress, and courage.
  • @irishgrl
    This gave me goosebumps when I first heard it so many years ago. I would follow Captain Kirk ANYWHERE. He is INSPIRING.
  • @Admiral8Q
    This is a great rant, I don't know why you all find it crazy.
  • @fleshanthos
    He's showing his passion. This speech is one of the best I've ever seen. The problem with humanity today is that it doesn't have this idealism, instead it's cynical smart-assedness and the arrogance of the individual declaring what he BELIEVES as more important than reality! If humanity is to crawl out of this self-imposed pit of ignorance and selfishness, it HAS to embrace an optimistic, sharing and selfless mode of behavior.
  • @colecovw.2171
    Taking risks is what it is to be human, to go beyond our Comfort zones and expand our horizons for the betterment of humanity.
  • @zanebeers3327
    Should change the title from “crazy Kirk speech” to “best Kirk speech”. When he gets that glimmer in his eye and even cracks a smile, and gives us “risk, risk is our business” that’s why we love Kirk and this show
  • @normbreyfogle
    Spock's reaction: "The Captain speaks with undue emotion, but what he says is essentially correct, and I agree with him."
  • @glouconx983
    Star Trek OS was full of bold stuff like this. That's what we liked about it. We wanted to see a bold character like Captain Kirk. There were plenty of other shows to watch in 1968 ... long forgotten shows with boring characters who would put you to sleep just like today's shows. But there nothing like TOS - and the world is a smaller place because of that.