Loneliness and unfamiliar feelings after treating depression

Published 2022-11-29
Fun fact: Out of 1300+ videos I've made altogether over the course of 13 years, this is the first one where I cry on camera.

All Comments (12)
  • @BUSCUS012
    Sending love your way, brother. Please continue to fight. I'm 24, and loneliness, depression, and anxiety have affected me on and off for the past 10 years. But seeing videos like this makes me realize that there are so many people going through the same feelings. Hoping you can get back to Helsinki ASAP.
  • I don’t think anyone is meant to be alone all the time, especially during developmental years through our childhoods. Tho many of us are put through things during that period that make us way overly independent and way too comfortable with being alone to the point we’re damaged by it in the adult years of life. We still have a drive to socialize but don’t really know how because we were set up for failure by our parents from birth and the circumstances we were raised in.
  • I'm sorry about what you're going through man. I can't imagine how tough it must be to be separated from your wife in the middle of nowhere. I'm glad to hear you're doing better with the depression. Sometimes we have to go through intense negative emotions as a natural part of healing from things like depression. Hope things get better.
  • @TheDoubleZTV
    I've been watching you for many years man and I honestly hope you feel better. As someone that's pretty much an introvert, I can relate to the desire for alone time (like you mentioned in your younger days), as well as not desiring the feelings of loneliness as time goes along. This is coming as well from someone who has struggled with depression (myself dealing with it since my teenage years and 99% of the time being without medication) and had a serious period of suicidal thoughts a few years ago. I can feel lonely, even if I have people around me. No real social life due to my 3rd shift work schedule that I've had for 9 years (last time I had a friend to hang out with was back in April 2015), dating life is non-existent primarily due to the schedule issues, and not really close to my family. Hasn't been easy since my grandmother passed away 3 years ago.
  • It's kind of a catch-22 situation (I know from experience), when you're alone you want to be around people, but as soon as you're around people, you want to be alone..
  • Loneliness is painful I have been on and off my life with it and it hurts. Eventually I did meet great people who understood both in person and online who are great friends including you John. I know that we never met in person and have just talked on YT. But I’ve looked up to you my friend and I’ve always appreciated your content, and how strong you have handled things.
  • Just found you this evening after watching your comments on Dr. John Campbell. Thank you for sharing the information and the admonition to do our own research. So important. I am so sorry for all you have gone through and are going through. I am happy you have found some help for your depression at least and yet I know how difficult loneliness is as well. Although I - and others - are reaching out to you through technology, please know that we are genuine (I know I am) and see your pain and care - one human being to another. I am praying for you - though I saw you expressed to another commenter that you don’t believe - I hope you don’t mind my praying. You have touched this mother’s heart. Please don’t give up and remember none of us are meant to be an island. Letting others help does not diminish your triumph in overcoming your hardships. Thinking of you.
  • @taurenmage696
    when i moved to a rural place i had to become like the people there, after working farm jobs and all that it became easier to relate to the people there. i had to become kinda like them to integrate, where if i had been stubborn and tried to stay exactly how i was when i first moved i would have had 0 friends. your issue is obviously on the extreme end with foreign language and not being from the same continent even but i think the same concept applies. i think if u really try and go hard at it u will succeed, and if u cant u probs will just have to move
  • I have been watching you John since 2011, Im sorry with how your feeling and what your going through i do wish for things to get better for you and i understand feeling alone, I had a family of 8 a few years back now there is only another and myself but we live in different places, Where i live i have no friends and the only human contact i have is when i go to buy food and water, Stay strong brother i understand how it feels
  • Hey I know loneliness is so hard I don't have a cure for it my self if I did I would be glad to tell you but I want you to know your content is great I appreciate your work and want you to know you matter to people wheater u know it or not
  • @PantherDraws
    John i sent a comment about what your going through on my phone account john morgan 77, why did you delete it i support you man