Classes Analysis

Published 2016-09-12
You gone learn

Images of classes property of Andrew Hussie and the people who edited them. I did my own sprite and the background.

All rights reserved legal junk don't get me in trouble

All Comments (21)
  • "To reach god tier seers need to learn How to shut the fuck up" best Line in this entire video
  • @phoenixfiare60
    The agreed on active-passive groupings are... Witch-Heir (manipulate) Knight-Page (exploit) Thief-Rouge (steal) Maid-Sylph (create) Mage-Seer (know) Prince-Bard (destroy) Lord-Muse (ultimate active/passive) These aren't canonically stated, but it is what most people understand them to be, and what make the most sense.
  • @Brodysseus113
    Heir vs page? Did hussie make a new post about classes?
  • @manjoemama1438
    The mage seems less like a knowledge class and more of a hybrid, DND for example kind of makes them knowledge based jack of all trades, To me that’s what a mage is, a wizard who learns (aspect/aspect abilities/spells)
  • I love the idea of a prince of mind. Like just imagine then being like Stephen kings Carrie. Like they use their mind destroy. And their theme song would be 8-bit.
  • @cake1079
    Heir and page are both passive classes. The Heir is one that becomes the aspect and is protected by it, also unintentionaly manipulating it, and page is one who allows everyone to exploit their aspect by inspiration. Active pairs for those classes are Witch and knight respectively. Witch being the one who protects and manipulates their aspect, and knight being the one that uses their aspect, exploiting it, for ex. as a weapon
  • @ParmesanTries
    yo, when are you gonna be active again? or are you just that passive?
  • @spiritflame8806
    This video could use a bit more research and retakes. Although it's possible these were how classes were understood 2 years ago, I'm not sure.
  • @aidanives4962
    5:50 I have mutch better argument for nepeta needing to let out her feelings since she has love for karkat but won't tell him and avoids doing so
  • @kazewrestle
    my lady, you said that this would be a three part video... what is the next lesson?
  • @aidanives4962
    3:00 yea no Dave did not have trouble with dead things if you were mentioning alpha dirk/ bro he didn't accepted alpha dirks death he just felt no sympathy for his bros death because he was abused by him.
  • @pokefanmelody
    Important question though- are exceptions made for gender neutral individuals, or are we limited to nonexclusive classes?
  • 1m sorry but some these r wrong. th1nk of the y1ng & yang 4 example, or 1n th1s case, act1ve & pass1ve. 2 act1ve classes can't be oppos1tes 2 each other & v1ce versa, or else 1tll k1nda be l1ke a synonym, d1fferent word, but same mean1ng, or 1n th1s case, d1fferent use of the aspect, but same act1vness or pass1veness role