Tom and Lyn's 60th Wedding Anniversary

Published 2024-04-14
For Tom and Lyn,
A beautiful memory was made this week. We proudly shared my parent's 60th wedding anniversary. For this occasion, they decided to renew their vows. I cried....happy tears and sad tears because the reality is that these are going to be the last of my Dad's memories as mixed dementia strips all memory away. So while that is a sad thing to say I hope that it reminds you to make the most of each and every precious moment of that thing we call time. Cherish those you love, stop being cruel and judgemental, and just learn to live with each other for better or worse.
And of course within safe boundaries. Fill your lives with love and support from your family and friends.
stay safe everyone

Beloved by Sakura Girl |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

Beautiful Piano by LesFM |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons CC BY 3.0

All Comments (8)
  • Your mum had an absolutely stunning wedding gown!!! Happy Anniversary to both of them and hope the day was just magic. ❤
  • @cemeteryvisits
    God bless them, that’s simply lovely. I know when my 30th rolled around I was asked “how did you all make it that long” I said well we’re a perfect match, she’s to nice to ask me to leave and I’m to lazy to pack 😂😂😂