American Reacts to Americans FAILING Basic Questions About Canada

Published 2023-06-30
As an American I am verry familiar with how little Americans on average know about Canada and Canadian culture. Today I am both excited and nervous to watch some of my fellow Americans attempt to answer basic questions about Canada. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!

All Comments (21)
  • @pjperdue1293
    John Bartlet Brebner (1895–1957), a Canadian historian, famously said, "Americans are benevolently ignorant about Canada, while Canadians are malevolently well-informed about the United States." It's always been this way. I blame the U.S. education system, not Americans.
  • @Asher8328
    I used to get offended by videos like this until I realized that Americans are just as clueless about their own country as they are about Canada. So really, it's nothing personal...
  • @justylex
    I had a friend who worked at the US/Canada border (New York/Ontario). She had some funny stories to tell. One American couple arrived perplexed because they could not understand why it was so darn hot and no snow in July. They had brought snow gear, sweaters, ski gear. Apparently, they thought that the weather underwent a cosmic shift when you travel that 3km over the St. Lawrence River.
  • @stevetassie
    In the words of Canadian comedian, Simon Rackoff, “we don’t mind that Americans don’t know much about us - we’ve seen what happens to countries you take an interest in!”
  • @shannonwolff2127
    To all of my fellow Canadians HAPPY CANADA DAY!!! I am so proud to be a Canadian and am happy to have found this channel. Keep going Tyler.
  • Celine Dion is (for Canadian) know as well for one refusing an American award because she was called American (US citizen I should specify) instead of Canadian. I have to say that I was proud of this as she maintained her origin.
  • in 1983, I went to the US. People there asked me how long our Igloos lasted before melting. I went along with it, and told them I walked 20 miles in Snow Shoes, then traveled 200 miles by Dogsled, then got on a Snowmobile to get to a place where I was able to get a Car.... The 1st Trip across the Border was also the Last
  • @wandamundy1759
    In Canadian High-schools - during my high-school years - "Social Studies" was split into History and Geography. And we studied the History and Geography of the ENTIRE WORLD - starting with the ancient Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, etc., etc., etc. This included not only their Geography, Agriculture, Art, History, etc. - but also their mythology. We were THOROUGH. In Grades 11 & 12 - History and Geography were two separate classes - and we concentrated on the History & Geography of the Americas (South, Central, North) - from the time of "discovery" 450 yrs ago up to the middle of the Cold War - which was still going on when I graduated. So we LEARNED - as much about the US as we did about Canada. At one time - the 49th parallel was the world's longest undefended International Border (Bush put an end to that), and we didn't need passports to pass freely back & forth across that Border. To this day - I can recall most of what I learned about the US Constitution. I know stuff about it that most US'ers don't know - including the Federalist Papers that set out the supporting arguments for each of the Amendments. It astonishes me how many US'ers are completely unaware of this aspect of THEIR Constitution they purport to revere and venerate. And yes - Canada has a Constitution - as do almost ALL of the world's 195 countries - MOST of which are CENTURIES older than the US Constitution. The state of the US Education system IS your responsibility. It's the responsibility of everyone who has ever gone to school, or has become a parent with children in school. In Canada - we have a NATIONAL standardised education system. Funds are allocated from General Revenue based on one factor alone - population. NOT (as in the US) on a county's income tax bracket - where the richest counties get the best teachers and up-to-date books, computers, etc. In Canada - Education is one of our two "Socialised" essential services (Health Care being the other) - so EVERY child/student has access to the same across-the-board education to the end of Grade 12. I haven't been to the US since the onset of COVID - when the Border was closed, and T-Rumpf intended to station US Troops along the Border. Trudeau let him know that that was not the best idea he'd ever had - and T-Rumpf backed down on that intention. But relations have been strained since then. So many US TV shows are staffed by Canadian writers - Silicon Valley is staffed by Canadian code hackers - Video game creators seem to be mostly Canadians - Mid-Wife-Trained Nurses in US teaching Hospitals are mostly Canadians - most of the students (and most - if not ALL the RA's) in Applied Maths & Physics at CalTech - are STILL mostly Canadians. I really hope that Biden has a 2nd term - and that Drl Jill Biden DOES something about laying the groundwork for fixing the US Education "system."
  • @gryph01
    An American friend of mine used to debate about Canada vs U.S. I told him one day that Americans barely understand what happens outside their county, let alone global politics. He scoffed at it until he went back to Missouri. He came back and apologized
  • @lindabrooks9739
    About 20 years ago I was talking to an American lady who asked me where I was from, so I told her I was from Canada. She said oh yeah she'd heard of that place, it is over there beside China someplace. I said no, it is on the other side of the US's northern border, and then she totally lost it, started yelling about how there is nothing there and that I wasn't fooling her any.
  • @georgecuyler7563
    Lacrosse is actually our national sport, it is a game played by my Indigenous people, before modern hockey, hockey was played on a field, today we know it as field hockey and also played by my Indigenous people before contact. Both games were uses to settle disputes between Indigenous nations. The disputes were solved by the winning team.
  • Hockey is Canadian's official winter national sport and lacrosse is Canada's summer national sport.
  • @JD_HockeyTalks
    Tyler, you have earned the title of an honorary Canadian good sir.
  • @001spring
    Majority of Americans barely know their own country's history. How can we expect them to know Canada's?
  • @MWish999
    You're totally right - the national sport used to be Lacrosse. Now it's Hockey for winter & Lacrosse for Summer. They actually passed a bill in 1994. We don't have a national dish, but Poutine has become the most famous, I think because it's mentioned so much on American TV. Other dishes that are well known are Butter Tarts, Nanaimo Bars, and Beavertails.
  • @HamnaAmir71
    As a Canadian imigrait from Pakistan and learning all the history of Canada, including history, its just so hard and embarrassing to see these Americans not knowing these questions. A women asked if Canadian is a language and I thought that too as a kid but in the third grade i discovered that English and French are the 2 languages spoken in Canada, which was surprising to me but i understood why i spoke English and took Frecnh classes. I know a lot of geography of the world (including my home country) and if I ask them a question about anything rather then America I know they'll just straight up struggle and be embarrassed. I'm not making fun or anything but I hope today they'll learn more geography so that even if I'm going to quiz them, they'll understand.
  • @judydenham2110
    Just asked my 14 year old grandson who the President of the US is? No hesitation - Biden. So yes, most Canadians know more about the US than the US citizens know about Canada. Thank you for doing these videos. I am blessed to live in a wonderful country.
  • @Lukiel666
    Fun fact, Canada is larger than the US. It is the second largest country in the world second only to Russia in size.
  • @marcwright8395
    Canada's biggest and first industry 350 years ago was the beaver fur trade (Top hats in England were traditionally made with beaver pelts) The Hudson Bay company
  • @XopheAdethri
    As a Canadian kid in the 80's, I had to learn all the states and capitals too some time in primary school.