What It's Like Inside a School Shooting Drill

Published 2014-11-15
Some parents became angry when their children were terrified during a Florida middle school's drill.

All Comments (21)
  • "These drills may be too frightening" lol you think a real shooter is going to ride in handing out candy on a segway?
  • At my school all were told to do is turn off the lights sit in a corner and close the door, how's that gonna help? Shooter: Oh it's 11am on a Tuesday, the parking lots full, but the door is closed. Guess it's empty.
  • @amdyinggg
    When I was in middle school, we had an unannounced ‘intruder drill’ too— our principal went on the intercom and gave a distinct location of where the ‘shooter’, what gun they said and what they were wearing. The police would bang stuff against the walls to sound like bullets and it was the worst feeling hearing them slowly march on down the corridor. The classroom I was in was relatively close to the said location and we had to run. I remember everything I felt, I was so so nervous and people were having panic attacks, tripping and shoving each other trying to make it down the hallway, and I remember my friend who was in crunches at the time falling mid hallway in the sudden rush hour and I cried so hard once we were all outside. We ran so far, about a block and a half down. Everyone was uncontrollably sobbing. I mean, we were just 11 - 13 year olds. It lasted 30 minutes before we were all sent back to our classrooms and the day just went by as normal, but god, I will never forget the rawness I felt and the adrenaline I shouldn’t have had to survive. I can’t believe how terrifying this must be for actual victims, and my heart goes out to the recent Uvalde shooter victims and families.
  • it brought tears to my eyes watching the teacher with her Columbine hoodie tackling the man who was told to fight back during training. That was real. You can see the trauma on her face and the drive to protect her students. ❤️
  • @willshealy5963
    If I hear a gunshot in my school, I would be outta there faster than my grades are going dropping.
  • @elysian148
    During a drill this boy thought it was funny yelling bloody hell. My teacher put him outside.
  • But the trauma that these kids will get, imagine getting PTSD as young as elementary school
  • I'm 25 and living in the UK. I had no idea such a drill even existed until today. How anyone can live in America is beyond me.
  • @Voogabond
    School: Does a fake drill Kindergartener: PULLS OUT THE GLOCK
  • Screw getting behind the desk. I'm pushing 7 desks up against the door and if I have a pencil, I'm going for the throat
  • @bellathesilliest
    As somebody with ptsd and severe anxiety, oh my gosh I cannot imagine the fear and panic attacks I would be overwhelmed with. Too. Far.
  • @Real-fairy-hr3vq
    I’m really proud for that women who decided to make sure no one else in that school dies from a shooter😊
  • @vincentowen2158
    schoolshooter - " the door is shut and the lights are out, guess they arnt here"
  • @Neezy2290
    anyone else's worst fear for these being in the bathroom while it happens
  • @stellarae8257
    i was 12 years old when sandyhook happened and 17 when parkland happened. i have a younger sibling by 2 years. the 2 years i was in high school with her were the most stressful because i had to worry about more than just myself. i dont think people who graduated out of k-12 before 2014ish realize how real this is for many of us. it could be any regular day at school and i'd constantly be looking for an exit plan. always thinking "what would you do in this very moment if...". i memorized my sibling's schedule so that i always knew where they should be in case something went down. even now, i still have this part of my brain always thinking about the best escape route/form of defense every time im anywhere. i'm jealous of some of the people who got to grow up before this was a regular occurrence, especially before columbine. y'all wonder why gen z is so fucking anxious and depressed, but we have a reason to be. even when u know it's a drill, it's still really scary (some people act cool, but tbh i think it's just them trying to not think about how theyre actually feeling). these drills are extremely important. those shooters are gonna come 1 way or another, you might as well prepare them for it in case it happens to them.
  • @latgis8114
    I've had a lockdown, people said they got firearms and bombs and stuff. I think the sad part is some kids were shaking and stuff and others were having fun. The best part was the teacher. She was so calm and kept a lot of the other kids calm. She was working and eating. We heard a couple loud booms right outside our window. Then we had to sit on the floor. It lasted like an hour or so. I'm glad it wasn't anything serious.
  • @henryrodda4081
    I live in Australia and we had a REAL 7 hour lock down because there was A COW ON THE OVAL
  • My school's shooting drill: shutting the door without locking it and continuing class I wish I was joking
  • @emilyfaust9691
    I've had to run from what we thought was a school shooter. Turns out a student pulled a prank by calling the police, telling them another student was shooting up the school. The only thing that was going through my head was "I'm going to get shot in the back" I was fully expecting the pain as I ran out the school doors, through the field, and into the neighborhood across the street.
  • @Jonnfer
    This happened at my school, Freshman year girls P.E the police department didn’t even talk with our school about it, they sent a deputy in undercover a Science teacher noticed the gun and told kids to run to a classroom started grabbing kids shoving them inside his classroom, our vice principal came over the intercom in panic, we hid in a bathroom for at lest 1 hour, if it was real, My science teacher deserves a metal or something, He was brave to call it out, and start grabbing kids. The trauma from that day, still lingers, kids can’t have headphones in the hallway and all teachers must stand outside there classrooms to watch.