Patrick Beverly Suspended 4 Games For Hitting Fan With Ball, Poor Conduct With Media | Pat McAfee


コメント (21)
  • @ohyababyohyea
    If a fan did that to Pat Bev they would be banned for life.
  • @noeno17
    Assaulting a fan only gets you a 4 game suspension?
  • The media shouldnt be a factor the dude got caught in 4k throwing a ball hard asf at fans
  • If I'm that lady: "My neck, my back, my crack, it's all fucked up, headaches all the time, I think a tooth got knocked out" 😂😂😂
  • @mikeclark7026
    How the hell was this only 4 games? This not being 10 is absurd, and it really should be 20
  • @ryguyk9375
    Four games is soft for what he did. He didn’t hit a player, he hit a fan. Adam Silver is a joke for this.
  • @AproposDare
    Assault a fan twice. Go to jail? Adam Silver : Naw, fam. 4 game suspension.
  • 4 game suspension is soft, this was assault on 2 people. Charges may not be files yet but Im glad to hear the police are now involved for the woman, clearly the NBA does not care so maybe she should file charges now. 4 games is an embarrassment on the league
  • @I_Sleep_In
    Beverley has a HISTORY of incidents. This shouldn't have been 4 games. It should've been the season.
  • @masonmacomber
    I love how every other commissioner gets hate for having too harsh suspensions while Silver gets hate because he is too nice with the suspensions
  • Silver cares more abt his reputation among players and the media than fans who pay the bills
  • @Alf9393
    So he really didn’t get punished
  • Weakest suspension in sports history by the weakest commissioner in sports.
  • @masonmacomber
    I think it would do more damage to bev if they suspended him for 4 days from Cancun
  • @theNinjiii
    4 games? last time someone got into it with a fan, the entire team got suspended for an entire season. Adam Silver needs to do more. this is an absolute joke for us indy folks.