This Book Reveals Secrets Under Mt Shasta

Published 2023-03-06
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This Book Reveals Secrets Under Mt Shasta

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What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries. In this channel, you'll find storytelling of the unkown, the supernatural and the paranormal. If you enjoy shows like Unsolved Mysteries or Paranormal Witness, you'll enjoy What L

All Comments (21)
  • Yea iā€™m a grown man that gets told bedtime stories by another grown man.
  • @BAMFSpYdy
    If I have learned anything in my 60 years it's, we have no clue of what this planet is really all about.
  • Just a FYI. 30 or so years ago I was driving to Klamath falls in Oregon, towing my boat and turned off I 5 heading to Doris. I was in the middle of nowhere, 3 or 4 in the morning. No over passes, no highway lights, no nothing and just by myself. As I was driving there was a blinding light above me that scared the shit out me ! I looked every where and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. After about 20 seconds it was gone ........ I'm not one of those, just a regular guy but I'll never forget it ...........
  • @Unhyphenated
    Being both a history buff who also enjoys digging into the odd and strange, I love this guy because he doesn't declare anything, he simply gives all sides and let's the listener decide for themselves. Love it!
  • @DKINE59
    Growing up one book my dad had and I still have it ā€œLemuria the lost continent of the Pacificā€ by W.S. Cerve written in 1931 was the main seed that set me on a rabbit hole excursion into aliens, advanced tech, megaliths, and other strange phenomena. That was in the late 70s early 80s at around 10 +- years old. In my 20s I would talk about stuff like this and alot of people thought I was a bit wacko. Now itā€™s all over the place.
  • @doveandiamond
    Thank you for scaring people away from this mountain. Itā€™s my home and thereā€™s way to many tourists
  • @clydeclains
    I live in Shasta County. I can say that there's gas leaking out of Mt. Shasta in some area since it is a volcanic mountain. I have heard talks about hallucination while skiing and snowboarding. There's another mountain next to Shasta which is Shastina, a hot spring mountain. The spring up there is quite dangerous and can be acidic but when it's not, it's a great spot to go to. I've walked in the caves of Mountain Shasta, quite eerie as there are unexplained colors all over the cavern walls. Northern California is truly a mystery. You should hear stories about the Redwood Forests. Hohoho.
  • I was born and raised in Mt. Shasta and almost everybody's got a weird story about something happening to them. I've seen two UFO's over Mt. Shasta, others have more crazy stories than mine. I don't want to get all New Age weird but I think there is something to the whole "energy center" thing as it pertains to Mt. Shasta. It is a beautiful place and if there had been more opportunities I would've stayed there.
  • @TheBigDadddy
    I grew up a couple hours north of Shasta and in July 2020 had taken a trip with my aunt, grandpa and two family friends to Summit the mountain. We started about 2:45 am in order to get up and back down before sunset. About 2hrs into the hike we all had noticed 6 individual lights following in a line that appeared to be sliding down the mountain. Having been all our first times on the mountain we didnā€™t realize at that time of day just before the sun started rising that those would have had to be massively huge or bright lights to display the size and sphere shape of them that far up on the mountain. In that moment we had assumed that hikers who possibly got up early from the 50/50 were already glissading down (again we now realize how far up that spot was on the mountain and that if they were headlamps or flashlight we definitely couldnā€™t have seen them. So We kept hiking as we watched the lights descend farther down the mountain until to our amazement, they peeled off the ridge and continued into the sky maintaining their single file formation. Possibly because the angle we were seeing this at, they continued to speed up and out of sight over the horizon. We all had a hard time trying to rationalize what the hell we just watched especially after sunrise and we could really see how much father that point on the mountain was than we realized. Rest of the hike was amazing, absolutely stunning views and a real physical challenge (especially through boulder alley). We all arrived back at the parking lot after descending back down and were talking with a couple dudes who we told what we saw with the lights going into the sky. They told us it was most likely star link satellites which kind of made sense with the very little light pollution at that area of the mountain. However, the way the lights appeared to be going down the mountain and then changing course to going off into the sky and horizon beyond is still hard to apply to what we all agreed was the start link satellites. I canā€™t wait to summit my.Shasta again, and the next time Iā€™m definitely going with an intent to explore the more mysterious aspects of the area knowing all that I know now
  • Near Mr Shasta road work on I-5 had everyone going slow so a road rage case pushed one man over the edge. As soon as traffic opened back up to 2 lanes the man with rage that felt jilted, because the man in front of him was going way to slow even for a construction zone, passed the slow driver and forced him to the side of the road where he pulled out a gun and killed him. When he made a run for it his car was brought to a halt where he tried to run across the freeway, but what he did was to run directly in front of a loaded semi and was killed dead on the spot. This sounded so bizarre to me that I finally found the story, and other than my condensed version, it really took place.
  • Also, my best friend's grandma was native to a tribe that lived next to Mt. Shasta. We would ask her to talk about the "little green goblins" she saw when there as a young kid. She refused to talk about it. In fact, said if she even drives by Shasta she will.close her eyes. No joke!
  • Aloha from Hawaii šŸŒ‹šŸŒ‹šŸļøšŸŒˆ! The Big Island is part of remaining Lemuria. People here know this and I can tell you this place is other worldly.šŸ˜ŽLuv you.
  • @brianjury4508
    Between UFOS, Sasquatch sightings, missing people and First Nation tribal stories, it seems like Mt Shasta has more strangeness than virtually anywhere else in California. Although parts of the Mojave desert have similar strangeness associated with it, the mountain and surrounding areas give strangeness a deeper definition, comparing to the Alaska, and Michigan triangles. Very, very strange place. With an extensive history to boot. Happy Monday to All. PS Gautama is another name for the Buddha, and there's been a Buddhist monastery there for decades. Strange indeed!!!!
  • @leemason5953
    OK, 2 things,in the UK, there is a TV program called national park mysteries(not sure if it is shown in the us)they covered Mt shasta on an episode of this show. 2nd, about 10ish yrs ago, I was watching a "mysteries" program, and they interviewed a hiker/camper that had a weird experience up the mountain. He said once he got above the tree line, all of a sudden, he noticed 2 very tall people in strange robe like clothes that seemed to appear out of nowhere and were watching him. He described them as very tall,strange robes like clothes and blonde/white hair and extremely blue eyes. He said they never spoke to him, but he started to feel like they wanted him to go with them. Anyway he didn't go with them and decide to get away from them,after running a for a little while he turned back and they had vanished but there was nowhere they could have gone without still being seen because of the terrain, when he got back down he said he spoke to one of the locals and they told him to never go above the tree line because if you do they will come for you,when ask who would come for him ,he was allegedly told, the people that live inside the mountain. Now I don't know how true this is, but that was his story. Try and find that TV series national Park mysteries, which covers a lot of strange stuff that goes on all over the US inside the national parks.
  • I've climbed shasta 35 times and summitted 20 I believe. I've had a crazy experience with energy there. On the East side on the Hotlum Winton glacier at 11,700 or so. We made camp on the ridge and was going to climb the Left Ice Gulley via Hotlum Glacier the next morning, with a 1am start. I got up to take a pee, around 9 something. Standing over the hotlum glacier, watching lightning crackle and dance in the distance near Navada, maybe 20 miles or less. As I'm standing there, my hairs on the back of my neck start to rise and pull. Then my forarms and legs. I can feel my entire body tingling... like static electricity. I look back at my bright green black diamond tent with its horizontal top pole end sticking out producing a lovely but scary set of litle elextric fingers! Just like in a electric orb when you touch the glass. I then screamed and for some reason jumped into my tent thats currently sparking. My friend above me on the ridge looked down and witnessed the electric fingers and me spazing and screaming absenities. The top pole passes through the inside which also had tiny little fingers of electricity. Then it just stopped. Didnt last more than 20 seconds or less. I went up to my two climbing partners, drank some whiskey, smoked a joint and decided maybe we wont climb after all. And just had a great night messing around on the glacier and watching the stars and weather roll in. It ended up being all good the rest of the night and next day. After I had to figure out what had happened, scientifically speaking there had to be reason. I read that it's built up energy from the pressure of the magma and it releases this energy in a form of static electricity. But who knows. If I had a spirit animal, it would be Mount Shasta, my love.
  • I highly favor the fact that he always does research and gives what he has discovered. I can listen to regular scary stories, which I don't mind but stories that emerge from truth or fact are more interesting to me. Good work.
  • @izysly6924
    I just passed by Mt Shasta two days ago and It left me with a sense of dread. My cell phone and my girlfriends cell phone acted wonky. I don't want to go there again.
  • I witnessed a gold cylinder craft in 2017. I was in the Civil air patrol at 15. Anytime I hear a plane I always look. This craft was as long as a G7 but had no wing's no engine visible. It's gold exterior was bright and gleamed that morning. It flew low and was very close almost tree top level. I constantly wonder if other's may have seen this. It's not from earth. I believe it was made of real gold. It had Port window's.
  • I've lived in the shadow of Mt Shasta for over 20 years. Weird is the baseline around here. Story after story of Weirdness. UFOs, Bigfoot, lights on the mountain, underground military base, ect ect ect. I've seen plenty of Weird living around here. Heard stories from creditable people, not the town tweaker. Spend some time here and you'll fine out, that is if the mountain let's you. Lots of people come with the intention of staying and just can't make it. Others, like myself can't seen to leave LOL. We call it life in the Vortex.
  • Some have visited the city, and have written affidavits to back this upā€¦ā€¦ they were hiking near Mt Shasta , when a door opened up, and a nine foot lemurian came out and asked them, if they would like to visit the city, some said yes, some have turned and ran off the mountainā€¦ā€¦. 8 different levels in the cityā€¦ā€¦ blue eyed blonds, avg, of 8 feet tallā€¦.. very peacefulā€¦..