RNC & ”Migrant Crime”: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2024-07-25
John Oliver discusses the wave of people claiming there’s a wave of “migrant crime,” where the term came from, and what we can do next.

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All Comments (21)
  • @ChoppedCheeese
    The "fuck your feelings" crowd seem to be controlled by their feelings
  • "Democrats' failures... have ruined the lives of countless Minnesotans" Man, if Minnesota running a repeated budget surplus, having a competent state-funded healthcare system, having a falling overall crime rate, signing abortion, trans rights, free higher education for lower-income families, and legalized cannabis into law, and providing a generally higher standard of living is failing us, I want to know what happens when they absolutely shit the bed.
  • @gogreen7794
    These guys go nuts over alleged "migrant crime" but refuse to do anything about gun violence, mass shootings, or domestic violence.
  • The RNC was the definition of cringe. Those idiots must not be in charge.
  • 40% Americans have no idea how big a laughing stock they have become in such a short time.
  • @Sidecutter
    I hope every one of those "Guardian Angels" is charged and jailed for assault.
  • @Artyomi
    There’s a video of a guy interviewing at a Trump rally in the midwest where he yells asking for a SINGLE person to tell them a personal bad interaction with an immigrant. Each one only said “well my great grandmother’s friend’s son was pickpocketed by a black guy” or “I saw this video on the news”. Not a single one could show a real example or experience - and some of them actually said “I wish I had one”. They “wish” they had one… He would go up and down the line screaming “Please, just ONE personal example of migrant crime”. Yet each one of these people are thoroughly convinced it’s the worst problem in the country - while their state legislators cut their education and healthcare, then blame the job loss from mass de-regulation on “Mexicans” (when the number of Mexican immigrants is wayyyy down)
  • Fear is all they have... Then again it's the only way to justify the right-wing policy position. Only if you're afraid would you surrender your rights and liberties,and advocate for hateful intolerance, in the name of "safety". Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to thinking Trump is acting in your best interests
  • @johnygroy644
    I'm a migrant (green card) and I can assure you most tend to stay away from crime. This is because something like a misdemeanor can get you deported real quick. Ask any migrant... 😂😂
  • With the "Guardian Angels" - what the fuck is wrong with them that they think assaulting someone for shoplifting food is the correct course of action?
  • I've talked to Venezuelan refugees who are here on asylum status but aren't allowed to work because they are still going through the protracted immigration process. They are scared, confused, and struggling and they are being blocked from trying to improve things.
  • @laalaa99stl
    "...or they were until I ruined them by letting them slide out of my old mouth." Thank you, John. You are doing The Lord's work.
  • Why do they keep pretending to fear "rapists", while they are the ones forcing themselves onto women's bodies....?
  • @spitflamez
    He said “killing hundreds of thousands of people per year”!!!! Wow, if that is not pushing fear, then what is?
  • @MiMi-xc7ks
    Listening to John Oliver speak Spanish was the highlight of my day, thank you!
  • @julianuceda1331
    I would love to hear a native American talk about 'migrant crime'
  • As someone who lives less than 20 miles from the Mexican boarder, I can tell you we are way more concerned about a heat wave than an immigrant wave🙄
  • It’s mind boggling how a person can make claims with ABSOLUTELY no evidence or data and people believe it because they want to. Nominees on such public stages should be fact checked! Unfortunately, if you yell something loud enough to some people, they eventually believe it. It is so sad. Educate yourselves.
  • @focusecomedia
    Switching to Spanish to trash talk is the exact reason I will NEVER stop watching John oliver