RPG Maker Unite for Unity Review is Bad! Very Bad.

Published 2023-08-03
RPG Maker Unite is a bold new direction for the long running RPG Maker series. It takes the traditional JRPG game engine functionality you can expect from RPG Maker MV/MZ/etc and brings it all to the Unity game engine.

Available as an add-on for the Unity game engine, RPG Maker Unite adds the functionality of RPG Maker, including battle screens, map editor, database system and more, and adds it to the Unity game engine. This enables it to support more platforms, offer higher definition graphics and access to the C# programming language.

The question is... does it succeed? In this review we will answer that question!



All Comments (21)
  • @F00dstamp96
    They want $99 for a product that's roadmap says "We'll fix undo/redo next year"? That is embarrassing.
  • @vazzius
    What surprises me the most is that it got the "Unity Verified Solution" badge. Don't know who failed the most, the devs behind the RPG Maker asset or Unity for giving the badge (and not removing it)
  • @Acissathar
    I feel like ORK Framework (of which I am a huge fan, and it also has a free trial version of the editor itself) is what RPG Maker Unite wants to be, where you have an RPG database / gameplay framework, but can still leverage everything from Unity, especially given they both have the same asking price.
  • @ddabrahim
    What is interesting is that Unite is not mentioned on the official RPG Maker website as an official RPG Maker product which makes me wondering if its an other one of those 3rd party tools that only published by the RPG Maker guys but it is not developed by them. For example, many years ago they were publishing the 001 RPG Maker which they let go later and the original dev managed to get it back and re-branded it to 001 Game Creator. I would be not surprised if something similar is happening here with Unite.
  • @mimimalloc
    Ever since RPG Maker XP I've been hoping for a RPG Maker that uses a simple but performant C/++ based engine under the hood, is extended with the Lua scripting language, and gets supported with updates instead of being left behind to work on the new shiny thing to sell. It feels like the series has fallen down the path of chasing trends and reinventing the wheel constantly with every new iteration using different tech instead of providing a solid foundation for 2D RPGs.
  • @occularmalice
    Just took a look at the reviews and this dumpster fire gets even better. The latest person bought it on day one but never got the preorder bonus. They replied that "they're investigating the problem". The reviewer also said there's some sort of DRM in the asset so it lost his license. Their response was to create a new project and try again. Most of the reviews pretty much say the same thing. This thing has horrible performance and want refunds. Whenever there's a negative review they have a copy/paste response saying "hang in there!". Another developer on the Steam forums confirmed the performance was horrible and required vast resources to run (think Unreal 5 level). Stay away, stay far away.
  • @kurtisharen
    Honestly, all they really needed to do was take an approach like the Japan-only (I think) PS2 RPG Maker. Unity has built-in 3D support. Just give us a set of character models that we can plop down just like the sprites in the older versions, some basic shaped blocks we can build a 3D environment with, and a list of textures for said blocks. Basically, I want to be able to select the "Grassland" graphics set, and get a set of building blocks where the sides have a dirt/stone texture and the tops have a grass/stone texture. I piece them in one by one, where they snap into place, and slowly piece together a 3D area to explore. I can place NPC objects the same way, and by clicking on one to highlight it, the sidebar changes to show me all of the things I can do like the traditional RPG Maker events, dialogue, etc. Just give us a basic JRPG engine using Unity's built-in 3D capabilities, some basic starter graphics (They don't even have to look good! Just recycle the PS2 ones! We can swap them out ourselves!), and a tutorial of some kind to gently ease the user into each feature one at a time. Hell, post them as YouTube videos or something in a playlist! Users have a resource to learn the engine, and people who stumble across the tutorials and don't have RPG Maker can see first-hand just how easy they've made everything.
  • @QuiteDan
    I was so jazzed about this because I knew a lot of people who used RPGMaker, but found Unity daunting. Too bad it's not quite there yet.
  • @occularmalice
    It's a hot mess. I thought it would be a good move, but they have no idea how to build a Unity addon and there's so many things broken. You mention it works with "all of your RPG Maker assets" which is pretty much impossible. The graphics are scaled up so you can't use the traditional 32x32 pixel graphics from XP/VX-Ace and you can't use the 48x48 pixel art from MV. There's also no upscaling tool built in so you're on your own to convert your tilesets, characters, etc. all in your favorite paint program. Also all previous add-ons (which were written in either JavaScript or Ruby) can't be used. The addon example they provide is horrible and doesn't tell you anything about the API. Nobody is building games with this, nobody is making addons. It's a dead product that should have never been released. You can make JRPG games with Unity and existing assets much easier.
  • @gh0stcloud499
    9:17 super cool that you can access unreal engine from inside unity now ;) in all seriousness sad to see that rpg maker is in this state. It was my first experiment into game dev like 15 years ago so while I no longer use it or play JRPGs I still have fond memories.
  • @benverschoor6521
    I always love that your demonstrations are in real time so we can hear you respond to a product's rough edges as you encounter them.
  • @H2Learn
    Thank you so much for the review, I was thinking about buying it now I'm not so sure.
  • @BestGameDesigner
    When they've fixed all the issues in RPG Maker Unity XX Accent Core Plus Z 8000 Ultra in 2094 it will totally be worth it!
  • @redalchemy7322
    Oddly enough I was hoping for a system like RPG Maker but in Unity, guess I made that monkey paw wish. To be fair it looks like they are still working on it and it might turn out in the end (possibly after a year of patches ). Though I do worry that we won't see many fan made plugins due to the poor reception.
  • @Shad0wD3v
    Can you do an update video? I am looking at this but there isn't any reviews that are recent for me to know if the current system is in better shape.
  • @IllyasArt
    Its kinda sad that for Unity, there is already the amazing ORK Framework, and for Unreal there are many plugins and complete RPG assets on the marketplace. RPG Maker seems to just be a cash grab these days :T
  • there was a language select option in the bottom right hand cornerduring the second issue with the help section being only available in Japanese.
  • @BixxPlays
    as somebody that got it at launch it still doesn't work it still cant find the license even though i am already logged into unity hub.