The Try Wives Guide To Flirting - You Can Sit With Us Ep. 76

Published 2021-12-21
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Maggie, Becky, and Ariel are your new best friends. In their weekly podcast they dive into female friendships, current events, and what's going on in their lives. Sit down with them, and enjoy!



Comedians Zach Kornfeld, Kelsey Darragh, and Garrick Bernard take turns sharing their favorite guilty pleasure movies and TV shows and invite their funniest friends along to feel good about feeling guilty.

Licensed from AudioNetwork

Miles Bonsignore

Rainie Toll

All Comments (21)
  • @kaynefan
    Maggie, thank you for normalizing colonoscopies for young people with a family history of colon cancer! Getting screened at a younger age when you have that family history is so incredibly important - it can truly save your life. Colon cancer is VERY treatable if it is caught early, and a colonoscopy is the best way to do that.
  • @waltz0153
    Thank u Maggie for bringing attention to the gastrointestinal side effects of taking NSAIDs on an empty stomach. I feel like with how common and widespread the use of NSAIDs are, many people are still unaware of its side effects. Especially for those who are taking them as a pain reliever, since they usually need to take them as soon as the pain starts and probably forget to eat beforehand.
  • @emiliamarie87
    As a person who gets fragrance-triggered migraines, the thought of someone spritzing their cologne on my pillow is horrifying!
  • @rosepose92
    Maggie out here very politely pointing out that medical school and pharmacy school are two different things! IMO more people (in the US at least, idk how other countries work) need to know the differences between professional degrees in the field of medicine.
  • @heliagrey
    I'd like to see Rachel on the opening card pic, too!
  • @karly.asshhh
    I swear this is the only podcast that doesn't bore me. Listening to the try wives feels like hanging out with friends.
  • @coopernat1
    I totally get the bad texter girl! I don’t like texting anyone unless it’s random thoughts or planning something. I like saving conversation for in person when I’m getting to know someone because I’m scared by awkward silences. The guy I’m dating never texts and I’m so happy with that lol
  • Hey ladies, y'all NEED to do some research about the company "Betterhelp" before you keep having them as sponsors. Other than that, absolutely love y'all's show and I listen to every episode. <3
  • @kathleenuclear
    THE LADIES ARE BACK TOGETHER and all of you look adorable and incredible and glowing and gorgeous. my four besties 💓
  • @analils
    I don't know how people take NSAIDS on an empty stomach, I'll get an ache so fast. Listen to Maggie y'all.
  • @fh6019
    I can kind of confirm the f me sweater theorie, my ex really liked the ones I wore, but he ended up cheating. Maybe her sweater game was even stronger 😂
  • As far as the texting guy goes, I think telling him in person is a great idea. Especially since she doesn't like texting a lot. As someone that does text right away, I would let him down gently. I think as long as she explains why, I think he will understand. And if he doesn't understand then, drop him. Also, speaking from experience, texting a lot before a date does make it hard to make conversation on the date. I went on a date with this guy and we texted A LOT before our first date. By the time we were on the date, it was pretty quiet and awkward. So don't text each other a lot before the date.
  • I’ve been in college for a few months now and left my boyfriend (who’s in college back home) of 4 years. I haven’t made any friends yet and honestly it’s so fucking hard. This podcast makes me feel apart of something. Thank you
  • @c9566
    Do a custom perfume / scent show! There are wearable scents that range from lavender to freaking roast beef (not joking!!). You can go in and have a customized session. This would be so lovely and actually enlightening and informative!
  • This was a great episode. I like it when the podcast is loosely structured and they just let the girls chat. They are so interesting without much need for a structured format.
  • @obscurecamera24
    I'm in the same boat as Maggie. Last year I lost my dad to pancreatic cancer and then two months later I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer at an early age. I had the surgery and thank goodness it was found early. Then after recovery my oncologist suggested to get genetic testings done. So I did and found out that I have the PTEN genetic mutation where I'm always at risk of having other cancers. The gene itself acts like a suppressor that prevents tumors from forming. The opposite happens for me. I have to do almost all the cancer checks every year. What I also found out was this was from Dads side.
  • @helloitsali.
    the way i gasped when you all said you don’t eat before taking ibuprofen bc it’s been drilled into me by my mom that she doesn’t want me to get a whole in my stomach if i take one on an empty stomach
  • Me picking off my gel while listening Ariel: “PSA don’t peel off your gel nail polish” Me: 👁👄👁
  • @GailNott
    I would emphasize what you do want instead of just saying what you don't want. Saying, " I look forward to catching up with you when I see you again. Is it ok if we we don't text until we're confirming our next date?" would be a more welcome statement than, "I don't like it when you text so much.". And I would say it in person or at the very least, by phone.
  • @c9566
    Becky!!! Read Dune! First 100 pages and then it becomes easy. Yes - there ARE appendixes in the back!