10 Things That KILL THE VIBE in Video Games

Published 2024-02-13

All Comments (21)
  • @taylorusedtoxic
    The vibe when the game is broken, but the microtransaction store and its content work flawlessly.
  • @TheHenkie1
    Number 11: when you're playing a game where looting is important and then you have 2 directions to go, you choose one option, go trough a door, a cutscene starts and you're not able to back to loot the room behind the other door. Damn vibe killer.
  • @mattsully2238
    Idea: 10 games with a boss fight that was so hard you thought it was a scripted loss. Turns out, just hard as nails.
  • When a boss you keep dying to has an unskippable cutscene at the start that you have towatch over and over again
  • A true vibe killer for me is getting an unskipable ad while trying to watch a Gameranx video
  • @arbknight12
    A touching tribute to a deceased voice actor, followed by a loot box unpacking animation usually ruins things for me.
  • @NightchaserX
    Here's a big one. When you're lost or missed something obvious You missed a piece of dialogue or hint the games gives you and suddenly you spent an hour just to figure out how to get back on track or figure out the gimmick to a boss.
  • @tagusmagilicutus
    A good example of the first point is the plane scene in RE5 where if you miss those quicktimes, you will be reliving that dialogue multiple times.
  • @NegativeROG
    Clipping kills immersion for me every time. When my cape flutters in the wind and blows through both the sword and shield on my back. When I'm swinging a 2-handed hammer in a tight dungeon and I can clearly see my swing goes through the wall. When an enemy is on the other side of a closed door, and he swats at me through the door, and I can hit the door with arrows and the bad guy takes damage.
  • @noahfecks7598
    Having to solve a random environment puzzle in a game when it's not that type of game. One of the worst: "Hmm, locked. I wonder if I can use these mirrors to redirect sunlight towards that arbitrary target and unlock the door." That madness is usually followed up with your character repeating the same line over and over while the game grinds to a halt making you play this out of nowhere Game of Mirrors type deal.
  • @zachbenimble1932
    For me it’s when there’s stealth critical, such some of the early AC games mainly where one guy spots you, sometimes right when you’re about to take him down you get mission failed.
  • EVERY AND ALL follow mission....whether it's you following an NPC (Assassin's Creed, Pitman, etc) - OR - you escorting NPC (RE4, MGS2, DEAD Rising)
  • @TruePerception
    I hate when a companion has to give hints like 5 seconds after reaching an area. "Bro! I'm looking for collectibles and enjoying the scenery!"
  • @ardent9422
    A recent vibe killer I've expereinced is in Gran Turismo 7. There's a menu book race for the GR1 prototype series, the race is 10 laps and uses fuel so you have to pit, when I try to pit the game resets my car on the track, and since I'm not moving the other cars coming around the track slam into my car and cause it to spin around. Gonna have to look up how to solve this problem. I recently finished Forbidden West and the side quest weren't all that bad, but the machine racing did have some of that rubber banding.
  • @draconusfrigidus
    Thankfully I don't see this much anymore but it's a difficult part of the game where you keep dying, then as soon as you finally make it through, the ensuing cutscene has your character be killed/betrayed/captured anyway. Just saps all feeling of accomplishment and motivation to continue.
  • @MrKeagan9046
    It's astounding these boys can still come up with '10' type lists. True professionals 🙌
  • @dbznappa
    When you lose all the powers you've been building up for a period of the game. You have all these sick abilities then for a portion of the story you can't use any of them. Also, getting pulled into a big unskippable side-story with no warning. The Wutai Sidequest in OG Final Fantasy VII where Yuffie steals all your materia did both spectacularly.
  • @maxuzprime
    When there's a random difficulty spike mid game. You go from fighting something around your level to everything being 50 levels higher then you and you have to stop to grind the game for hours.
  • @MikeS42069
    When you finally get through phase 2 on the big bad and realize there's a p3 :(
  • @annieyahknight
    Number 9 resonates with me especially since I just finished GTA 4’s story and I got the helicopter glitch and it completely killed the vibe of the final mission. Plus it was my first time playing the game too