Diver Phenotype | Helldivers 2 Comic Dub

Published 2024-03-12

All Comments (21)
  • @GingerSid
    Or you can look at it as the death of innocents. Also hello this is more of a experimental dub for my own personal testings, that and I simply love Binkie's work!
  • @TheArklyte
    "Fun" fact: usually players are given 20 reinforcement beacons before cooldowns kick in. Meaning that Helldivers deploy by platoons of 24. Likewise usually in best case scenario only 4 players evacuate as that's the game format. Meaning that typical Helldiver losses are 83% per mission. ON A GOOD DAY.
  • Rember kids don't stand below the dropship when extracting. It can kill you
  • @deimoshelllord
    for someone who was in Malevevelon Creek i can understand the survivor
  • The Creek was no battle, it was insanity manifested. They took out little Jimmy with a Devastator rocket, blew my legs of with a mine, but i took one of their in return. Never Forget the Creek's creed, The tree's speak binary
  • @NicholasKratzer
    Dear god, the survivor using "bright eyes" like greenhorn or rookie is so subtly dark and brilliant. "I can tell you're too new by how much hope i can see in your eyes. You aren't ready."
  • "WE NEED TO PROTECT THE CREEK!!" "Mom please the war is over, it has been 20 years, Please go home, it wasn't your fault."
  • @inventor121
    You forgot the "Creeker" basically the Malevelon Creek Survivor, but THEY LIKE IT. The Creeker is an insane being who has lost all humanity, constantly repeating the phrase "Spill Oil" and taking out objectives and bots with mechanical efficiency. In their efforts to take out the robot menace they have become but bots of flesh, bone, and hate.
  • @MattCaliber
    Examples of why I'm glad I'm not in the Helldivers universe.
  • When i joined up, it was about just after the start of the battle for Malevelon Creek. And my first Helldive was Malevelon Creek. I was so naive to think glory awaited me during that drop to the planet surface. To be blunt, I've never seen the eastern front. The only way i will is when there's no longer any bots to kill.
  • @CT-Clone
    We will take back the Creek one of these days and avenge our fallen brothers and sisters... Spill oil a hundred fold. For Super Earth!
  • @waffie6785
    nobody REALLY knows.. the natural progression of a Helldivers journey.. You first start as baby, but as soon as you hit those high difficulties you get that shellshock. After overcoming that, you think you can take it and become a vet. Then the creek changes you...
  • @scotthall7307
    As a creek vet I believe the quote "the planet broke before the guard did" fits perfectly.
  • As a veteran from the first galactic war against the bugs, squid fuckers, and the meat toasters I have to say that there is a couple phenotypes not mentioned here but namely one me and the boys back when liked to call the “roletide gentleman” or more commonly the “fuck yeah: guy” They were the most experienced of us all and looked at every impossible odd as just a game that they could conquer. I once entered the barracks of a “fuck yeah” and saw endless illuminate eye parts turned lava lamps and desk, hive lord mandibles mounted on the wall, and a whole ass armory full of intact borg cannons… these were all simply fuckin trophies to this guy.
  • @metamain1980
    Don't forget the 5th type, the Bearded Helldiver, For Karl!
  • @diegogouveia8409
    There's the TRUE Helldiver. Y'know? The one that puts the Hell in Helldiver no matter if they're in Mavelion Creek or any other place.
  • @KalashVodka175
    "The Trees are speaking Binary" should be a shellshocked helltaster line. The Malevelon Creek Survivor is at the phase where he's become the tree. It's the bots that are thinking "Wait, the trees are whispering... Liberty!?"
  • I believe I am the shell-shocked one because I was on one of the automaton planets on a suicide mission and my teammate brought 3 dropships worth of enemies towards me before dying. used a mech and just barely survived alone and when the adrenaline rush ran out, I just shakily asked my teammates " I thought automatons had oil, why am I covered in blood?" they just said it was mine
  • @SuperMetalMage
    Cool I got Grizzled Veteran with a heart. I don't care if the Supply Pack is as sexy as a fanny pack, it gets brought on field trips.