26 Years Later, The Truman Show is Proven Real

Publicado 2024-04-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @snoookie456
    My favorite thing about the movie is that it ends on Truman leaving. It kinda makes you think "oh by the way, this is just a movie, now go out there and live".
  • @GlennDavey
    13:09 The fact that Neo has powers in the "real world" shows that "the real world" is actually within another Matrix, but that is never properly explored in the films, unfortunately
  • @calgreen447
    I feel like I’ve waited a quarter of a century for this video essay. Did anyone else imagine they were on a hidden camera show after watching The Truman Show?
  • @ricardorivas5955
    lots of 90s movie did the "deconstructing the 50s tropes" so much that its kinda a trope of the 90s, its the nature of children standing up to their parents and tearing down their ideals
  • @cowboiky
    I was a Jehovahs Witness and grew up watching the Truman Show. They definitely demonized doing any critical investigation of the sect's history or theology, and instead insisted constant service to the religion through meetings and door to door work. I had my voyage moment when I decided to do research on the org and it felt extremely liberating to leave it behind.
  • @54032Zepol
    After leaving the Truman show studio he later goes to city of Buffalo and becomes the worlds greatest field reporter
  • @markmaurer6370
    Jared's way of summarizing movies and novels and such it's really excellent. He knows just how to capture the essence of a story in a single paragraph sometimes less. You don't have to do that a lot, so you don't realize how hard it is to do it as well as Jared does
  • @bobSims1864
    Wow. You make me want to do Film Studies and I had no idea I was even interested in this.
  • The trouble with the allegory of the cave is when we exit the cave, we can't know for certain we haven't simply entered another cave with more convincing puppets
  • @isurcantu5560
    I don't know why in the minute 4:10 I was expecting the scene from Matrix where Cypher is talking to the agent about the bliss of ignorance.
  • @chaote2069
    and Jim Carrey has a video about "Jim Carrey doesn't exist " My head is spinning LMAO
  • @JebeckyGranjola
    "You could say this is an example of philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattaris concepts..." I DID say that. That was the subject of my thesis paper, that included the same examples from the Truman Show and Eco, along with Baudrilliard and others. That's so funny. Wait, am I actually the subject of a reality tv show?
  • @phyarth8082
    Disney castle based om German and Spanish medieval castle that was built in 19 century based on very popular Romantic style of knights, chivalry. (Mark Twain and Monty Python opinion about - Sir Walter Scott. He was a loony). Disney castle is hyper hyper realism.
  • @LuisRomeroLopez
    I remember that on online forums it was said that there was an alternate ending in which as he walked out the door, Truman walked into an alley where a man was robbing an elderly woman and simply turned around and walked back to the set. The concept by Echo and the Disney example makes a LOT of sense of this myth.
  • @NieNin427
    I find Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) to be very interesting in this aspect. The characters constantly struggle with continuing disillusionment wanting back what once was (getting their original bodies back), until at the end they accept the struggle, the responsibility with the complications, and continue in their lives, driven for just each other. It is the darkest part of coming of age portrayed incredibly well. I would be over the moon, if you once would make a video on it.
  • @WrongWindows
    That Jean Baudrillard quote is the best / most accurate criticism of The Matrix I've ever heard. And somehow never heard it before until just now.
  • @samdiego1965
    What was it about the late 90s and movies about guys who are disillusioned with their mundane lives? There was the Truman Show, Office Space, the Matrix, Fight Club, American Beauty, and I’m sure I’m forgetting a few others
  • @nak3dxsnake
    I think you just helped explain what I love about Fallout's setting so much. I really like vintage sci-fi, alternate timelines, and forced *hyper realities*.