Incredibox - V1-V8 - All bonuses

Published 2021-07-23
This video wasn't made by Incredibox team.

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0:00 - Alpha: The Choir
0:21 - Alpha: The Sailor
0:43 - Alpha: Santa
1:07 - Little Miss: Satisfied
1:36 - Little Miss: Little Miss
2:05 - Little Miss: Why This World
2:36 - Sunrise: Little Child
3:24 - Sunrise: Dance
4:12 - Sunrise: Sunrise
5:03 - The Love: Love
5:26 - The Love: Follow
5:51 - The Love: Eagle
6:17 - Brazil: Felicidade
6:41 - Brazil: Chegou
7:05 - Brazil: Musica
7:32 - Alive: Alive
8:08 - Alive: Busta
8:43 - Alive: VR
9:23 - Jeevan: Kofitez
9:57 - Jeevan: Sapna
10:31 - Jeevan: Kabikabi
11:08 - Dystopia: Riviera
12:04 - Dystopia: Zemetekile
12:58 - Dystopia: Cumulor

Almost all content from this video I used are from Incredibox
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All Comments (21)
  • the transition between v5 and v6 really puts into perspective how big of a difference each version is
  • All of v3's bonuses mix together so well in order like it tells a story almost Edit: Looking back, I mostly meant that the music inbetween bonuses sticks them together nicely. They are all strangely space themed though.
  • i love incredibox, playing it normally it just looks like a fire beatbox making app, but if you go deeper and follow the lore, you realize its all connected and its actually lore.
  • @adenx22
    I feel as if their is a hidden lore in these bonuses
  • @Thoth0333
    let’s be honest: little child is sheer flames
  • @lyo6200
    Dystopia always gives me shivers, really gets me in my feels, that feeling of dread, the world has been taken over, you’re the last hope, also the “Bora, Tera, Sola Rivera” part gives me some crazy shivers man
  • @officialzji1828
    Well, look how far we've have been through. Man! Time flies by, ay?
  • @Tunamust3
    Fun fact: did you know that all version bonus fit perfectly together without the character beatboxing before the bonus starts, meaning you have to edit the footage that has perfect timing by removing the footage of character beatboxing.
  • Little miss is actually the best inspiring one tbh. sastified was so fun and so inspiring.
  • @R41ph3a7b6
    I love the bonuses, music, drawings and animation
  • In terms of scenery 2:05 has to be my favorite. The train asthetic is spot on imo
  • incredibox in 2 words v1: first one v2: new clothes v3: very colorful v4: daft punk v5: brazil moment v6: pretty chill v7: free money v8: wierdly nostalgic
  • @GneepGlap
    Dammn, 14 minutes of bonuses and music? Awesome!
  • Dystopian and Jeevan were the sickest, and also the ones with the coldest music :D
  • @drakubro5577
    I feel like there's a big chronical story between the bonuses Why this World, VR, Alive, Dance, all 3 Dystopia bonuses, Kabi Kabi and Sunrise. So basically it starts by a polo on a train as he looks out the window, on the world, wondering about what there used to be. As the train went through the tunnel, he looked at the moon and wondered about, knowing he wasn't alone. Soon, another polo (Or Alpha Lead) finding out that something will happen to the world, and he tried to tell everyone but they didn't believe him. And one day, someone saw a comet and they walked towards it, which started it all. A few months later, in the middle of the desert, someone went to a party in a building that looked like a building in dystopia, after that, it started to spread, People were turned into Cyborgs under someone's command, possibly Astra Makula and one managed to escape, it was Alpha Lead. He managed to disguise as he stole one of the ships and made it his own. He didn't want to be connected, anymore. there, in what used to be home, he walked around, looking at the people who should've believed him, because THEY MUST, BELIEEEVE! Anyways, the triangular shaped bots flew around and scanned to make sure they were a cyborg, and one of them came up to Lead but before any trouble, Lead teleported away to an alleyway, there, he met with his ship. There, he was now headed to the Cumulor, and he went. But on his way, the triangular bots saw the ship and they fled towards it, one opened up and grabbed part of it with the grappling hook and Lead decided to Jack the ship around but it couldn't let go, so he closed his eyes, opened it again and boom, power wave, he part cyborg. He deactivated the triangular bots and now he finally reached the Cumulor. The ship had landed and he walked out, now walking towards the beam of power. He took off his robe, revealing he was 90% cyborg and as his power fused with the Cumulor's energy, he sacrificed himself as he now saved the world, a huge power wave happened, deactivating the Cumulor, deactivating the cyborgs, everything as soon, the clouds open up and the sky was bright blue again. Soon after, he woke up again in a lake for only a short time to see what he did to save the world as everything around him sprouted nature, as the animals looked at him, as the tree made leaves. He died again and yeah, life was normal again soon after. And after that, every year, they would hold a ritual for Lead, the guy who stopped the Cumulor, saved everyone, and made Woop famous THE END
  • I can’t wait! I’ve never been to one of Artemiy’s premieres, and i’m a huge fan!
  • @Apollothepolo
    2:05 is my favorite bonus of them all and its super relatable our world is always in danger and this bonus shows that and it shows who i think the main character of the incredilore is
  • @myaneedsa38
    ALIVE: BUSTA IS FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it brings back memories from when i used to listen to this all the time