Why Riaan Swiegelaar Left The Satanic Church For Christianity

Published 2022-07-11
In this clip from the podcast I did with the founder of the Satanic Church in South Africa, Riaan Swiegelaar, we talk about why he left Satanism for Christianity after meeting Jesus Christ.

All Comments (21)
  • @bernardkriel1
    one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS IS LORD !
  • @sectart
    The peace and love of Christ is undescribable God is great❤
  • @EvieK12
    Riaan is telling the truth. I too experience this. It was like a rush of warm water going right through my entire being. I felt washed whiter than whiter. I felt dirty and broken yet I became fully cleaned. I felt so unconditionally loved. I wept and wept. Then my life changed forever.
  • @DiabolicScars
    Mine was truly intense beyond measure....When I REALLY sat down and opened myself up to God, he answered immediately and sent the Holy Spirit into me. There are no words in any language I know that can describe what happened. Afterwards, I fell down on my face and cried and cried and cried....Almost like seeing my old self leave, while the "new me" came in. Praise God for his love, mercy and grace. We are truly blessed when we accept God's gifts.
  • This is a wonderful testimony. May God bless and keep you. Keep sharing your story.
  • @BethanyJuel
    I love this man Lord continue to bless him with your love ❤️❤️❤️
  • Oh my God when he started breaking down I felt that. I guess it's true that those practicing witchcraft are those who are actually seeking Christ and salvation the most but subconsciously so and they can't put it into words. Now I'm starting to see why as Christians we should walk in love always.
  • @jvon3885
    As an ex (unknowingly) Satanist myself. My high school principal gave me Anton Leveys Black Bible to do an essay on in order to return to school after dropping out. I was 16 at the time. What happened next is something truly out of a horror movie. I will say that for the past 10 years now I have learned how, why, and who was behind the push to get me involved in Satanism. Life is dangerous I'll say that. My life is a testament to just how dangerous it can and will get for many.
  • How wonderful! I love these types of conversions! U have been blessed!
  • I can relate, I was also stopped by Christ in the new age looking to speak to beings in spiritual trip when u do DMT hallucinogenic drugs. Jesus appeared to me and from there he sangtified me and drawn me to true repentance.Riaan didn't repent yet.
  • @hrgguy
    He is not beyond redemption. However, he has made no statement of salvation nor repentance. He remains in his openly sinful life style. In his other video he admits to conversing with spirits still, as well as Jesus. Christians, continue pray for his salvation. God's Word tells us to avoid divination, and the occult. There is an obvious reason, because it opens you up to demons. That is what appears to have happened here.
  • Thank you Josh for reaching out and Riaan for doing the interview and sharing. Simply love.
  • @Darkless4X
    I'm very happy for him that he found his faith with God.