How Mind Control Works - Psychopaths and Advanced Mind Control

Published 2018-08-21
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How Mind Control Works - Psychopaths and Advanced Mind Control
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How Mind Control Works - Psychopaths and Advanced Mind Control

Mind Control Manual by Dr. David McDermott. The book discloses the mind control maneuvers psychopathic cult leaders exercise to persuade others to join their group. It gives insight as well into the social dynamics taking place between targets and psychopaths in their quest for narcissistic supply.

It's important to learn about mind control tactics so you'll be able to spot them when exercised against you. You will learn to defend yourself and turn the spell around its caster. And because dangerous cults, sociopaths, and psychopaths use these tactics quite frequently, you will be better armed to discern those people and distance yourself from them.

The bulk of this video is more so my thoughts/examples, acquired in frequenting cluster B's. The author's concepts served as a guiding and carrying outline for the latter and the book is highly recommended, for without it I wouldn't have remembered my experience and shared it.

Would You Doubt A friend?
- The term friend here refers to any individual you look up to to for new information.
- If I gave you one useful tip that made a difference in your life, will you begin to believe every single advice I gave? Quite probably.
- Continuously cross-analyze your favorite sources. They have tremendous influence on you.
- Some will mix up the good with the bad, offer the latter initially to disarm and prime you for their real deal.. This I call "The Mixed signals tactic" :
The intention is malevolent, wrapped up in a succession of benevolent motives on the surface, but then flourish in your mind as the source--evil intention.

- Similar to the cliché "you shouldn't believe all that you hear in university", self-education couldn't less harmless either.
- The thinking I'm depicting here is useful to an extent. Some of you might reach the other extreme, become irrational skeptics. Remember there's only a certain limit at which skepticism is constructive.

Anything that you hear offline, online, pause to say :
"This is what so and so thinks of the matter, but what do I personally think? Should I experiment before I believe?"
It's far better to sit in silence with your own thoughts, think your own way out of your problems than to be watching one video after the other by which you rarely hear your own thoughts, your head is full of echoing voices.

Thanks for watching! See you.
- (Chadi) The Journey

MUSIC by Ross Bugden -    / @rossbugden  

//How Mind Control Works - Psychopaths and Advanced Mind Control, how to know you are being manipulated, mind control techniques for love, how you are mind controlled, how you are mind manipulated, your mind on mind control, how to know you are being manipulated at work, psychopaths and mind control, monarch mind control, mk ultra mind control, mind control voice to skull technology, how mind control works in relationships, mk ultra monarch programming, amway mind control//

All Comments (21)
  • I think one big signs of manipulation I see from people is that their actions won't line up with their words. They will contradict what they're saying and it is these contradictions that give them away.
  • @colat1265
    Wow!!! So in GangStalking, its NOT the Targeted Individual who gets Mind-Controlled, its the GangStalkers!! Because they ACTUALLY go around BELIEVING what the HANDLERS WANT them to believe and they do so in a manner as if they came to that conclusion on THEIR OWN! When indeed, the handlers, the people behind the scenes, feeding the scripts, scenarios, almost like the directors on a reality show, who edits events and story lines to make them fit a certain plot....when actually, they make the characters and the set appear how they want and they control HOW the VIEWER (gangstalker) SEES the 'CAST'. In REALITY, those people are NOTHING like what you see on TV....YOU ONLY GET THE DIRECTORS CUT! The real life director (handler ) is a sociopath!! In gangstalking, there are a GROUP of these....those who RUN it....who SHARE this personality trait! a GROUP of SOCIOPATHS using MIND CONTROL on communities to perform Gangstalking acts of ALL sorts. From thinking you're working undercover, sneaking pictures, sharing audio, watching illegal hidden HOME CAMS, READ ALL ONLINE ACTIVITY and pretend they dont, tapping phones, wearing listening devices, hidden body cams and mics, poisoning, breaking in homes, gaslighting, KILLING!! They use MIND control to get THOUSANDS TO THOSE THINGS on a regular basis!! STRENGTHEN YOUR MIND SO YOU WILL NOT BE USED! DONT PARTICIPATE!
  • @delery2524
    That's what I've been stuck in for several years. A 'temporary roommate' has done the isolation. The gaslighting. The raging accusations. The self victimization. The slander. Stalking. Messing w food & bev. The months I felt poisoned. Same time my young strong tom cat went down to skin and bones. Sabatage. Hates anything, even my thoughts, that are a little autonomous. This has been more quicksand than I ever thought. I feel really scared for ppl who are in LOVE w the predator. It's so blinding. This guy never even fostered any friendships. Oh he does his act. But my creep-o-meter was off the charts. Real early on.
  • The Narcissistic Personality usually targets the weak the homeless, drug addicted, depressed and just people with low self-esteem this is true with Cults always be on guard for anyone who wants to make important decisions that you would make on your own in short always depend on yourself and if you're alone go to a professional who can help make you self reliant and most importantly help you love God and love yourself.
  • Video says "mind control is neither good nor bad, it is the intent of the manipulator that counts." I strongly disagree. A line is being crossed with mind control that isn't natural and is extremely invasive, no matter the intentions.
  • @jpmking9635
    the real messed up thing is that the system is really doing this to everyone in the country as a whole. Pretty much ever since Sept 11th 2001 everyone is completely manipulated to the fullest extent possible. yeah it was happening before sept 11th buts that when it really went pedal to the metal
  • @DruidofLa
    When you start to believe their narrative about you even though you know its false.
  • @nelfabia1189
    Those who experienced this knows from a mile far when a person has this personality disorder.
  • @alecbinyon2944
    I fell hard for a woman like this 1 month out of an extremely traumatic divorce. I was shattered and the weakest I had ever been and that's when she appeared to save me from my misery. Spent 6 years wrapped up in a cycle of reprogramming. Watch your asses.
  • Damn my ex did this to me, it all makes so much sense now Im so pissed
  • You broke it down and explained it well . This is exactly what an abuser that is a psyohopath will do.
  • @tylersione1684
    I’m a victim but idk why… I’ve been trying to think of how I could be a target and come to think of it I was really successful when I was younger I was happy and healthy really open and aware to others but I was making a lot of enemies bc of the attention I was getting… I know that whoever has a hold on me has been holding onto me for years and will not give up on his or her agenda to destroy me
  • @shreyaindia4024
    I now understand how some women are able to change some very nice men and turn them against their own parents! it is not just happening at some cult level, there are many psychopaths roaming in our daily lives.
  • A memory... During programming, I heard the "doctor" explain to someone that the point was for me to be like a pinball in a machine - to the point where I believed I was choosing every direction the pinball was going, even though the ball was actually being pushed and told the direction to go. [pinball wizard/programming]
  • @edwinstorz2776
    Yes Sir, i didn't realize just how bad it really was, until i got away and completely Divorced that Person and all associated with that Person, now i can see just how Dysfunctional life was for 40 years. Thank God, i survived, not until coming to near Death, i guess it takes what it takes! Truly a Miracle, a Divine Intervention!
  • @TheForeverfree1
    Folks need to STOP STALKING!!!! This gave me horrible phobias and emotionally sick I am just now getting over! The mothers/grandmoms everywhere with children that you're stalking - you are scaring and making the children sick too!!!! Criminal networks have gotten involved doing this also! You will all go to some VERY bad places when you die! Stop participating in evil games!🕊️See YouTube channel Three Hearts Church on Targeted Individuals. Thank u. 💛
  • @JennyB957
    I think this vid has an in-depth look at mind manipulation never examined in the usual videos. Thx
  • @andyokus5735
    It's taken me to age 65 but now I am TOTALLY FREE! What is my secret? I have no need of friends, family, women or anyone. I am as a Yogi in a Himalayan cave in total Bliss in God. NO one in my life except a small handful have done nothing but hurt and drain me. So I have developed the mindset of a Navy Seal. 'Nuff said.