4 Magic Words Got Him Out of Hell (Literally) | Near Death Experience | NDE

Published 2021-08-15
Howard Storm's Near Death Experiences (NDE) where as an atheist he went to Hell and then was saved by Jesus and shown Heaven and Angels. This is his testimony of Hell and his testimony of Heaven. A Near Death Experience (NDE) is something that someone never forgets and changes them forever.

Full Unedited Near Death Experience Interview
   • Howard Storm's Profound Near-Death Ex...  


Howard Storm's Website: howardstorm.com/

Howard Storm's Book My Descent Into Death About His Near Death Experience (NDE):
Audible: amzn.to/3yN0sab
Book: amzn.to/3fY4KDZ
Kindle: amzn.to/3iIE2kA
Audio CD: amzn.to/3g2ODFh

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All Comments (21)
  • @mamalupine7604
    I died from suicide at 17 and all that I could remember was unconditional acceptance and unconditional love and a lovely white light that receded and a loving voice telling me that it was not my time. This saved me and I would like nothing more than for everyone to feel that love. God is real and His love is real so always keep hope and faith alive. PS Still chugging along on the road to seventy but I still remember that love that God gave me and offers to everyone.
  • God is so beautiful. I nearly died giving birth to my son and he nearly died also because of the trauma. That night, the Lord sent an Angel to me. I was not delusional, or on any pain meds. I was totally awake with my newborn son lying beside me. My family had finally gone home. I had rang for a nurse to help me to the bathroom, but none came. I decided to go it alone. I sat up on the side of my bed and unhooked the medication pole that held fluids and blood so that I could pull it with me. I was so weak that I had to lean against my bed to walk. Just as I neared the end of my bed, I felt a slight touch on my arm and this sweet, soft voice says,”Let me help you. You look so pale and weak.” And, I was and in fact, I felt faint and didn’t even bother to see who had suddenly ( in the dark) taken hold of me. She walked me to the bathroom and I went in. As I sat in the toilet she asked me if I needed any help, to which I replied that I was fine. As I opened the door, it was completely dark in the room and again she took hold of my arm and slowly helped me back to my bed where she tucked me in and adjusted my medication pole. She tucked the covers around and fluffed my pillow. She then commented on how beautiful my son was and bent down to kiss him. I never was able to see her very well in the dark room, but I could see her silhouette, especially when she sat down in front of the window. What I thought at the time to be moonlight, gently outlined her body. To this day I can see her sitting there with the moonlight casting a glow upon her. As I lay there chatting with her, I talked about how my son and I nearly died. I was in a lot of pain physically, but my heart was so heavy because my husband was not a good man. He was so detached and distant from me and our son. I didn’t mean to, but I found myself softly crying and confiding to the ‘nurse’ sitting in my room that I was so sad, confused, and hurt that my husband had no interest in me or his new son. For the last 30 hours I had fought to deliver our son. I developed severe complications. My doctor was out of town and the doctor attending me was very incompetent. Instead of performing a caesarean, she had tried to force my delivery. For 9 hours she had me pushing. There are no words to describe the pain I endured. I was in and out of conscientious. After the 8th hour, I finally asked for something for the pain, but was told no, because I was in a weakened state and if they gave me anything for pain, the baby might die because it would stop his heart and his heartbeat was already slow. He was in distress and during all of this, my husband was in the cafeteria or floating around complaining that he had other things to do. I had kept my feelings to myself, now I was pouring my heart out to this kind nurse. I remember her telling me not to worry, that everything would be ok. I remember all of the pain leaving me and how comforted and safe she made me feel. Then, I fell asleep. I awoke to a room filled with sunshine. My newborn son had spent the night lying right beside me. Around 8:30 the morning nurse brought in my breakfast. I immediately inquired about the nurse who had spent the night with me. The morning nurse left saying she would find out who had been in my room. She returned saying that no one had been with me, but I insisted. Three times I sent her out to inquire about the night nurse and three times she returned with the same answer. No one had been in my room. Furthermore, they were short handed during the night shift and no one had even been in my room to do a quick check. I was so frustrated with them. What was their problem? Why couldn’t they figure out which nurse had been with me? It couldn’t be that difficult. Finally, I quit asking. Later in the day, a new nurse came in to visit with me. My son was there in the bed beside me. She was commenting on how good he was doing and glad that we were both doing ok. She was commenting on how cute he was and then she said in a surprising tone of of voice,” Well, you don’t see this everyday.” She had her hand on his little head and said,” He has been kissed by an Angel,” and she pointed out a mark in his forehead that resembled lips. It was then that I knew who the mystery nurse was that had spent the night with us. She had leaned over and kissed my son on his forehead before going over and sitting down in the chair at the window. I began to think back carefully. I was never able to see any details, but I could easily describe her in part, because of the moonlight that glowed around her silhouette. Only, there hadn’t been any moonlight . It was November and a hard, cold rain had fallen throughout the night. There was no moon out. So, what caused the glow around her body? It couldn’t have been the glow from the moon. I have never forgotten the day that my little son and I nearly died and there’s hardly a day that passes that I don’t think of the Angel of God who spent an entire night comforting us. God is beautiful.
  • I’ve been suicidal my whole life at times. Listening to nde’s has brought me to God as a atheist I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to help others and be better.
  • @nickinurse6433
    As an RN of 43 years, seen many deaths. I have seen an increase in the negative "hell" deaths as the years have progressed. There are positive NDEs, the white light, the ancestors, love & acceptance. The there are the negative scarry NDEs: the dark tunnel that sucks you down, fear, loneliness, isolation. I always pray with dying patients & remind them of the thief on the cross who lived a bad life but accepted Jesus at end. We know he went to heaven as Jesus told Him he would.
  • The 4 magic words are “please jesus save me” if you die before finishing the video.
  • @lonner98
    Dated a girl who's dad was a Chicago homicide detective. He'd sometimes arrive on scene before the victims passed. The gangsters always had a look of utter fear on their faces. The innocent victims had a look of complete peace as they took their last breath. God is very real and the after life isn't joke.
  • @maryadams7359
    I just lost my 36 yr old son in August, he battled with addiction & God saved him & he became a Christian, he was amazing! He made a serious mistake & did drugs drugs & it cost him his life, these stories bring such comfort to my heart that God wasn't mad at my son because my son loved to worship God & pray & he told everyone about how much God loved them & they needed to accept Jesus, I know that God took my son in his arms just like this man & took my son to heaven, God kept him & didn't send him back even though we prayed for him to come back, this story brought such joy & comfort to my grieving heart that my son is in no more pain & is no longer struggling but he's completely loved & free & I will see him again when my time on earth is done!!
  • Not a NDE but I was attacked by a demon in my sleep. I felt this very evil presence creep up and grab me from behind. It tried to take over. I fought with it, kicking, biting it and it didn't let up. I said in a firm voice; "I AM IN THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND I ASK YOU TO LEAVE NOW!!" As quickly as it came it left. I've always been a believer and my faith has saved me in this way more than once. ❤
  • @mikeharris468
    4 Words: Jesus, Please Save Me!! Simple, but Powerful.
  • @honorb4glory606
    I used to be attacked by demons in my dreams, and I was defenseless, but I didn't know they were really demons for a long time. I finally figured out they weren't just nightmares, and began looking for help. I heard that simply speaking the name "Jesus" had power. It took a few more dreams before I could remember that during the dream. It's amazing what it does to them. The louder you say it, the more it hurts them. It's like punching them in the gut. If you shout it, it's as if they're hit by a truck. They go flying backwards. Those demons have never bothered me since.
  • In a motorcycle accident in the early 1970's I saw the White Tunnel drawing me in. I heard a voice say "he's not ready yet" and was sent back into my body so I know first hand there's something After Life ❤️✝️✝️
  • I spoke with Howard years ago after I was able to reach him after his appearance on Coast to Coast AM. He was very cordial and give me no indication that he was lying or delusional. I pray that God uses this testimony to terrify people about the reality of an eternity without God.
  • My mom is an Intensive care unit doctor and she witnessed a lot of NDEs from her patients (seeing themselves going through the light tunnels/ seeing demons/seeing Jesus or A LIGHT being). These testimonials she told me truly changed my perspectives since I was an atheist/agnostic back then. I prayed that everyone will find the Love of Jesus and lean onto Him unto the end. 🙏
  • @Alpha4orty
    Trips me out. This story. I had a vivid dream of my friend who passed away from suicide. I was the last person he talked to the night before he killed himself. After he died. I was in a very deep depression. For about 3 years. One night I had a dream of him and he looked so young and we were on clouds. And I heard his voice call my name and it was him. My dream was like so vivid I could feel warmth and love. And this is exactly what he said when i told him in my dream. He said... it doesn't matter anymore im okay and he hugged me. I kept crying telling him did you know what happened? And i kept crying and trying to explain to him he killed himself and he said it doesn't matter anymore. And kept hugging me and told me in my ear to keep living life and everything will be alright. And he let his arms go around me and went walking to the light. Has soon has he went into the light. I woke up. And the trippy part is I still felt his hug and warmth when I got up. I've been slowing down on self medicating and drinking. Trying to get sober ever since then. But yeah its been a struggle. I never dream of my friend now or feel sad anymore. God is great and works in mystery ways. Praying to him helps me stay sober from alcohol. Having my faith in Jesus. Praise Jesus our lord and savior🙏❤
  • @MIck-M
    I sat with both my parents when they passed - over days. It was obviously exhausting but what stays in my mind is how hard/deep/sincerely I tried to pray for them. For two people who rarely spoke of love, they were the most loving parents a son could ever ask for. I very much want to see them again and know that they are OK. Dreamed of my father who appeared younger with a golden hue. All he said in greeting was that he was sorry he hadn't left me more gas (with an awkward smile) in the house bottles to which I was saying it obviously didn't matter at all and how wonderful/important it was to see him again. I like to think this was more than a dream and remember the colours and glow as being like no other dream. Pardon the rant.
  • @GaellisDarling
    I died at age three, on an operating table, I was held by God, He showed me things and all I felt was BIG BIG LOVE, and a soft blue light. He told me that it wasn’t my time. I also call it Home. And I want nothing more than to go there and stay! ❤ Yes, God is real, and His Love is amazing.
  • I have watched his testimony probably 50 times. His story has never changed. I know people are skeptical. My brother passed away at 3 yrs old and he would literally visit all of the really sick kids at children's hospital and would assure them that everything was OK because angels told him they would be ok. It was life changing.
  • 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼 Please believe this testimony. It took me 50 years on Earth to realise I was a complete failure in life. Jesus changed that.
  • @jamesfriesen9633
    I was a young boy. It felt like a dark cloud hanging over my head for days, and I could hear grumbling negative voices. I tried everything I could think of to get rid of the dark clouds and grumbling, and sadness. Nothing helped. I tried being good. I tried being strong. I took out my anger by beating up my teddie bear . Nothing helped. Then I had a lightbulb moment: I can trust my mom... Maybe she can help me. So I went to my mom and explained the whole situation. She said that she doesn't know much about demonic oppression, but she knows that there is power in the name of Jesus. So she simply prayed that this dark cloud and grumbling voice would be gone in Jesus' name. Instantly, it was gone and I felt fine. I don't forget to thank Jesus for freeing me from that demonic attack. And I thank my mom for being sensitive to God's guidance in that moment. It's about 40 years later and that dark cloud and grumbling voice has never returned. Thank you God!