Neil deGrasse Tyson: "Dark Matter Doesn't Exist And Didn't Come From Big Bang"

Published 2023-07-06
When we talk about dark matter and dark energy, there's a lot we don't know compared to what we do know. What we do know is that there's some strange force that brings galaxies closer and keeps them together. At the same time, dark energy is making the universe expand faster. But we haven't found these mysterious particles yet.

All Comments (21)
  • I am also sorry, sorry I allowed myself to let a headline draw me in to a video that as nicely put together as it is, has no new information and no apology from Neil DeGrasse Tyson for misleading the world about dark matter or dark energy, only his concern that the naming of the phenomena might have been better. That’s not new, just his opinion and while I agree with the opinion, it’s not an apology for anything.
  • @bobgrimm2800
    I find it amusing how seriously proponents of these mythical phenomena take themselves, while simultaneously admitting that no one knows what dark matter and energy actually are. We may as well call them Black Magic and Pixie Dust.
  • @Agnemons
    Dark Matter. The modern equivalent of "Here be Dragons"
  • @mickking7364
    Scientists are always 'right' until another scientist says they're 'wrong'.
  • We just cannot underestimate the gravity of this situation! 👩‍🚀🪐🔭👽
  • Missing Mass is a much better name for it than Dark Matter, as it describes our current knowledge of it, maybe Missing Gravity…
  • @jasonlopez75
    I think we need to conclude that space is gravity, and gravity is space. And when mass condenses out of space, gravity gets more tightly wrapped around it.
  • @johnhewitt8784
    If 95 percent of the universe is invisible why should physics (which is based on what we observe) be correct?
  • @gibbon80
    One possibility for the absence of dark matter could be that there's an absence of dark matter?
  • I think Dark Gravity results from the primordial structure of space time which isn't flat in detail and not smooth. Gravity is a deformation of space time and there may be a primary dynamic matrix with elevations and sinks that dominates and rules the arrangements of visible matter. Masses concentrate in depressions below the "average level" and there's a lack of them on elevations. This is the base of the arrangements of galaxies, clusters, superclusters, voids and supervoids. There's a primary matrix of the stage of space time. Visible matter concentrations enforce the deformations of space time, but they're not the primary elements: they just follow the primary relief of space time like water is sampled in a sink or a valley, not on a mountain! A ball rolls downhill, not uphill. Maybe the "strange" bound rotation of galaxies is a lokal rotation of space time like a vortex that passively drags matter with it. In the center a Black Hole like a drain in a bathtub. I think space time isn't flat, it's not smooth in detail. It's a dynamic uneven matrix and looks like the surface of a battered ball. For us this looks like the presence of invisible matter. We must forget the notion that gravity always involves the presence of matter or mass. Primordial, probably even dynamic deformations of the spacetime matrix produce gravitational and time dilation effects that dominate the universe. Dark gravity is primary gravity through primordial warping of spacetime, it is not bound to mass and rules the "geography" of the universe.
  • @DFC300
    To all the Fred’s out there. You have meaning. 💪
  • @breaneainn
    The gravitational influence could likely be an artifact of primordial entangled particles in our historic universal light cone borrowing paired characteristics from counterparts in whichever hidden region of the universes history adjacent to our own.
  • If this dark matter barely interacts with the "normal" matter then how it is keeping the galaxies from falling apart and how its causes the universe to expand? Why something needs to keep the galaxies intact when this is the job of the black hole in the center of the galaxy? Isn't the black hole pulling all stars in the galaxy together and into itself? Why we need some external force force do that? If there are many black holes in the universe wandering around, how do we know how many are they , how can we access their gravitational pull?
  • @jaime4290
    If dark energy causes a repulsive/inverted gravity instead of attractive gravity, does that mean it could be fueling the expansion/inflation of the universe?
  • No worries people’s of planet Earth, because ChatGPT 9 will answer this question of the missing gravity in our observable universe. The answer lies in a 5th dimension of SPACETIME.
  • @zzzzxxxx341
    What a beautiful 23 minutes and 35 seconds of storytelling about the universe that leads to nothing,. Let's go!!!!
  • Are black holes more like tornadoes, hurricanes, whirlpools or sinkholes? Does space fallow fluid dynamics?
  • @corey333p
    Could it be that spacetime is "thicker" towards the centre of galaxies so light takes longer to get to us from the center than it does from the outside? Hence why it looks like galaxies don't spin correctly.
  • I just want to make a short statement about the Cosmos we are affected by the smallest items that we can not even see Why is this I will give a few examples the wind, and moisture is hidden in the Air, Quantum is the ability to super fi the computer world I just wanted to point this out, without the smallest world there will be no Huge world to live in. There will be at least a thousand questions that we will never know the answers to