
Published 2022-12-11

All Comments (9)
  • @ericjp2000
    Good to see you come back, really digging the purple tunic, it is how you say, magnifique 😙👌
  • @WFilmUnreal
    Hello! My group and I are currently working on a Star Wars fan film and while looking around I stumbled upon your lightsaber video. I was thinking that you and some guys could possibly record some stuff on two iphones which the program Move ai can turn into mocap info for our Unreal engine 5 project which would be used as a lightsaber fight. Would you guy be open to talking on discord or somewhere about working in some minor or major capacity on this project?
  • Here's the Gospel I want to share with you: God has an everlasting covenant with humanity concerning our redemption from the penalty of sin and death and by the blood of Jesus Christ and by the renewing of the Holy Spirit. Isaiah 61:1 1 The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, Announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. The good news is that the power to be liberated is found in Christ Jesus, because He is the only way, the truth and the life, and that no one goes to the Father but by Him. He won't cast anyone away who would willingly put their faith and trust in him, and he will freely forgive all manner of sin and blasphemy done before conversion and in daily walk of repentance with Him. Please consider joining Him now and never look back to this world again because the time is coming very soon when he would rapture the church and all hell will break loose on earth for 7 years. You can still repent by then, but you wouldn't want to be here at that time when all hell break lose and everyone goes through hell and to hell for the wickedness they commit. Happy is that man that receives this Gospel. In Jesus' name, amem.