Napoleon Bonaparte: The fall of the Empire

Published 2024-07-04
Napoleon Bonaparte was an outstanding commander and leader. However, the French Empire still fell, and in this video we will take a look at exactly how. Despite the Continental Blockade, which hindered French trade, Napoleon continued his campaign in conquering Europe. His goals were Spain, which for a while fell under the occupation power of Joseph Bonaparte, and Portugal, which was protected from the French only thanks to the forces of Britain. This period was remembered for the Battle of Aspern-Essling, Napoleon's first major defeat, and the fatal invasion of the Russian Empire with the famous Battle of Borodino.

The Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of the Nations was crucial for Napoleon, for after the massive loss he was exiled to the island of Elba. During the famous "Hundred Days" period, Napoleon tried to regain power, but the crushing defeat at Waterloo finally put an end to the French emperor's efforts to conquer Europe. This is how the story of Napoleon Bonaparte ended, but not the ideas of the French Empire, which would live on for another half century until democracy was established in France forever.

All Comments (15)
  • @catman8770
    The video transcript on this video for once was actually human made unlike a lot of your other video scripts that were at least partially made or edited with AI. However, things like having an AI generated video description, channel icon, channel description, etc, are all a massive disservice to the high quality of the visuals and the actual human generated scripts.
  • @CliffCardi
    Napoleon: “I have the most powerful army in Europe. What could possibly go wrong?”
  • @commy1231
    I thought that after divorcing Josephine, Napoleon’s first choice of marriage was to a Russian princess, but it was rejected by the russians, so he had to settle for the Austrian one.
  • @commy1231
    Napoleon’s best soldiers were also not in Spain in 1812. The Imperial Guard was in the Grande Armee
  • @reorioOrion
    Very good animation. I like her very much. However, the presentation of information is extremely poor. Boring and aloof. The author's emotional involvement in great historical events is not felt.
  • @capablemachine
    After Wagram the Austrian army retreated to Znaim and that's where they capitulated, much to the consternation of the Austrian Emperor who saw that archduke Charles never saw active command again. Napoleon only left Elba because he had heard rumours he would be banished to St. Helena, which he ultimately was. The image of Napoleon abdicating is the first time he abdicated, that's the Marshall's revolt where they demanded that he abdicate.
  • you falsificate map at that time Lithuania capital was Vilno not Vilnius
  • FAKE: “the Pyrenees” on minute 9 are NOT WHERE your fake documentary is claiming to be. FAKE
  • @DaveSCameron
    Meanwhile across Atlantic Great Britain was fighting those American rebels again, sacking Washington DC and Detroit. ☘️🤣📚🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🍻🇬🇧