I Wish I Never Did This

Published 2023-07-22

All Comments (21)
  • @welshhammer800
    Great stuff Scotty. Looks really good. Hopefully it packs down, could you add darker material to reduce glare? 🍻 🥂 🍻 🎸 🤘 💘 🇨🇦 🍁 ❤
  • @jagpimp7322
    Hello Scotty great to see you.Hope you and Jayla are doing well. Also I hope your playing Jason Aldeans new song.
  • @anniescott6330
  • @raveltoexpand
    Just spray it with black acrylic paint.. It's non toxic
  • @MarcMullo
    Hey Scotty, how are you? I will definitely keep "white quartz" in mind for the future. I could even see by watching this video that it's a similar occurrence to the sun shining off freshly fallen snow, very very bright and indeed almost blinding. Not the hidden gem is this quartz for any of us to bear witness to. There are mine quarries in my neck of the woods up here in Northwestern Ontario. As my personal recommendation, I would easily suggest amethyst as a possible alternative for any outdoor decorating plans, it is a beautiful yet expensive gemstone, but well worth the money. We all make mistakes buddy, it's all about learning from them and moving forward. Lastly for now, I've still been happily reminiscing with your "Freedom Convoy 2022" content from Ottawa. Take care and all my best to Jayla and Zoey as well, bye for now from Thunder Bay, Ontario. #Freedom
  • @jeffspicolli593
    Scotty crushed quartz can be used in concrete so spread cement powder on top and wet it down, that will replace the dust, dull the look and lock it in.
  • @anniescott6330
    If nothing else Scotty, when the sun shines on it in the winter it the stone will let off heat and melt snow ....my grandma always told me, OUT OF EVERYTHING BAD COMES GOOD.. GOD BLESS YOU, JALA, ZOEY AND YOUR FAMLIES.....
  • @kidcanuck6031
    You should've got 14 to 20mm size stone for the driveway. Just raise the skid shoes on your snowblower this winter and hopefully you'll be fine.
  • @LaOwlett
    ... thought it was fresh crushed lime at first! Quarts is one of the hardest and sharpest rocks, not great for the tires or paint job. The dust will create micro scratches when you wash it off.
  • @jennywinks7979
    I just can’t love you more after watching this heartfelt, humble, adorable video. Seriously. Our lives are made up of stories. When things go perfect you have no stories. It is when we mess up, fall down, burp at a funeral, plug up a toilet at a dinner party (there is no plunger) that we have not just stories to tell….no we get EPIC life stories to share! You and your mate are going to look back on your driveway for years to come and laugh. I bet your great grand kids (if you have any) will tell the story of the blinding driveway to their children. Truly what seems like a disaster in the moment often turn into THAT story that you pull out over and over again. My sweetheart of many many many years, and I, are now at the point in life that even when the disaster is happening in real time to us we turn to each other and say, “THIS IS GOING TO BE A CRAZY GREAT STORY!!!!!!” Carry on Scotty. You rock kid!
  • You need lots of fast-growing shade trees now? Mimosa flowers make delightful tea assuming they're not covered with smoke
  • Thin it out by spreading on the rest of the driveway. It will pack better if it's thinner
  • @jonschenk9438
    Sorry, hate to laugh at another man's misery... But it is funny. Experiences such as this is how one gains wisdom over a lifetime. I have had plenty similar ones over mine! Learning how to do stuff includes learning how not to do it too. Was wondering if you could mix some darker fines over the surface to dull the shine and act as a binder (after getting the depth where you want).
  • @MissJensk1
    Ouch I couldn't live with that. I have cataracts & bright white reflecting is painful for me. Looks beautiful on camera though Scotty. I'm sure it will weather & mellow over time.
  • @kevin-ll9nx
    In the winter pack down the first few snow falls with the van or a Buddy's truck
  • Hehehehe those quartz crystals are probably receiving all of the electromagnetic radar activity? Maybe explains why candida keeps bursting into flames? Holy piazzo Batman
  • @williamnimbach6419
    Thst should definitely pack down! I've done a couple stone driveways before and they've always packed down over time!! It'll prolly also get darker and not be as bright once it's there for a while. I would just keep it there for like a week or 2 and see what happens. The stone driveways I've done have always been real loose and really bright at first but over time it starts packing down and turning color so it's not so dang bright. Basically it's like a breaking in phase. Within a month or so it'll be prime bro!!