Demanding vs. Earning Empowerment: The Great Debate | Tracy Harmoush

Published 2023-03-11
I got invited to give a keynote speech at the GroupM MENA offices on Women’s Day for their employees and subsidiaries across the GCC.

The discussion about Women's Empowerment in a privileged society holds a very different weight from discussing the oppressed, underrepresented, and unheard. I share my perspective on how I believe “first-world-problems feminism” can hurt us, and how it is a fight only the privileged can fight.

Watch to find out what I think the fight for true empowerment for women (and men) should look like in modern-day society.

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#Podcast #TracyHarmoush #Empowerment #WomanEmpowerment #MenEmpowerment #Power #EmpowermentJourney #EmpowerWomen #EmpowerMen

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All Comments (5)
  • Thank you Tracy for sharing this video. I am 27 years old and for the last 3 yas I am in a dempression. Recently I stumbled upon you channel and had been watching all your videos. You are so inspiring by your mindset and words. Your video are like a light in the darknest room for me. It helped me realise what should I start with. I so appreciate and grateful for your content. It saves me. Thank you.(Alina. Moscow, Russia)
  • Women empowerment doesn’t translate to Men disempowerment in my world. So I am truly lost of words at this. The Middle East as a whole is pretty men dominated world. In my world there are many men and many women that don’t encourage women to apply themselves outside the family life or to start a business. That thought for some is unnecessary. I know so many ppl stuck in marriages with no love, purely for financial reasons. And yes they can build their confidence and apply themselves yet it gets hard if your society is not encouraging that as a lifestyle. Women empowerment doesn’t mean men disempowerment. And we have a long way to go to have women feel seen, loved and supported. My friend earned a promotion, worked hard for it. And the boss decided to hand it to a person that barely shows up, reasoning that was given “He will someday needs to support a family” I am sorry, but I am tipped off by this. And I don’t understand why we are linking and associating women empowerment with men disempowerment. Happy you live in a world is has equal opportunities for both men and women. And that women are slightly getting an edge.
  • I just finished watching your full powerpoint presentation on youtube. When I share my view, I would like to know where are you coming from and why are you saying the things you are saying. A reel does not do this justice. Reading first the comments underneath the shorts/reel , as curious as I am, made me more intriged to first watch the whole presentation, rather than to just talk for the sake of talking. I am not assuming, that a lot of commenters, havent watched the youtube video but reading their comments pretty much felt like, they didn't. So, in the beginning of your presentation you clearly stated, that you are not referring to third world countries about "women empowernment" and you did mention your presentation would have been a complete different one if your aim was to speak to the thirld world audience. I understood, that you didn't want to take the self-proclaimed right to fight a fight, from which you personally know nothing about, as you are living in a first world country for the most of the time. So, do I and the audience you were adressing this conversation to. So, to start a conversation of educating you about the definition of "radical feminismn" by some commentators is pointless and has nothing to do, with your presentation. Tracy, you have come up with a new concept and view what self-empowernment is and it is the first time for me, at least, to be demonstrated it so precisley. I understood, that in your view in order to achieve real empowernment, we as women and men have to go through 9 stages of building up our confidence level. Some of these stages were, financial independence, self sufficency, got uncomfortable, fitness journey, shop playing victim, changing friends, forever student,become an expert and growth mindset. You have accurately and logically, in my view, explained these points and why they matter. Furthermore, you mentioned, that no matter how much we want to try to get over our instinct, our nurtering instinct as women and our provider instinct as men, cannot be ignored. This point, is argueable but I agree with that, because in my view in order to "overcome" this instinct the women have to give up or lose a part of their feminity and the men have to lose or give a part of their masculinity. That makes, in my view the whole argument against the reality of instinct pointless. Another view, you have mentioned which I find interesting and some may argue it is, that not confident women make lame conversations and so do men. We could argue, that some men and women are so manipulative that they can build up a facade, and do alluring and ear catching small talk without really saying sonething meaningful yet attractive to the listener as they own the skill of deceiving. But here I must say, you mentioned this briefly in the beginning of your presentation that manipulative men and women exist, just not sure if elaborated further, you meant the same what I just said. Furthermore you animate us, to "make it count" when we do stand up for women in particular for example sexual harassment. Here again, I agree with you. I have seen and have been influenced by a lot of women, who act like, they don't need men and that men are good for nothing. This is an insider, the way a lot and yes I say a lot , if women say, when they are by their own kind of people , manly women. People can argue, that Iam generalising this and most women respect men but if that would be the case, why the term "the future is female" is so popular and is thrown here in the west without any further thought? It may sound harmless and innocent but behind this statement is a whole agenda, which influences our daughters and the women in our homes and that is dangerous as we don't know, what their end goal is. Speaking of end, you finished the presentation with " true empowernment is a reflection of how you see yourself. It is not demanded, it is earned." And as much we have to jump off our shadows, for agreeing with this, it is the reality.. Women who support women no matter what, comes from a place of hatred for men and insecurity. Whereas , when you say, hey Iam responsible for my empowernment it gives the power back to you. Ib that sense, a well thought and thought provoking and inspiring practical presentation about empowernment. Thank you Tracy for taking your time to create this. This is not easy and takes guts. It was a pleasure, and if you wonder how could I remember everything, it is because i took notes. A pen and paper and ear is all it takes, to respond accordingly. I urge , therefore people to listen more and untrain selective listening, in order to get the other person's view point, it would prevent so much extra arguments and energy. To listen is also another form of respect. In that sense, thank you.
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