Katie Lou Samuelson Blew the Lid Off Caitlin Clark and the Fever's Plans in This Shocking Interview.

Published 2024-06-22
Katie Lou Samuelson Blew the Lid Off Caitlin Clark and the Fever's Plans in This Shocking Interview.

All Comments (21)
  • @cola7ups823
    And it is Caitlin who brought in the fans. Otherwise, the arenas will be full of empty seats like everywhere else. Caitln is on an entire team of misfits. It is she who tries hard to make them look good.
  • Sides is a horrible coach. She should be fired immediately. When CC comes to your team you let her run the game!!!!
  • Sides just needs to let those girls play. The Fever won 4 straight till the media got involved then Sides had to screw it up.
  • Sides vision?? What vision. Sides cant utilize the talent she has, let alone see it. There is still no cohesion to the Fever. And Sides is 100% to blame for that.
  • It's hard to care when the coaches and teammates do not want to work with or play with Caitlin Clark. CC is the wnba.
  • Where did Samuelson go to college? Oh Yes, UCONN, they all hate Caitlin Boo hoo Katie
  • Christie Sides went to Ole Miss and Tech. Louisiana Tech made it to the final 4 in 1999. Sides is the 9th HC of the Fever
  • @94520shatto
    Caitlin Clark Until stumbling over a news item, I had less than no interest in women's basketball, at any level. . One Second of seeing CC-22 impersonating Stephen Curry hooked me! The second second and I realized Caitlin Clark wasn't copying anybody! . Because what I know is based on clips showing her shooting half-court 3-pointers and making magical passes, reminiscent of Magic Johnson to Kareem when everyone in the stadium and home in front of their television KNEW the Sky-Hook was coming and nobody could stop it, I see patterns where the playing style of CC-22 is changing the team. Boston figured out that all she has to do is get below the basket, stick out a mitt and the basketball would appear in it. . Anyway, I think she is playing perfectly, playing her game and letting the team adjust to things like having a pass actually come to them, and supporting each others play. I think I see a team in name becoming a team in practice.
  • @madmike7934
    That’s common sense that’s probably the only team that was Interested in her DUH
  • Samuel son shouldn't even be in the league. Can't run,can't handle the ball,no rebounding for her size and can't move her feet on defense.All she does is hit an occasional 3. They need better players than this. What she does can't even be considered as a role player.
  • Katie Lou Samuelson Blew the Lid Off Caitlin Clark. How did you validate your headline?
  • Samuelson is the queen of pick me players. She has never stood for the anthem her entire career, went all in with the alphabet mafia ideology, called press conferences to show "solidarity" with brittany griner, someone who was NEVER a teammate. All while leaving CC out to dry, you know, someone who ACTUALLY IS A TEAMMATE. Her trying to walk all of that back now is hypocritical at best, an act at worst.
  • @pacshiloh
    Angel Reese the first player to record 10 CONSECUTIVE double-doubles in a single-season!
  • But Samuelson is missing wide open shots. She of all Players shouldn't speak on Caitlin.
  • @rlrudedog
    Samuelson and Hull are good enough to be starters, only not enough time in each game to play all on the roster, plus Sides do not switch out enough. Sides does not know when to change a player to a different position or sub. Worse on Sides she has been an assistant not learning much from her head coaches or they were not that good either. I will write should the Fever not had Clark, Sides might be a better coach, we will not know this year.