Metal 3 (Variation 3) (Unused) - Pikmin 2 (High Quality + Oscilloscope)

Published 2023-07-13
Internal name: cavemetal_10_3.cnd.
BPM: 100.
Music by Hajime Wakai, Music recorded in Logic Pro X, visuals made in Corrscope.

This is one of the unused variants of Metal 3. The melody is slightly altered.

The music will activate extra instruments depending on the game state:
Main: 0:00
Working: 1:32
Carrying treasure: 2:31
Enemy near: 3:55
Battling enemy: 4:59
Near burgeoning spiderwort: 6:31 (Unused)

More things can affect the music too but aren't demonstrated in the video, such as the rhythm changing when swapping between characters, the tempo decreasing when low on health, and instruments intentionally skipping notes if the player's Pikmin squad gets a huge bite taken out of it (the music will begin to sound like it has "holes" in it).

Pikmin 2's cave music also infinitely, randomly generates! It uses a "gesture" system: instruments in a specific song pull basic sequences of notes from a gesture bank and play them, also sometimes at random times according to some extra defined rules. (You can think of it like a folder containing a ton of tiny MIDI files of few notes, which are then randomly puzzle-pieced together, infinitely)

Instruments used:
Hit_Met: Kurzweil - K2500R
Celesta: Roland - Sound Canvas SC-88
Dulcima: Roland - Sound Canvas SC-88
Conga: Roland - Sound Canvas SC-88
DubbBas: Kurzweil - K2500 FARM: BASS
Mandoli: Roland - Sound Canvas SC-88
Arystal: Kurzweil - K2500R
AChime: Pikmin 2
fightin: Kurzweil - K2500R
BassDru: Roland - Sound Canvas SC-88
Hihat: Kurzweil - K2500R
OrchPad: Kurzweil - K2500 FARM: ANAPADS

Instrument ramblings (Feel free to ignore):
The defining instrument of this piece is this first one, the waterphone (Hit_Met)! The waterphone is a bowed instrument, and this sample originates from the K2500. This long sample is played in various interesting pitches and chords, filling up most of the silence that would have been there otherwise.
The celesta is a common Roland SC-88 instrument used in both Pikmin and Pikmin 2. Usually played in a high register, it's extremely low in this song, making this instance of it very notable.
Then, there is the main melodic instrument, the "Dulcima"!.. Or in proper English, "dulcimer". Though the actual sample is of the SC-88's "santur" sound. The santur and dulcimer are very similar, belonging to the same family of instruments, so that may be why this track was named so. However, later Roland Sound Canvas models would eventually add a dulcimer patch.
Then, conga is a singular conga sample from the SC-88. It's played across various pitches here.
Once you begin a task, "Dubb Bass" will be added, with the same habit of utilizing random accidentals and silences like the previous instruments. This same instrument is also in Soil 1, though this time, there's multiple gestures it's picking from.
A mandolin sound is also added from the SC-88. It's a single note sample on the synth, but the patch was uniquely recorded playing a tremolo. This is only ever seen with one other instrument, which is the sleigh bells in the Valley of Repose.
For the treasure mix, Arystal reappears again, making itself known as the most common treasure mix instrument.
"AChime" for the enemy mix... You can hear it in Metal 2 as well, but its played extremely low here. I love its alien sound at this lower range.
"fightin" is a bunch of industrial samples with very short release times, similar to what's heard in Tile and Metal 1. A large concert bass drum joins in, as well as a hi-hat from Metal 2.
All of Wakai's cave songs also have a complete spiderwort mix included; each uses the exact same synth pad instrument. The pad's playing method is also the same for every song, and it just plays some simple preset chords that fit the song.

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