Robocop on set and getting suited up for the 1987 film.

Published 2012-09-06
Robocop on set and getting suited up for the 1987 film.

All Comments (21)
  • I remember seeing this movie in the theater with my best friend. When it was over, we sat there and tried to absorb what we had just seen. We were blown away. We walked out of the theater, got back in line and bought two more tickets for the next show. So many quotable lines in this movie, and great scenes too. The eighties were a great decade for memorable movies, no doubt.
  • @ToadstedCroaks
    The fact this dude would spend hours ....every day ...just suiting up in an overly uncomfortable suit of armor, that you had to screw into place, just to be on camera to say some one liners ...or just be in the shot amazing dedication. And after hating it so much the first time ...he did it again. This man gave an arm and a leg for us.
  • @lefthanded22
    Christopher Reeve is Superman, Hugh Jackman is Wolverine, Peter Weller is Robocop. Period.
  • @MrHousecup
    He sounded pretty frustrated there.  God bless him for giving us one of the most memorable pieces of science fiction films!  :)
  • @skywarp1
    30 years ago, and still kick ass
  • @Tonycaveman
    One of the greatest movies of all time. I watch it every year and it never gets old. I think a ton of passion went into the making of this flick and it shows.
  • @Nine-Signs
    Given the era, this has to be one of the best costumes in movie history. For decades I have remained mind boggled at how realistic this suit looks. The skills of peoples hands in this movie are immense.
  • @odiemodie1
    Peter Weller is the man because he went through alot of pain and grief in putting on that awesome yet suit of torture everytime he portrayed Robocop... seen how they acturally SCREWED SHUT THE SUIT TOGETHER WITH A  SCREWDRIVER?  The man paid his dues... so, SHOW RESPECT! 
  • Just when they finish putting the suit on, Peter is like “I gotta pee” 🤣
  • @hitmanwolf
    i miss the good old days of bad ass R-Rated movies...
  • @TomDomSevven
    its kinda weird watching him moving and talking as a human in that suit... this made me realize that How well Peter Weller acted in the film 
  • Peter will forever be the one and only RoboCop. Just like Christopher Reeve for Superman, Arnold for Conan, Harrison Ford's Han Solo and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. The greatest of their roles.
  • @IIISentorIII
    Loved this movie when it came out and i loved the GameBoy RoboCop game <3 "Please put down your weapon. You have twenty seconds to comply." ED-209