The Croods - A Family's Journey to Discovery (Movie Commentary & Reaction)

Published 2022-10-03
The Croods movie commentary reaction

The Croods is a surprisingly good movie and we're glad we made this commentary and reaction for it. At first glance it seems like just another lazy family movie, but it's actually a solid ride with a well told story about finding yourself and discovering new things.

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All Comments (21)
  • I was never interested in this movie till my daughter watched it...and me and my husband immediately fell in love with husband from then on would shout "release the baby" whenever April would waddle around lmao 🤣
  • i watched this for the first time in the cinema and i remember when the "dog" rolled over and fell from the tree the whooooole room gasped audibly. pretty sure we all thought "no way, we are watching an animated kids movie and they just killed the dog". when it appeared alive at the end everyone was so happy you forgot it had only had like 5 minutes of screen time before that
  • @jaeydnheeren
    “i can just hold you up by your feet and just pound you” I AM CRYINGGGGGGG best sentence ever thank you sam for these wise words 😂
  • @BoxOKittens
    I like that on the surface it seems like a romance but it's actually more of a father-daughter movie.
    Ah nice, this is a comfort movie of mine as an artist who's always loved primitive fantasy! I honestly didn't expect much from this movie seeing it the first time but it surprised me with how heartfelt it was. Not to mention Eep being a not-super-duper-traditionally-feminine protagonist in not only behavior but also body type was always awesome to me. Honestly all of the character designs are fantastic, they have ruddy skin texture and imperfect teeth and frizzy hair and robust lower faces and it's great! EDIT: I pretty much feel obligated to mention you guys should REALLY give Croods 2 a shot now. I expected to actually dislike the sequel because of how comedy-centric it was but it was honestly just as good as the original, if not better.
  • 28:43 The grandma grabbing onto Thunk ("She's locked her jaw!") and barrel-rolling him on the ground is exactly what real alligators and crocodiles do to kill their prey. They lock their toothy jaws onto their prey and repeatedly spin with them underwater to break their necks or otherwise severely incapacitate them enough to devour them afterward.
  • The Croods is more than just an animated film for all ages. It shows us that family must stick together no matter what. Kudos to both of you for your hard work and effort when making these reaction videos. I wish you all the success in the world.
  • Idc how many times I watch this the scene where they all think grug isn’t going to make it and they’re all basically saying goodbye to him as he’s throwing them across to the other side I cry like a baby lol even though I know he makes it 🥹🤣
  • I love this movie. I saw it 3 times with 3 different people and it was amazing. It's just beautiful to look at. So cute and funny. And it's got Ryan Reynolds 😍 I recently watched it again, and I had forgotten how heartwarming it was.
  • Funny story with the whole earthquake thing. It’s true, it never occurs to you that it’s the ground. I was with my family in my uncles house when it happened and the whole family thought I’d been jumping on the bed upstairs. Whole time I was sleeping. Now that I’m older, I can’t help but think how stupid it was. How could a kid jumping shake a whole house?? Developed some serious weight insecurities after that😭
  • @gomez8540
    It’s been a while since an animated movie made me laugh as much as this one did! Underrated gem.
  • @decusq
    This is one of my favorite animated films because it's simplistic and complicated at the same time. To be able to capture the Cave people (Croods family) mentality as well as the nomads (Guy) in one movie is just genius to me. It shows that we're better when we all work together whether it's a community or a family. I swear when i saw this in theaters myself and others were tearing up thinking the Dad was gonna die when he started throwing people across the ravine, and we all clapped when Eep shouted "I LOVE YOU!" getting her Dad back. When this film came out it was the first film i ever saw in our theater where the line literally stretched outside of the theater and went to the stairs of our mall it was in. So this film was almost as popular as Frozen back then before Frozen happened.
  • I felt more for Grug this movie cuz it was super sad he just wanted to protect his family and it's all he knows to do from seeing everyone else die. Then this random person comes they dont know and pulls them away to new things hes never protected them from cuz it's new. Then the reunion between him and his daughter was super sweet.
  • @kunilsen2519
    Belt was the MVP in this movie! And I never realized Ryan Rennolds was the voice of Guy :o Now it's so obvious lol
  • For a moment, I wondered why Grug and Guy's stories both involved a tiger, then I realized it's because Epe's outfit is made of tiger fur, so that's where they got the idea for using a tiger in their stories.
  • I love Eep's line when she and her father are hugging. It's perfect to describe how it feels when you are sad, but holding on to a loved one. "This hurts good."
  • I’ve always loved this movie, the cliff scenes towards the end with the family and grug always make me cry. So glad y’all watched this!
  • I actually really like this movie! Funny, cute, heartwarming, well done as far as visuals..I'm curious if you guys will watch the second one too. Also, we are definitely going to need a Forrest Gump reaction now! Enjoyed this one, guys :)
  • grug is not just a large caveman that wants to stay in a dark home he’s also an overprotective dad that does not want to lose his family like how their neighbors died