Die stärkste Tinnitus-Klangtherapie - Tinnitus-Frequenz - Tinnitus-Heilung

Published 2022-04-24
➔ Download this session and over 500 other exclusive frequency therapies here:

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➔ Description:

Tinnitus is an annoying sound or noise in the ear that you just can't get rid of. It affects about 15% to 20% of people and is particularly common in older adults. Chronic tinnitus is the most annoying evil, sufferers are constantly plagued by an annoying sound in their ears. But did you know that with the right tinnitus frequency you can achieve very good relief or even healing?

With this tinnitus sound therapy you can cure your tinnitus if you listen to it regularly. The tinnitus frequencies resonate with your ear and the areas causing the noise. This is the perfect tinnitus support and relief. You can even get rid of chronic tinnitus with it.

Tinnitus support and relief is provided by our special Trilateral Beats frequency technology embedded in this music. The following frequencies are included in this session: 20 Hz, 2720 Hz, 728 Hz, 784 Hz and 880 Hz.

Tip: You don't need headphones for this session. For the best impact, listen to this session in its entirety to achieve the best results for you. Then drink enough water.


➔ Promise:

We promise you the highest quality and most careful production of our frequency music. The frequencies positively influence your emotions and your state of consciousness. You can feel it in minutes as your brain waves match the frequencies in the music. It is best to listen to our special music every day to drastically intensify the effect. Our sessions contain highly effective frequencies that have a direct, positive effect on your brain and cells.

➔ Safety instructions:

For the best effect of this frequency therapy, we recommend listening through headphones. Do not listen to this music while driving, cycling, operating machinery, or engaging in any other activity that could put you at risk. Relax, sit or lie down and listen to the music. Drink enough water.

This frequency music is not a substitute for professional medical advice and does not replace conventional medical treatment. If you are suffering from a physical or mental illness, please seek professional help.

➔ The power that lies in this music:

«Spryfuel» is the fuel for true mental and physical vitality!

We develop our brain and body stimulating special frequency music together with high-quality relaxation music exclusively in our recording studio set up for this purpose. That's why we guarantee the highest quality, listening pleasure and effectiveness for our frequency music, which clearly differs from conventional relaxation music. That makes the difference! We are constantly developing our technology and knowledge, so you can expect the best frequency music from us for maximum effectiveness.

❤ Subscribe to the channel: bit.ly/4RhdO

Copyright ⓒ spryfuel - All rights reserved

All Comments (21)
  • May all who are listening to this beautiful, melodious, angelic music be healed of your suffering.
  • @MARIALOPEZ-xx2pq
    Decreto que todas las personas que escuchemos este audio/video sanaremos. Gracias Universo 🙏
  • Сколько нас тут много с таким недугом! Музыка действительно чудесная! Спасибо.
  • @vasilkulik9676
    Verím, prijímam a začínam liečbu. Klaňam sa. Svätý Bože všemohúci pomáhaj so svojimi liečitelmi❤❤❤❤❤AHOJ!!!.
  • Please Lord heal mankind with your Grace and forgiveness. Let your Love shine through us all so we can become a more peaceful loving and human race and live in a united understanding world. In God we TRUST. Blessings to all our brothers and sisters who all want the same.💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
  • @marialainez7631
    Pensé que estaba sola en esto...gracias por mensajes tan motivadores y de fortaleza. Gracias a los creadores de esta música. Dios está con nosotros y El es sanidad, paz y bienestar.
  • Gracias por aportar este audio para mitigar un infierno que solo los que lo llevamos lo sabemos Dios bendiga a usted y las personas que padecemos esta enfermedad
  • Non so come mai non ho scritto nei commenti la gioia di essermi liberata degli acufeni ancora diversi mesi fa , un tremendo rumore insopportabile alla sera come mi coricavo per dormire , era impossibile,eppure grazie a questa meravigliosa sessione dopo credo circa un mese era sparita e tutt' ora mi sembra un sogno , ringrazio " Spryfuel " perché con le sue frequenze io ho risolto o alleviato perché sto ancora continuando diversi miei problemi di salute!!! 🙏
  • @user-kq8pi2xd2r
    Es maravilloso que haya personasque se preocupan y piensan en los demás. Hace unos meses empecé a sentir un zumbido muy molesto en mi oido izquierdo. Lo notaba sobre todo en la noche cuando el silencio se hacia evidente. Qué horror y que malestar . Aunque me ha costado acostumbrarme , he intentado interiorizarlo y he aprendido a vivir con ello. Llevo dos dias sin el zumbido y aun no me lo creo . A raiz de encontrar este audio y escucharlo. No se si regresara el tedioso zumbido , pero me siento confiada y tengo fe. Mil gracias a quien creó este audio y a todos os deseo confianza . 🙏🙏
  • Блогодорю Вас!!!!! Очень хорошая работа, нужная помощь людям!!! Я мечтаю избавится от этого шума, днём и ночью он к большому сожалению не уходит от меня! И таких людей как я, очень много! Я от всего сердца желаю всем здоровья, счастья, изобилие, мира, добра и любви!!! Будьте здоровы и жевите богата!!! Аминь!
  • @dorisaslam2032
    ich bedanke Gott wenn das wirklich helfen tut môge Gott die Krankheit heilen ❤ Ameen 🙏❤️
  • Dios tome el control por medio de este sonido y nos eleve a su frecuencia sanadora y haga desaparecer en todos esta situación q no nos pertenece,?Dios va por delante gracias gracias gracias padre
  • @ralphpersad2165
    All of us who suffer from tinnitus trust in the Lord Jeremiah 17: verse 14 says heal me oh Lord and i shall be healed save me and i shall be saved i put my faith in Almighty God
  • chcem doporučiť túto terapiu.Trpel som najprv šumom v ľavom uchu,potom slabým pískaním v uchu,ktoré prerástlo do silného pískania .Lieky predpísané lekárom nazaberali vobec.Zo zúfalstva som skúsil túto zvukovú terapiu.Počúval som cez slúchadlá 2 až 3 krát denne v priebehu 8 dní a zmizlo šumenie aj pískanie.Preventívne však v terapii pokračujem.Je to neuveritelné a Veľké ďakujem tvorcom.
  • Ich werde jetzt täglich diese Musik hören und wünsche mir dass sich mein Tinnitus bessert oder ganz geheilt wird ❤
  • Sehr schöne, heilsame, entspannende Frequenzen. Mein Tinnitus ist schon von Forte f zum Piano p geworden. Nach nur einer Woche anhören! Vielen Dank. Auch das Ohr, Kiefer und Schläfe entspannen sich.
  • I have been struggling with chronic tinnitus, chronic migraine, trigeminal neuralgia and occipital neuralgia for tge last 7 years. It's a nightmare and sometimes I don't see a future for me. Luckily this music is so soothing and comforting. Thank you
  • Благодарю 🙏 всего Вам Доброго и Светлого и Всем кто читает!
  • Soffro di acufeni in tutte e due le orecchie da circa 10 anni. Fruscii , ronzio, rumori vari. Ho fatto di tutto, alla fine ho cercato di conviverci, ma non è sempre facile. Proverò con fiducia ad ascoltare questa bella melodia... Grazie grazie grazie