Why Netflix REALLY Killed The Witcher

Published 2023-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • @sayuas4293
    Calling him a misogynistic gamer really tells you all you need to know about the writers of the show
  • @Rifi77
    The thing that upsets me the most is the writers trying to drag Henry's name and reputation through the mud just because he disagrees with them. Seriously, screw them!
  • @wolfzeru5745
    This kinda reminds me how Christopher Lee would stop in the middle of production and tell Jackson how to be more faithful to the Lord of the rings books, suggesting changes and some details. The only difference is that Jackson actually cared for the source material as well, and he followed Lee's suggestions. The Witcher showrunners not only not care for the books, but they hate how a big fan call them for ruining the story, and then blame him for his failure show
  • @Flashman-hk1wx
    Funny how the showrunners milked Cavill's gamer personality to raise the show's popularity and credibility as an adaptation (as a lot of the fans know the title from the games), and then shaped it around to be a bad thing when they needed to get rid of him. Manipulation of perspective is truly frightening.
  • @Ramschat
    Considering how careful Henry Cavill was not to bad-mouth the producers, even after he had left, it's truly vile to see how they tried to ruin his reputation as a decent human being.
  • @rrss5670
    In short: Netflix simply mocked a masterpiece for reasons most viewers don't care about and Henry obviously didn't like it. That's one more reason to love him. He is an excelent and honest actor. And what a ridiculous scandal they've fabricated to make him suffer, Jesus... extremely disgusting behaviour.
  • @retr0_117-6
    Cavil's text on his Instagram post is so stoic and beatiful. He is so graceful, amazing and kind hearted. He deserves more.
  • @oxidation1630
    Henry took advice from Gerald, “Evil is evil, Stregobor,” “Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I’m not a pious hermit. I haven't done only good in my life. But if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”
  • @Mediados
    They lost the franchise when they fired the man everyone was watching for. Henry Cavill is a true nerd who defended the lore, when he gives up his dream job it means they REALLY mess up.
  • @dereka5017
    Ironic that the writers accused him of constantly wanting the change stuff, when what he was attempting to do was bring THEIR changes back in-line with the source material.
  • @acep1lot121
    These writers are clowns. They can't come up with quality original content but, think they're good enough to make massive changes to someone else's masterpiece.
  • @rayhanansari1506
    This guy deserves better. He does not just play the characters, he literally becomes them. And he himself loves the stories.
  • @Nick-zm2vm
    It makes me so mad how every time someone takes a beloved franchise and ruins it, they blame the audience, or in this case the lead actor, for being sexist or racist.
  • @mrbubbles6468
    My favorite bit is him getting called toxic when the female staff supposedly wanted to see him naked on camera constantly
  • @voshadxgathic
    Henry's the kind of man who would be willing to sit with and field calls from writers and anyone else for hours for free just to make sure they stayed true to the source material. He'd geek out about it because once he starts talking about a passion, he doesn't stop, like any fanbase, "nerdy" or not. Instead, they did their best to exclude him from decisions because of what happens with most adaptations: they write their own story and use the established brand name to coast by and hope to make easy money. Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mortal Combat, the list seems unending. Now, despite Cavill's best efforts, The Witcher will be added to the long list of failed adaptations.
  • @durn863
    They got a man who genuinely loves the roll and he himself is someone who is sort of an authority on character and culture. Hes one of us. And they threw it away.
  • @jerricamraz8000
    We FINALLY get someone like Henry who tries to honor the characters he plays and not just treat it like another job and no one else seems to respect the source material. He really is wasted on the vapid hell that is Hollywood.
  • Henry has my total respect for choosing his integrity and love of the source material over a paycheck, and being strong enough to defend what he believes in and walk away from something he wanted for so long.
  • @Akiraspin
    The moment I saw Henry Cavill painting Adeptus Custodes in Warhammer 40k on his twitter feed I knew he was one of us.
  • The original stories and novels are so freaking amazing. Transcendent, even. They have as much in common with Homer and the unknown author of Beowulf as they do with Tolkien and R.E. Howard, author of the original Conan stories. Seamless continuation of the ancient storytelling tradition for modern sensibilities. it's insane that the showrunner & writers room thought they could just pull shit out of their rear-ends and throw it on screen, and that would somehow make more money than following the original work that's already proven its quality by getting as far as it has, translated into 37 languages and inspiring a well profitable game franchise. They had the golden goose in their hands, and they just cooked it for a single night's dinner. No surprise this put Henry off his appetite. I really enjoyed season 1. I even liked the season 2 premiere episode, as it hit most of the right notes from the original story despite the significant changes. But after that, it just... became something totally else. Missed the whole point of the original tale entirely, to a shocking degree. Even more disappointing than the dropoff in later seasons of Game of Thrones. They at least had the excuse of not having a clear path to follow, having gotten ahead of the original source material. The last of the main Witcher books was written almost a quarter century before the show was made. All they had to do was follow the damn script, and they'd be rolling in the dough, and we'd be reveling in being able to see with our own actual eyes one of the greatest epic tales ever told.