Sleep Hypnosis Journey to Become Your Ideal Self | Inner Advisor, Deep Relaxation, Confidence

Published 2014-10-12
This spoken word sleep hypnosis session is a guided trance for bedtime relaxation, suitable for overcoming insomnia, building confidence, and entering into lucid dreaming (or astral / OBE).

Suggestions given to your subconscious dreaming mind will find you drifting into a deeply imaginative journey to come face to face with your ideal, best version of yourself.

Once you have revealed your own inner advisor -- and allowed your creative mind to anchor to confidence, success, and self-esteem -- you will be prompted to take some time to ask your own deeper questions, in order to discover your deepest personal resources, qualities and truths.

By your own inner wisdom, may you find your greatest waking potential.

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This session is suitable for repeated listening, and regular listening will compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results.

The end of this session will not awaken you, instead it will allow you to continue to drift and dream deeply into a complete and satisfying night's rest, so that you might awaken after your sleep's full duration feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and revived for your day ahead.

Do not listen to this recording whilst driving or operating machinery.

This recording is in no way a replacement for any prescribed medication; nor is it intended to contraindicate or supersede any medically diagnosed conditions.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis. The power for positive change resides within your own mind. If you choose to accept the suggestions presented in this session, you can rest comfortably knowing that you are the one safely in control of your own positive results.

This channel uses positive voice suggestions, often accompanied with calm images, background sounds and meditation music, to allow you your very best state of relaxation, inner change, to remove negative blocks, and to create self guided healing therapy; with techniques from the fields of hypnotherapy, modern psychotherapy, trance work, guided relaxation, NLP, cognitive behavioural psychology, mindfulness meditation, and ASMR.

Peace & Enjoy

P.S. Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you.

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Original footage and photography by Michael Sealey © 2014 All rights reserved.

All Comments (21)
  • @melgaudart
    Does anyone else happily listen to Michael Sealey every single night? Or just me.
  • I always scan the comments of these types of meditations looking for success stories, and, at last I AM one. I have been listening to these sleep hypnoses before bed several nights per week for a couple of months, and will occasionally do one of Michael's wonderful guided meditations during the day. It was a gradual process, but I'm feeling calm and energetic (more energetic than I've felt in years). Exercise routines, creative endeavors, habits I used to try to form and fail have become not only integral to my day, but totally enjoyable! The meditations of course are a supplement to other healthy habits, but I have no doubt they've played an integral role in my successful healing thus far. My heart is full of thanks for you, Michael. Happy happy heart.
  • @bethflickinger
    Michael, these videos have changed my life. I was in a pit of anxiety, depression, and alcoholism when I found your videos. I am now about to start the career of my life, have rebuilt healthy, positive relationships with my friends and family, and haven't had a panic attack in weeks. Your videos are better than any medication or therapy. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
  • @Mattjki
    as an American, I dig it when anyone says whilst.
  • @Tenacious14
    I originally found you Michael through searching for sleep hypnosis, then I lost my job due to Covid and started having panic attacks and uncontrollable anxiety and depression. I started making a habit of listening to a variety of your videos in the mornings and evenings and they have truly saved my life and helped me gain clarity and focus to continue my search. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful gift with the world! I wish everyone here peace and tranquility through your videos. 💕
  • @JigyasaMalhotra
    This was an absolute treat, I'm writing the morning after an amazing sleep. I probably don't remember a thing post 10 minutes into the hypnosis, but that's the whole point isn't it? I woke up feeling energetic, beautiful and healthy. Just so much positivity. And I've seen this happen after each one of your sesssions. Grateful and think I've found my fit :)
  • @Strange_Brew
    I put on a oxygen mask from my Zadro oxygen machine, kick back in bed and listen to your videos. I wake up a new person. Happy, relaxed and slightly British!! Thank you for your work on these videos. They are cherished.
  • I was skeptical of meditation, and hypnosis until I tried it for myself. I used one of your videos. I am utterly amazed by your ability to take me into a deep trance. Your voice is like the soft sound of a light gust of wind in a quiet outback gliding against my ear.
  • @Heal2Inspire
    I have listened to know for the past 3 months every single night, THANK YOU for your help to sleep through ptsd after cancer and reoccurring dreams, anxiety and confidence. I love you!!!!!!!!
  • I don't even remember falling asleep to this last night! All day I have felt in a more positive and happier mood so I highly recommend this meditation 😊👏👏👏
  • @Jade-Phoenix
    Him and Jason Stephenson have the best voices ever
  • @ashleymilen7385
    I wish I could have a personal hypnosis session with Michael. I am someone who suffers severe insomnia, but when I listen to his voice I sleep. I sleep like a child, and I dream beautiful, colorful, lucid dreams. This man is changing people's lives.
  • I have been regularly listening to your videos for 1 month now, and i have really been able to make some positive changes for myself. Thank you so much for doing what you are doing, you are amazing!!
  • @DanielKI
    Hey Michael, I have started with hypnosis Sessions like These around a year ago and this Video was one of the first recordings i ever tried. Over the last months since listening to this recording i started to slowly feel the change, confidence and positivity within myself building and it keeps developing more and more with each day and while my negative thought patterns are still, to some degree, influencing my actions and the way i act around People i love i slowly learn to shift my mindset and try to think more positive. I really have to thank you for doing what you do.
  • I've noticed a huge change in my attitude since I've been listening through all of your courses and it's only been 2 days. I believe this could have a profound effect on my life as a whole. I have nothing but gratitude for you Michael. thank you
  • @jonathanizstyle
    This work of yours has started me on a wonderful journey of reinventing myself, both by retraining my brain and moving to a higher spiritual vibration.Its all quite exciting! Thank you!
  • @livyogilife
    This is a nightly routine to help decrease my anxiety and stress and get to sleep peacefully!!
  • @zoey1970
    Just a side note ... I'd love to have your voice! (In a girls voice though). Imagine you're with your friends, they start getting on your nerves ... you just start talking, and suddenly they're all asleep within 10 minutes. LOVE the power. But honestly, I have horrible insomnia. The doctor has given me all kinds of medicine to take, but nothing helps. Then I started listening to your sleep hypnosis, and I felt so calm. I always fall asleep before the session ends. I listen to different ones, and I have for months. I've listened to other people's, but I'm still wide awake when they're over ... and very irritated. You have the PERFECT voice. I just wish they worked in the way that they do other people. I listen, but I'm not any happier, any more self confident, I'm still stressed and depressed ... but at least I'm not sleep deprived. That means more than you think. Thank you for that. I think you're amazing. I tell everyone about you, and now they're hooked. We adore you!!!
  • @melg2045
    I am very grateful to you Michael for offering meditations that actually last the time stated instead of lets say 20 min of guided meditation followed my 40 min of cheesy elevator music. You have become the only one I listen to, and your voice is very calming. Thank you