The Truth About CEDH #mtg

Published 2024-06-13

All Comments (21)
  • @Hatb0x
    We should shorten casual edh to cEDH when talking about it
  • @BobJones-bg4ui
    I found Cedh non-tournament games nicer than Edh games. There’s no rule zero, because everything goes in Cedh. Everyone is willing to learn, zero salt as everyone choices to improve, games are super short, and misplays are so common that taking back an option on the stack is fine. Also, players in Cedh know how to threat assessment.
  • @__8120
    cEDH being so friendly to proxies because they want to see the absolute limit of a deck feels a lot like the spirit behind TASing
  • @20x20
    magic is a fun game. edh is a way to have fun. all formats are ways to have fun, at their hearts. cedh is a constructed format where the fun is in winning no matter the method to do so, and can then be a puzzle that the table helps solve (or so i've heard about friendly tables of it). casual edh is a format where the fun is *having your deck do a thing in a certain way*. this is meant to be a different social experience, but is still meant to be fun. i don't want my definition to be misunderstood - casual edh is still played to be won, but that's technically not the primary goal - it's to "do the thing". if that thing ends up causing a win, that's fine, but your primary goal was the journey, not the destination.
  • @CharlotteMimic
    LMAO at Empty-Shrine Kannushi and Argentum Masticore For the curious: -Kanuushi is for the Mono-White Initiative mirror, where it is the cheapest pro-white creature you can play. It steals the initiative unblockably, and it blocks pretty well too (doesn't block Archon of Emeria or Seasoned Dungeoneer, but everything else) -Masticore is an artifact that kills artifact hate, so you can cast it off of Mishra's Workshop + Ancient Tomb and then destroy the Null Rod or Stony Silence or Collector Ouphe that is disabling your whole deck.
  • @ryanmann5497
    While I get what you’re saying at 3:28, it’s really easy to ignore what it means when people say that commander is the ‘for fun’ format… that isn’t to say that other formats aren’t fun, I’m sure the groups wouldn’t be as big as they are if it weren’t fun for them to be there. In this case, ‘for fun’ simply means ‘play whatever you want without taking matchups into account’, you build whatever is fun for you, I build whatever is fun for me, and we see who wins in a 4 player format (this just happens to be the polar opposite of every other format 😒
  • We just need smogon tiers for edh. So cEDH is basically ubers and you get to know what to expect based on the experice you are after but faster
  • @deathsmbrace
    You forgot about a very important archetype in cEDH: Midrange. (since cEDH is in midrange hell right now)
  • I find that I have more fun in CEDH pods because everyone is on the same page, power level wise. The sliding scale of casual to competitive in commander is a chasm, and that leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation of power levels.
  • @wesleywafer1587
    Empty Shrine Kannushi is usually played in Mono-White Initiative decks for the mirror, in which it's a virtually impossible to remove threat that can both use it's protection to steal the Initiative and protect it. While I believe Argentum Masticore is played in Shops, because honestly you can slam any artifact in Shops and it won't look too unreasonable, but it's particularly good at destroying anti artifact staxs pieces (Nullrod / Collector Ouphe) while still fitting the decks constraints of being an artifact that you can use a Workshop to power out.
  • @varsoonhks3211
    You ever drop propaganda so hard that creatures can't attack you unless their controller pays 2
  • EDH is generally more fun when players have a general understanding of the power level of the decks in the game, so that they can bring a deck of similar power.
  • @Narutocjw
    Counter point to playing cEDH, I want to play trashy / jank cards rather than the strongest cards in all existence. Nothing cooler than finding a common / rare card that perfectly fits your build to stay on theme / goal of the deck.
  • The biggest takeaway from this (and a lot of your videos) is casual players need to run way more removal
  • I recently joined a cedh pod on Untap and it is super fun. No salt, just strong and intelligent play. And when a storm deck wins on turn 2 good for them. I will get them next time
  • Kinnan is actually one of the top decks in the format and gets around a lot of the complaints people have! Some decks even get to run expensive fatties like Void Winnower. There is definitely variety in cEDH it's just slightly commander dependent.
  • @baka030hydroid
    Personally I like fighting in a "cedh" pod with my "not cedh" decks, because really the difference is that the decks are good and people run interaction in their decks instead of just "synergy" walls. So just by running interaction, my "not cedh" deck can turn a fast game into a grindy one, despite having no crazy combos or expensive fast mana
  • @SeriosSkies92
    tbf the thoracle player usually solves themselves with their own esper sentinel or talion. totally not speaking from experience or anything. xD
  • @jdcommander7026
    I've seen quite a few videos done like this, but you actually crushed it. Great work