Halo: Reach - Living Dead World Record on Boardwalk! 105 Kills by BridledDuck22

Published 2016-01-06
Thanks to BridledDuck22 for this sweet clip on Boradwalk, pulling off an unfrig, killionaire and 105 points! Wow, all in one game! The enemies were not the best players in the world ;) However, the game is intense and enjoyable!

All Comments (21)
  • @ethanwood5320
    When your so good the zombies run from you even when you have no ammo
  • @MikldaPikle
    imagine going onto round 3 and hearing "New Zombie"
  • People have gotten more kills technically, but the way he plays and doesn't camp makes it a world record in my book.
  • @wavefourm
    Not used to seeing such good connection
  • @zachjohnson7193
    Thats insane! You hardly ever see an unfrigginbelievable in living dead.
  • @camerong9147
    I dont count it if he has a friend whose just sitting there watching, Lol
  • @umanuu
    Imagine having so much bottled up hubris that you yourself chase after the infected
  • @astonlifts
    Nice upload SIeeden! Can not wait until next video!
  • @pvtparts90
    It weird... I loved reach but I don't particularly remember putting a ton of time into its multiplayer. Yet watching these clips I have far more memories of reach multiplayer than any of the other games.
  • The only thing I would change about the zombie G.P and I don't know if they do this later or not, is the ability to get more ammo. Personally, would just be more fun if you were allowed to try and live longer.
  • @fkicant3370
    I like to stay up all night watching these videos
  • @notrequired8474
    You must be playing against 8 year olds, this is the greatest lobby I’ve ever seen. Then again u make it look easy.